The 6th annual Listener ‘power list’ is out this week – seeking to shine a light on who makes up the modern New Zealand Establishment. This blog post offers an extensive critical summary of, and commentary on, the Listener’s list. Highlights include:
- Politicians do well on the power list. Although there are only 12 MPs in the whole list, 4 out of the top 5 are politicians. New entries include Simon Power, Judith Collins, Tony Ryall and Nick Smith.
- The Listener sure to do love John Key – although he’s too managerial and not rightwing enough
- The A-list ‘Top 10’ has been expanded by the peculiar inclusion of Phil Goff in the #11 position!
- One significant change in the A-list is Rodney Hide’s elevation from #7 to #4,
- Notably, Rightwing Treasury boss John Whitehead jumps into the A-list at #9
- Air New Zealand’s Rob Fyfe’s sudden inclusion at #6 of the A-list is a bit trivial
- The Listener heralds the inclusion of the country’s senior receiver, Michael Stiassny at #7, as ‘the most telling detail about this year’s Power List’
- Tariana Turia, is the only woman in the Top 10 power list at #8
- There are seven women on the power list this year; there are seven Maori
- The Environment category is distinguished by the arrival of five completely new environmental power listers – including Gareth Morgan. Nick Smith surges into the #1 spot from nowhere
- Four of ‘Business & Economy’ places go to either new entries or re-entries on the power list
- All five of last year’s Maoridom power listers have been delisted from this category in 2009; Pita Sharples is #2, transferring from #6 on the 2008 A-list, and coming in for criticism from the Listener
- In the Media category, John Armstrong of the New Zealand Herald is #3. And David Farrar has finally made the power list.