There have been hundreds or thousands of tweets in response to Ben Mack’s Washington Post article about the new government in New Zealand. Here a just a few of some of the more interesting or insightful.
We're always supportive of our writers when they get the opportunity to write for other publications. However, this piece would not have been published on Villainesse.
I only just read this and it's even worse than people have been saying. This person knows nothing - nothing at all - about NZ politics. Even the basics are just factually inaccurate. It's painful and an enormous embarrassment for WaPo
I've never written anything longer than a tweet, but i now believe I could get insanely drunk & write for the @washingtonpost on NZ politics. #nzpol #thisisreallybad
What a day. What. A. Day.
Perfect Mike Hosking @MikePerfectHosk
Champagne Friday. Tonight I'm toasting Ben Mack's amazingly insightful Washington Post column about Winston's ultra right wing hijack of democracy in NZ.
Bets on whether Lizzie Marvelly's weekend column will be about the social media reaction to Ben Mack's Washington Post opinion piece? #nzpol
Bruce Buckman @BruceBuckman
The problem with the @washingtonpost article by Ben Mack is more than its egregious mistakes and obvious misunderstanding of NZ politics. The real problem is now I have to assume other reporting from the paper is as suspect as this.
Don't give up your day job, @benmack_nz If it's satire and your day job is alternative comedy, it was brilliant. If not..........oh dear.
It’s called MMP & here r the National Front 10 years ago. They have not suddenly been emboldened by @NZFirst. You have grossly misrepresented us
Lynn Grieveson @LynnGrieveson
Lots of people in the parliamentary press gallery scratching their heads (and mouthing WTF) today.
Kirk Serpes @KirkSerpes
Amazing achievement that you got the entire spectrum of #nzpol here to tell you this piece is garbage.
edwardcrmiller @edwardcrmiller
Ben Mack might prove to be the best argument against immigration from rich countries we have yet.
Martyn Bradbury @CitizenBomber
For the Ben Mack’s of NZ, paid parental leave, free education and 100 000 more new houses are pitiful facades that hides the new Government’s true hatred of immigrants
Man that Ben Mack piece reads like he's trying to desperately prove NZ has things bad too, but in the form of a poorly written mind map developed by committee.
What a shit show. Ben Mack is precisely the reason why a lot of Kiwis hate Labour... bizarre PC ideology from an elite cultural bubble, if he is in fact a National mole he is doing a perfect job
Jeremy Greenbrook-Held @JGreenbrookHeld
So you're career goes from lifestyle columnist for @nzherald to political correspondent for the @washingtonpost to the most hated person in NZ Twitter. Where next for @benmack_nz? #nzpol
Evidently, #nzpol Twitter has been united for one glorious moment, as we laugh the stupidity of that Ben Mack #WaPo op-ed
Feeling a bit sorry for Ben Mack. Do editors not exist anymore?
That was the silliest, most inaccurate, poorest excuse for journalism I have read all year. Across all channels.
BenMack: verb. Meaning: To misrepresent somebody or some entity. Example: "Don't anybody Ben Mack me! I want honest representation." @benmack_nz
Ben Mack is a plant sent by Winston Peters to get everyone to defend Winston Peters.
Rachel Stewart @RFStew
Jaysus. Clearly @benmack_nz and I are living in different countries. This is not the way I see but.....entitled to your opinion.
Rad my @washingtonpost story is being discussed online instead of being hunted down by a torch-wielding mob, but just a quick note to folks discussing it: I use they/them pronouns. Thanks.