Here's some of the more interesting tweets about the resignation of Colin Craig from the Conservative Party leadership. The most recent tweets are first. To be updated...
Katie Bradford @katieabradford
That goes down as one of the weirdest press conferences I've been to.
Recent developments in the Conservative Party come as a great shock to me, because I'd forgotten about the Conservative Party
A lot of disappointed media types present in Takapuna. 'But we wanted blood!'
Patrick Leyland @PatrickLeyland
Why on earth didn’t the Conservatives just put out a media release? They’re so weird!
Maybe Colin Craig is going to replace Sepp Blatter?
The Board had the opportunity to stem the cancer and it’s allowing it to fester.
Stand down? More of a lean over.
Sports Freak @Sportsfreakconz
So Colin Craig is stepping down, but not really? Next step FIFA
Colin Craig to party; "ok, new leader vote. You get one vote for every dollar you've donated to the party"
How much money will Conservatives have if there is no bankrolling millionaire at the helm??
So he’s standing down, but not standing down? #hopeless
Damian Christie @damianchristie
If I set up a political party, no way would anyone get a vote on whether I got to keep being leader forever. Just saying.
@damianchristie You and Winston. Same deal.
Martyn Bradbury @CitizenBomber
Colin Craig's real crime for his Conservative Party faithful was not attacking Farrier in that sauna - this is Grade A bigotry not politics
Hey @JudithCollinsMP is it true you're going to replace @ColinCraigNZ?
Given I haven't had a denial from @JudithCollinsMP, I'm assuming it's true.
> Judith Collins @JudithCollinsMP
@RuminatorNZ well you'd be wrong
"Time for a sauna" is the new gone by lunchtime.
John Palethorpe @MrDuttonPeabody
Sir John Kirwan takes control of Conservatives, having lots of experience with unsuccessful blue teams #nzpol
Jarrod Gilbert @JarrodGilbertNZ
How on earth can the Conservatives get rid of Colin Craig for being a buffoon when he's accurately representing his constituents?
The Conservatives kicking Colin Craig out is like the first time you ran away from home before realising your parents owned your bed.
Michael Field @MichaelFieldNZ
New demand from @KimDotcom's helicopter: he saying "let me out of New Zealand or I will send Colin Craig back in..."
Michael Field @MichaelFieldNZ
@KimDotcom is in helicopter heading out of Albany. Escaping with Colin Craig.
I thought Colin Craig had a sauna with a bloke from Media Works not with Rachel Glucina and her incredible dancing conifers
John Kirwan and Colin Craig to resign on the same day, make of that what you will
Additional partial list of near-totally-implausible Conservative leaders: Michael Laws Shane Jones David Tua John Tamihere Bob Jones
So, first Guy Williams kills John Campbell's career, now David Farrier has ruined Colin Craig's? (HASHTAG THIS IS A JOKE, DON'T HURT ME TOO)
Richard Hills @richardhills777
Breaking: Mike Hosking appointed new Conservative Party Leader. Keeps all media roles. Jeremy Wells self combusts.
The Pope just tweeted that Colin Craig is to be the new head coach of the Blues
Richard Hills @richardhills777
Will Colin Craig have to resign from parliament? Oh right all this hullabaloo won't make any real difference to life. Still Newsworthy tho.
Colin Craig can save his political career by changing his online banking password
Shane Jones!!!!! I bet it's Shane Jones.
Where is Maurice Williamson?
It's Rachel Glucina and Mark Weldon isn't it? #NewConservativeLeader
in keeping with the “two first names, both starting with the same letter” I vote for Garth George
Breaking: Colin Craig announces new role at Mediaworks
Steve Braunias @SteveBraunias
We are all @ColinCraigNZ
JeremyGreenbrookHeld @JGreenbrookHeld
Hey @realDonaldTrump - there's a conservative party in NZ in need of some leadership, money. You interested?
Jessica Williams @mizjwilliams
Meanwhile, if i tell you who's being rumoured as Colin Craig's replacement you will lose. your. shit. I promise.
Sports Freak @Sportsfreakconz
You’d have got long odds last year if you’d said Colin Craig would be sacked for giving an interview in a sauna
Colin Craig rolled from the Colin Craig party. Gonna be awkward hitting up their major funder now. "So, ah, Colin, we need cash" "Lol, no"
Craig Robertson @CraigTRobertson
Colin Craig has resigned from Conservative Party leadership? Damn, there go all the memes. Did you not think of the memes, Colin?
BREAKING: Colin Craig to address waiting media from hotel pool, fully clothed, while riding inflatable orca...
Mike Kilpatrick @mikekilpatrick
Surely there is no Conservative Party without Colin Craig, given he provides the vast majority of all the funds? Sad for @Neetflux, though.
Philip Lyth retweeted Mike Kilpatrick
I wouldn't disagree. But Conservatives did field 63 other electorate candidates, and do have another $1M+ donor.
It’s so cute how the Conservatives think they have an independent existence outside Colin Craig’s wallet
Shackleford Hurtmore @shacklemore
Colin Craig to be exported to Saudi Arabia for breeding.
I, for one, will miss Colin Craig. Entertainment is a valid democratic function.
Jessica Williams @mizjwilliams
Another fun fact: Colin Craig's press sec is Stan Walker's New Zealand-based PA. True.
Press Conference: Spencer on Byron Hotel, Takapuna, 3:30PM, in the Normandie Room. Party Leader Colin Craig, and...
Robin Campbell @robellcampbin
I'm very dissapointed that it looks like we'll never get the opportunity to see what Colin Craig would have been like as an MP
I like how Colin Craig says there is no leadership coup on as no one has talked to him about it. Doesn't really get how these things work!
I've some sympathy for Colin Craig: If you pay to build an asylum, I'm not sure those who checked in should vote you out. #nzpol
These Conservative cranks don't have a clue: the sauna iv they want to sack Colin Craig for is their only favourable reporting this year
for the record i think colin craig is a bloody good sport with a wonderful sense of humor.
Apart from Colin Craig, can you just imagine the utterly boring and urgent members that make up the conservative parties leadership?
Tryin to think of suitable analogy for Colin Craig situation -its like spending a fortune on a puppy only to hav it follow someone else home
I'm no Colin Craig fan but without him, what are the Conservatives? Another bunch of boring law-and-order hardasses in the margin of error.
Colin Craig either has the worst media advice in NZ history, or completely ignores it. Either way #houstonwehaveaproblem
Colin Craig is victim of prog media crucifixion. Mostly graduates of politicised education system, few of them have any idea of Conservatism
Colin Craig is the Conservative party. He funds it. It's his. He bought it. Property rights exist 4 goodness sake. He should sack the board.
The conservatives without Colin Craig would b like the chocolate factory with no Willie Wonks just a bunch of chanting Oompa Loompas
Is MediaWorks hiring Colin Craig too?
Conservative insiders want Colin Craig gone. They have fresh concerns re his press sec's 2014 resignation. He's settled financials with her.
The chemtrails over the Conservative Party members' homes told them they should roll Colin Craig.
FYI this is the @newsworthynz "sauna session" that @patrickgowernz referred to in report: … (it's super gross sorry)
@davidfarrier @newsworthynz @patrickgowernz From what I watched here, Colin Craig kept his cool in v. hot circumstances. What's the problem?
Conservatives try to pour cold water on Colin Craig after sauna session, but the question is will it make things steamier?
Will there be an @actionstation petition launched to save Colin Craig? #AskingForAFriend
And there I was thinking Colin Craig weathered that sauna so much better than @davidfarrier...
Who knew there was anyone else in the Conservative party other than Colin Craig?
Ultimate “top tweet” (of 1 March 2015):
Heard bizarre rumour of Conservatives trying to roll Colin Craig. Anyone know if there's anything in this?