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We are not honouring the dead. We are celebrating and retelling the lies which killed them. #anzac
I am amazed at the extent to which almost everyone it this country has a mythologized view of the Gallipoli campaign #historianproblems
With the backdrop of ANZAC spirit being used to "inspire" another invasion, with all the actual lessons of ANZAC forgotten...
Marianne Elliott @zenpeacekeeper
And I've never felt more conflicted about an ANZAC Day.
This ANZAC fervour (and resultant anti-fervour) seems to have largely escaped Auckland so far.
To get to some good point in the ANZAC centenary, have to make your way through ANZAC the amusement park ride and ANZAC the empty platitude.
The NZ of 2015 at least as much a product of Vietnam, the Tour, Rogernomics, immigration, jet travel & the internet as it is of Gallipoi.
Agreed. Since when does nationhood get reduced down to a fetishized memory of killing and being killed?
When I were wee, #anzac was a day of shame, disgust and anger. Parents, teachers, community leaders, veteran relatives led the charge.
Tomorrow, let's also make more of an effort to remember the Turkish soliders who died were defending THEIR home from invasion. #AnzacDay
For many of us, our ancestors' experience of war wasn't Gallipoli: it was the Blitz, Dachau, Belfast, the Killing Fields, or Eritrea.
Contrast the @radionz business news with the rhetoric of egalitarianism in the ANZAC coverage
Anzac commemorations this year are ever so slightly ridiculous. Everyone has gone way OTT and as a result I have no stomach for any of it.
The next time I hear someone say that Gallipoli was the first major battle NZers were involved in I'm gonna break something #NZLandWars
Hate to be cynical but there's a good reason Turks in and around Gallipoli are so welcoming to NZers, they need our tourist dollars.
I had intended to be at the dawn service. Now PMs says we should turn up to show support for war on ISIS. Should I go anyway?
> Felix Geiringer @BarristerNZ
It is really quite aggravating to have the centenary ANZAC commemorations hijacked in this way. #rtpt
the "Lest We Forget" headlines have already started and its isnt even frigging ANZAC day yet. Its like Christmas carols in September
$25 million is being spent on monuments and commemorations relating to foreign wars: around $250,000 for those fought on our own soil
If this exponential rate of patriotic frothing continues, by 2020 ANZAC day will be extended to a month and every new baby will get a gun
@edmuzik @bryce_edwards Amen one is made to feel undressed if you go out without your poppy and unpatriotic if you haven't sorted Saturday.
My kids are so into ANZAC Day, school and society at large heaping it on. How to make it about peace, and not compulsory patriotism?
ANZAC Day overkill in the news this year. How about a talk on why we shouldn't be going to Iraq and why ongoing war today is bad. #nzmedia
Morgan Godfery @MorganGodfery ·
We should probably rename it ANZAC week.
Also apparently the reason we have poppies for Anzac is cos a shipment for Armistice Day got delayed so they sold them on April 25.
New Zealanders didn't land at Gallipoli until 9am-12pm on April 25, the Australians landed at dawn. Why then do we have a dawn service?
ANZAC Day 1967, 2 men arrested in Wellington (later convicted) for trying to lay a wreath to “the dead and dying of all sides in Vietnam”.
But you will never hear conscientious objectors acknowledged at any ANZAC commemoration, anywhere. They're still treated like traitors.
I acknowledge soldiers who gave their lives. I also acknowledge those, like my great grandfather, who were tortured for refusing to kill.
All the Govt is effectively doing with this ANZAC commemoration 'over the top-ness' is ensuring the next generation of cannon fodder.
@RFStew ANZAC Day is a religious rite that we're all expected to participate in. Some argue it's about preventing war, I see glorification.
> Chris Bramwell @ChrisBramwell ·
@LI_politico @RFStew members of my family served, but I still don't understand why a debate can't be had about war and banal nationalism
ANZAC day is not a day of celebration for NZ. It's a day of sorrow. Of remembering that war is not glorious. Politicians need to learn that.
When we start commemorating wars by taking the time to look at the decisions that sent many to their deaths, is when I'll be reverential.
ANZAC should be a day to step back and reflect on the utter insanity of Australia and New Zealand invading Turkey. TURKEY!
Remembrance of war isn't glorification. It isn't cynical in itself. But the political ends to which that commemoration is put can be.
Instead of attending Dawn Service for ANZAC Day, I'll be re-listening to a visceral history of WWI. So should you. http://www.dancarlin.com/hardcore-history-series/ …
.@3NewsNZ is digging into experiences of "the Great War", but makes no mention of the reasons for it. Negligent.
Perhaps the ANZAC centenary is exactly the right time to question and reconcile our own New Zealand wars in all their complexity
I have no problem with ANZAC commemorations. I do have a problem with Gallipoli being remembered through rose coloured self deception.
Any politician looking to use Anzac commemorations to advance the cause of current ill-advised military deployments, should be widely shamed
Let's not romanticise WWI. Most died young in trenches filled wth each others blood, shit & vomit, th overwhelming stench of death in th air
Actual lol'd at @bryce_edwards on Q&A saying he'd never wear a poppy, surrounded by people wearing 'em. #fartinginchurch
I'm never going to understand why, or how, Australia and New Zealand have made such a fetish out of an incompetent bloodbath. #ANZACDay
Jordan McCluskey @prinnbanktce ·
Commemorating the old war by starting a new one.
The best way to honour the memory of the dead is to create a world in which war is functionally impossible. We are not doing that.
During the next week people will tell you two things, one of which is true: War is evil. War is necessary.
Kathryn Tucker @KathrynTucker19 ·
@bryce_edwards Anzac Day is now just crass. I remember when it was a dignified celebration.
Jordan McCluskey @prinnbanktce ·
In 1914, the imperial hegemon dragged us into a war far away. In 2014, the imperial hegemon dragged us into a war far away.
Stephanie Rodgers @bootstheory ·
My sense growing up was that ANZAC commemorations were always tinged with "what a bloody waste". This year, I'm just not getting that.
Since we've learned exactly nothing from the pointless carnage of Gallipoli, corporations might as well use it to sell shit
Every time I try to write 'Anzac', autocorrect turns it into 'anachronistic'.
Michael U/Jet Jaguar @Nonwrestler ·
I just want any mention of Gallipoli to include "and it was fucking stupid we were there, and it achieved as good as nothing" #rpt
Can't help but feel like ANZAC day this year is turning into a perverse spectacle - even more than usual
Jordan McCluskey @prinnbanktce ·
Please remember that Gallipoli was an absolute bloody disaster this ANZAC day #nationtv3
Will de Cleene @ZippyGonzales ·
Usually tolerant of ANZAC Day hype, but this year has me tested. Typically, it's about today we begin introspecting. Too much too soon.
@nicchristensen @adnh103 And who will ban the Gov from using the ANZAC banner to yet again needlessly send young men into harm's way.
As 100 years of ANZAC approaches I wonder if people realise who was responsible for the cock up in 1915
EVERY MUSEUM CURATOR IN THE WORLD RIGHT NOW: "Our intent is not to glorify war" [proceeds to glorify war]
So, the WWI museum is going to have an experiential trench with the smells and sounds? Good, we hadn't quite reached peak Anzac porn yet.
i think its no coincidence that th deployment of NZ & Australian troops to Iraq hs been timed for Anzac & WWI commemorations, lest we forget
I prefer my companies don't use a day of national mourning to build their nationalists, good ol' Kiwi reputation.
Meanwhile, in New Zealand, ANZ is using the day as a marketing tool too. Meet the Shadow Battalion: http://www.shadowbattalion.nz/meet
> Morgan Godfery @MorganGodfery ·
@secondzeit I believe they also have an ANZAC atm, covered in poppies and all. It all seems rather tone deaf.
Posted at 10:25 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Posted at 01:57 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Posted at 11:22 PM | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
This is some of the more interesting and insightful initial reaction on Twitter to the possibility that TV3 might axe Campbell Live. The most recent tweets are first. More to be added.
Introducing John Campbell, Mayor of Auckland! Work with me here people.
Ambivalence & apathy won't protect us. We need CLIVE's advocacy & investigative skills. Game on JC & Linda Clark!#saveCampbelllive
This is what happens when men whose sole skill is making money for the rich take over running the country &the media http://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/news/article.cfm?c_id=3&objectid=11430918 …
#CampbellLive was the second most watched show on TV3 yesterday. Awkward. http://www.throng.co.nz/2015/04/tv-ratings-10-april-2015/ …
Campbell and Clark vs Christie and Weldon as televised courtroom drama would be the best reality programme ever.
If I have to come all the way to New Zealand to knock some sense into you, @TV3nz, then so help me I will! @JohnJCampbell #SaveCampbellLive
John Key Must Go @JohnKeyMustGo
BREAKING: I plan to climb @JohnJCampbell & live in him & not come down until we #SaveCampbellLive (Worked for the Kauri) I'll need support.
Can someone tell Me again how Twitter-storms mean nothing yet We increased @CampbellLiveNZ's viewership by 53%?
Mediaworks chairman Rod McGeoch "We're rendering down journalists to make our own soap." http://www.stuff.co.nz/entertainment/tv-radio/67696456/higher-ratings-achieved-as-john-campbell-lawyers-up …
Here is a plan - TVNZ takes @CampbellLiveNZ and gives @SevenSharp to TV3 - win win - Hosking Henry and Key in a menage a trois
I want to #SaveCampbellLive too, but lets stop the theatrical pearl clutching that commercial broadcasters are... well, COMMERCIAL.
It is so necessary in a democracy to have journalists like @CampbellLiveNZ sticking up for the little guys #SaveCampbellLive
What's the difference between public and private broadcasting? Can't really tell anymore #SaveCampbellLive #nzpol
Media is a powerful tool in either the questioning or the normalisation of hegemonic inequity. #SaveCampbellLive #nzpol
Tania O'Meagher @TaniafromNelson
Sorry #savecampbelllive bt tv stations nw dinosaur media.Nothng prsonal By 6pm already seen days nws on twitterfd.Gbye TV 1,2&3 as we knw it
Impressed by the mediaworks employees (eg @splunket1) who are publicly in support of @CampbellLiveNZ. That kind of thing is hard to do.
MediaWorks chair Roc McGeoch formerly chair of another high profile entertainment company - @skyCity
In the 80s 90s and noughies TVNZ that was full of vicious politics and dramas - nowadays it is @TV3NZ
Alasdair Thompson @ajthompson13
The best way to #SaveCampbellLive is to actually watch it. It's audience has more than halved. Tens of thousands have deserted it. Unctuous.
When this is all over, I hope @JohnJCampbell writes a memoir. He's a terrific writer.
If you truly care about Campbell Live, steal a ratings box.
Scrapping of a daily current affairs for a taxpayer funded soap wd mean @NZONair model is broken
I know plenty of political hacks on all sides who loathe @JohnJCampbell and @CampbellLiveNZ. #SaveCampbellLive or the arseholes win!
Also this government remember has tried to silence top journos Hagar and Stephenson. #nzmedia #nzpol #SaveCampbellLive
Marianne Elliott @zenpeacekeeper
Wow! More than 55,000 people have signed our campaign to #SaveCampbellLive We Kiwis really love @JohnJCampbell & @CampbellLiveNZ
Signing a petition isn't gonna do shit people need to watch Campbell live. And Campbell Live gotta go 0 - 100 real quick. #SaveCampbellLive
With Henry and Hosking leading the way New Zealand Television is fucked. Campbell Live is the last hope! #SaveCampbellLive
When assessing the #SaveCampbellLive debate, it is important to remember what we learned from #DirtyPolitics about this Govt & the media.
It's not just Campbell Live, the message being sent to journos is annoy the Govt enough you might end up in the unemployment queue.
Of course the new soap that @TV3NZ wants to replace @campbellLive will rely on a multi million dollar taxpayer handout.
CrapNZHeadlines @CrapNZHeadlines
It is gutting that @TV3nz want to get rid of the best investigative journos in NZ. @JohnJCampbell @CampbellLiveNZ #SaveCampbellLive
If there is any truth in the soap opera rumour then financial beneficiary of canning Campbell could be Julie Christie who is canning him
"Don't it always seem to go, you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone?" Let's prove Joni wrong people. #SaveCampbellLive
Tv3: a lesson in how to trash 20 plus years of brand development and good will in under a week.
It's not just Campbell Live, the message being sent to journos is annoy the Govt enough you might end up in the unemployment queue.
One day Labour wil be in Govt again @ToddBarclayMP and you will wish there was a @CampbellLiveNZ on primetime holding the Govt to account.
Sam Pritchard @sampritchard27
#SaveCampbellLive regardless of what happens, Campbell will continue to be a national icon and the network has lost my support and respect
I enrolled in a journalism course because I saw @JohnJCampbell and @CarolHirschfeld walking in a park.
A proposal. TV3 and TVNZ meet at ten paces apart then slowly, carefully swap @JohnJCampbell and @hoskingonzb. Let them be free.
"We put news on, but only because it rates. And we sell advertising around news. This is what this is all about." McGeoch #SaveCampbellLive
Thank you for your support this week. My @CampbellLiveNZ team is committed to producing the best current affairs for as long as we can.
CherylBernstein @CherylBernstein ·
This week in NZ media has made it obvious that what's being fought is not much a battle but a full scale culture war.
@CampbellLiveNZ Hang in there. Please.
Can you do us a favor and send a message to @JohnJCampbell and @TV3nz : John Campbell you are a truly good man! RT if you believe that.
For @JohnJCampbell an old HST quote: TV is a cruel and shallow money trench where pimps & thieves run free & good men die like dogs.
Isn't @ToddBarclayMP a total tosser for his comments about JC... @CampbellLiveNZ
National Radio has been cancelled. It's being replaced with 12 hours of Jono and Ben and Infomercials.
TV3 cd replace CampbellLive with a soap abt a current affairs show trying to stay alive: ShaneCortese as JC, Liz Hawthorn Julie Christie
Incessant focus on "commercial performance" is why we need free to air public broadcasting.
Take heart: journalism will outlive all of us. Especially me, I may die today from this headache caused by worrying about how to save news
I'm not sure what's sadder.The death of Richie Benaud. or the dimwitted disregard for gutsy current affairs by Mark Weldon & Julie Christie
I'm not doing a @ToddBarclayMP but have any National MPs tweeted their concern or dismay or outrage over the @CampbellLiveNZ news?
"The formula is clear: froth rates, substance does not," writes @gregdixonnz. A chill in every newsroom, and not just television.
Ben and Jono in mono (radio simulcast).
"On Campbell Live, politicians will be tested and challenged. They're not coming on for a bloody chat." Mark Jennings in the Press, 2008.
Matthew Hooton @MatthewHootonNZ
Perhaps only urban myth but widely circulating: Mark Weldon wanted a desk in @3NewsNZ newsroom to provide greater "supervision" of content.
Have @TV3nz gone completely mad? @CampbellLiveNZ is by far the best thing they/we have. #SaveCampbellLive
#SaveCampbellLive As Russell Brown points out we will also lose the best CA producer in the country Pip Keane. See Pub Address
#SaveCampbellLive Much respect @JohnJCampbell but this is SO much bigger than #CampbellLive. #thelunaticshavetakenovertheasylum
#SaveCampbellLive it's not the numbers he attracts among an already distracted audience. It's the stories he breaks! #nationalisetv3
#SaveCampbellLive exposes our ideological quagmire. Demanding ethical capitalism is a waste of time. What next - green capitalism? #nzpol
@pipkeane save Campbell live! Brilliant show. Outstanding journalists. #1 anchor. #savecampbelllive
'To save him we must watch him' Bullshit. We'll not have intelligent journalism under a market model. Must reclaim TVNZ to #SaveCampbellLive
Suddenly this #SaveCampbellLive business reminds me of that Muppets schtick where Kermit is about to give up but all the others rally round.
#SaveCampbellLive so will RNZ be the last and only thing we can trust to work for us and not the advertiser?
TV3 is knowingly removing only liberal voice on msm tv. Whatever the motives this is the effect. Intended or otherwise #SaveCampbellLive
Matthew Hooton @MatthewHootonNZ
I understand that MediaWorks CEO Mark Weldon thinks @CampbellLiveNZ & @JohnJCampbell are too anti-government. http://www.stuff.co.nz/entertainment/tv-radio/67670289/campbell-live-to-be-reviewed …
For the record @JohnJCampbell and @CampbellLiveNZ has a big heart, and a big intellect in a small, vain, smug island of NZ media insiders
Thank you for your support. Thank you.
Plan A: #SaveCampbellLive Plan B: @Mihi_Forbes & @JohnJCampbell co-hosting #nativeaffairs
BREAKING: MediaWorks to replace @CampbellLiveNZ with half hour of highlights from the morning's @PaulHenryShow #SaveCampbellLive
.@JohnJCampbell live is one of the few shows left that showcase the community NZ has. We don't need more comedy, we need more intelligent TV
Mediaworks (TV3's owner) CEO Mark Weldon and the bankers who appointed him clearly only have eyes for the bottom line. #SaveCampbellLive
So @JohnJCampbell showing real NZer's, their struggles and everyday issues are boring for a sector of other NZer's...WTF #SaveCampbellLive
Without Campbell Live, who will wage the TV campaign to save Campbell Live?
TV3 new show 2 b lik "The Bachelor" called "The Prime Minister". A group of Journos (WO, Henry, Hosking, Plunkett) will try 2 get his love.
Better still, let's replace Mark Weldon with Jono and Ben! @TV3nz @CampbellLiveNZ #SaveCampbellLive
Wow, TV3’s getting some pretty awesome engagement on that #SaveCampbellLive hashtag.
Jacinda Ardern @jacindaardern
Might fill flat with mass of TVs & ratings boxes. Apparently it's the only way to make investigative journalism count #SaveCampbellLive
@CampbellLiveNZ one of the boldest journos on #childpoverty & other significant issues now facing the chop. Scandalous. #SaveCampbellLive
Damian Christie @damianchristie
I enjoy @JonoAndBen too. Don't hate on them. They are not to blame for MediaWorks decision, the CEO is.
Damian Christie @damianchristie
After accepting half a mil of taxpayers money for 3rd Degree yesterday, MediaWorks says they're dumping CampbellLive today #saveCampbellLive
FFS Mark Weldon. If u think yr going 2 replace our only regular TV current affairs show w light entertainment you've got anothr think coming
@CampbellLiveNZ do not go quiet into that good night.Rage, rage against the dying of the light' #weneedyou #SaveCampbellLive #realjournalism
I ask the question, why have we been relying on private TV3 to provide an alternative view? Don't we own TVNZ?
David Joseph Dobbyn @davidjdobbyn
4th estate under attack, TV,drug of the nation, gasping for format ad bucks and numbing consumers into apolitical doom
Thinking of all our mates at Campbell live and remember the support you gave us, hang in there you have so much to be proud of
Je suis @CampbellLiveNZ
Strong journalism keeps the powerful accountable and is a fundamental tenet of a functional democracy. #SaveCampbellLive
Heh all you everyone who are soooo desperate for @CampbellLiveNZ 2 stay onair.. WATCH THE SHOW YOU B^*TARDS. Every night. Do that, Win ~ Win
I've nowt against Jono & Ben (as light comedy) & Campbell Live has its limitations. Still, loss of the latter would be utterly appalling.
In a genuine democracy the mainstream media has a responsibility to ensure a variety of voices and opinions are heard. #SaveCampbellLive
TV ratings are surely a dodgy metric? As far as I know, Campbell Live doesn't get to count online views in estimating numbers of viewers.
#SaveCampbellLive - trending worldwide << @JohnJCampbell is not going anywhere on our watch!
Doesn't the fact that Hosking and Henry get more backing than Campbell show that the Twitter community is much smaller than we think?
Campbell raises money to feed poor kids, Hosking says poor people shouldn't have them. Campbell the one facing the chop!! #SaveCampbellLive
Stewart Sowman-Lund @StewartLundNZ
#SaveCampbellLive. There's a place for fluffy shows like #SevenSharp, but @JohnJCampbell is the last source of hard-hitting NZ journalism.
considering a career built around script-less reality shows, no wonder TV3 head didn't foresee the script for the #SaveCampbellLive outrage
FrantasticAFangirl @Lifeline_Franta
im only 16 but its been a thing to watch @CampbellLiveNZ every night in my house since it started, saddens me to hear this #SaveCampbellLive
John Campbell to stand against John Key at next election. #SaveCampbellLive
If we were able to get rid of Kills & Moon, hell we should all be able to #SaveCampbellLive
I know Campbell Live is the competition, but it'd be a travesty and a crying shame if it were to be axed.To my friends there; hang tough.
What if axeing Campbell Live is just a Publicity stunt to drum up ratings for its fledging show? #SaveCampbellLive
This is only going to make Sharon Van Etten even more miserable. #SaveCampbellLive
Winston Aldworth @WinstonAldworth
How to #SaveCampbellLive: Cut the 6pm bulletin to 35 minutes, with 25-minutes of @JohnJCampbell after that. Then some reality show.
I remember how gracious @JohnJCampbell was in sending off Mark Sainsbury & Close Up a couple of years ago. Legend #SaveCampbellLive
What about if they rename it Reality Campbell? #SaveCampbellLive
John, you look, sound and feel marvelous tonight. Much love. @JohnJCampbell
Fuck petitions. Petitions don't pay bills. What Campbell Live needs is an audience.
Having decent current affairs shows is a carrot and stick in a democracy. No wonder @CampbellLiveNZ is under attack.
One of the few programmes to run stories about the lives of real people and in which they actually get to have a voice. @CampbellLiveNZ
I'm going to strap myself to the TV3 building in protest. Or at the very least hang out at at the cafe next to it and scowl a lot.
We've read that we're rumoured to replace @CampbellLiveNZ.Just want to say to say on record this is honestly the first we've heard of this.
Last night's viewers: One News 601000; 3 News 215000. 7 Sharp 496000, Campbell 169 000. Will 3News soon be under threat too?
For the record: TV3 top management are intellectual pygmies (excepting Jennings) who never understand good current affairs @JohnJCampbell
You are witnessing the media business dumping the journalism business.
Winston Aldworth @WinstonAldworth
@CampbellLiveNZ in serious danger of having more people express support for it in social media than watching it in real world.
Just popping in to say #SaveCampbellLive is exactly why we need an *actual* public broadcaster - good current affairs is a public good.
Proposed @CampbellLiveNZ poll tonight: Is @TV3nz mad, or just stupid? Calls cost 50 cents.
Are we sure this isn't a late April Fools Day "joke"? #SaveCampbellLive
I'm going to watch the shit out of Campbell Live. Their ratings will soar ever upwards purely through the power of my eyeballs.
People. #letcampbelllive Dont kill off @CampbellLiveNZ .. Let Campbell Live.
Campbell Live to be reviewed and brought back to air at a new timeslot at 4.30am every monday morning.
John Campbell is your voice. He's there when you need to be heard. He helped so many. Now John needs you. Spread the word: #SaveCampbellLive
wallacechapman @wallacelchapman
Don't jump straight to outrage. Campbell Live 'ratings' story YEARS old, since Close Up days. Deemed a very impt part of the overall 3 mix.
Callum Valentine @callumvalentine
I hope #TV3 will find value in the anti-authoritarian fire @CampbellLiveNZ has bought to our screens - not just in ratings #savecampbelllive
Dear @TV3nz. You gave me my start. I will always be a fan. But the very idea of replacing @CampbellLiveNZ is ludicrous. Don't do it, please.
Talk of ditching Campbell Live has circulated for ages but always seemed v unlikely. Why bin your mother lode of quality/integrity/goodwill?
James A. Robins @James_ARobins
Ask some Christchurchians how they feel about Campbell Live being threatened, & tell me that decent TV journalism doesn't make a difference.
hahahaahaha NO. Poor old Campbell Live those guys are the only current affairs left in this dumbass country
Mihingarangi Forbes @Mihi_Forbes
Ratings might be down but still making a difference...everyday Kia kaha te whanau o Clive. @JohnJCampbell @CampbellLiveNZ
If 'CampbellLive' goes where will I get quality TV news breaking & follow-up stories every night? SevenSharp? Nup!
Matthew Hooton @MatthewHootonNZ
I understand that MediaWorks CEO Mark Weldon thinks @CampbellLiveNZ & @JohnJCampbell are too anti-government. http://www.stuff.co.nz/entertainment/tv-radio/67670289/campbell-live-to-be-reviewed …
maybe John can follow Carol to Radio NZ
I don’t know I want to live in a country where John Campbell gets axed and Paul Henry gets simulcast across the beginning of the day.
If we all chip in and buy a few Mazda 3s can we #SaveCampbellLive?
If John Campbell was a football manager he would of just received a vote of confidence from Mark Jennings.
Even I can see across the political divide to the fact that @CampbellLiveNZ is class, depth TV. Jono & Ben is Friday faire only. Keep it.
I really need to rethink my career choice, in an environment where Jono and Ben could replace Campbell Live.
Craig Robertson @CraigTRobertson
Campbell Live has done some good journalism over the years and canning it in favour of entertainment is a shift in the wrong direction.
Aimee Gulliver @aimeegulliver
This is the exact opposite of marvellous: @CampbellLiveNZ facing the axe? http://www.stuff.co.nz/entertainment/tv-radio/67670289/campbell-live-to-be-reviewed …
Stop watching trash. Vote with your remote. #SaveCampbellLive
In March, Campbell Live averaged 154,576 viewers per night - while Seven Sharp exceeded 500,000 for the first time.
The best solution for Campbell Live remains unchanged - put the 10 minutes of news content into a 30-minute slot and move Campbell to 6.30.
If you want @CampbellLiveNZ to not get shit-canned, then convince people who aren't on Twitter to watch it.
Emma Espiner @emmawehipeihana
Maybe Mediaworks should just replace Campbell Live with another formulaic reality TV show. We don't have enough of those.
The liars and the cheats stay off @CampbellLiveNZ because there lying and cheating will be exposed - thats right eh Pauley
The public sphere is being diluted further if Campbell Live gets the chop. Too much soft serve content and not enough hard hitting #nzmedia
to be fair Campbell Live is probably kind of off-brand for a network which shows the X-Factor, The Bachelor & The Paul Henry Show
Can TV3 point to another piece of its offerings which has contributed anything like @CampbellLiveNZ ? Surely this is a reality TV joke
There's a lot of support out there for @CampbellLiveNZ and @JohnJCampbell https://www.facebook.com/Stuff.co.nz/posts/10153166072084268 … #SaveCampbellLive
Obviously the review will end up combining @CampbellLiveNZ and @JonoAndBen into #JohnCampbellAndBenAtSeven
I live for the day when current and affairs and news isn't based on ratings and popularity. #nzmedia #nzpol #SaveCampbellLive
Bridget Railton @BridgetRailton
Campbell Live to be Campbell Dead? No, I don't accept. Also, who are these 500,000 people watching 7sharp? They're not tweeters obviously
Michelle Langstone @yourpetalheart
You can't take @CampbellLiveNZ away! It's the one half hour of broadcasting where it's possible to feel slightly optimistic about life!
I dearly hope @CampbellLiveNZ survives - NZ is a better place w/ this kind of intelligent, passionate journalism: http://www.stuff.co.nz/entertainment/tv-radio/67670289/campbell-live-to-be-reviewed …
If @CampbellLiveNZ goes I'm taking a treaty claim. This is an article 2 issue. I'm still in grievance mode over @FirstlineNZ #not1acremore
Wow so NZ Twitter REALLY loves @JohnJCampbell @CampbellLiveNZ
For all the Twitter angst, I don't think too many in the National Party will be losing sleep over the loss of Campbell Live.
SaveOurSchoolsNZ @Dianne_Khan
Dear Mediaworks, Don't Even Think About It: Campbell Live to be reviewed http://www.stuff.co.nz/entertainment/tv-radio/67670289/campbell-live-to-be-reviewed … @CampbellLiveNZ @JohnJCampbell
Martyn Bradbury @CitizenBomber
I am disgusted and sickened that @TV3nz are thinking of dumping @CampbellLiveNZ - easily the best current affairs show in NZ
Last shred of responsible television to be “reviewed” while idiocy, sycophancy and vacuity is promoted & celebrated http://www.stuff.co.nz/entertainment/tv-radio/67670289/Campbell-Live-to-be-reviewed …
John Campbell has given the government a lot of grief, just like he gave the last Labour government because that is what journalists DO!
Campbell Live could be facing the chop. In a dark hole of television current affairs this show is the only decent thing. #SaveCampbellLive
Campbell Live is a great show it's ridiculous there's any question it should continue. #SaveCampbellLive
I don't know if we can afford not to have @CampbellLiveNZ. Who is going to raise money to feed our kids and make sure we have SOME clue?
Matt Russell @MatthewRussellS 2m2 minutes ago
Campbell Live to be reviewed... By me! It's awesome. Let's give him an hour.
@ebryantnz Utter bull****. @CampbellLiveNZ is the most honest, analytical and reliable televised journalism there is. Only TV worth watching
Don't mess with @CampbellLiveNZ, Mediaworks bosses http://www.stuff.co.nz/entertainment/tv-radio/67670289/campbell-live-to-be-reviewed … @nzstuff
Cancelling Campbell live would be so terrible for tv3s reputation, as well as for society.
#SaveCampbellLive cause I doubt Hosking or Henry would have advocated against zero hour contracts #nzpol
As it is, John Campbell is the only interviewer left in NZ, when interviewing a politician won't give them a tummy rub and a milo.
You've got complete mental vacancy on TV One and TV3 in the morning. Removing the last serious current affairs show would be a tragedy.
Also too, I guess the decision to review Campbell Live puts the lie to the idea that "engagement" is a big win for a media company then eh
Mihingarangi Forbes @Mihi_Forbes
Ratings might be down but still making a difference...everyday Kia kaha te whanau o Clive. @JohnJCampbell @CampbellLiveNZ
This is insane. If @CampbellLiveNZ is axed it will be a massive loss for NZ and TV journalism http://www.stuff.co.nz/entertainment/tv-radio/67670289/campbell-live-to-be-reviewed … #SaveCampbellLive
Campbell Live to disappear I can hear Champagne Corks popping on 9th floor of Beehive from Auckland
The presence of @JohnJCampbell every weekday at 7pm on TV3 needs to be entrenched in law. A Campbell Live statutory authority.
Morgan Godfery @MorganGodfery
It's only a review, not a foregone conclusion: http://www.stuff.co.nz/entertainment/tv-radio/67670289/campbell-live-to-be-reviewed … *sits in the corner, shudders violently, sobs uncontrollably*
Actually why not just 23 hours of @PaulHenryShow with 1 hour of Mike and Hilary? #rtp http://www.stuff.co.nz/entertainment/tv-radio/67670289/campbell-live-to-be-reviewed …
Unless the review finds that @CampbellLiveNZ needs more staff with higher salaries... This review is bs http://www.stuff.co.nz/entertainment/tv-radio/67670289/campbell-live-to-be-reviewed …
Michelle Duff (Stuff): "Campbell Live to be reviewed" - http://bit.ly/SaveCampbellLive … #SaveCampbellLive
PAUL HENRY, morning, afternoon, evening, radio, TV, online. #formeits3 "Campbell Live to be reviewed http://www.stuff.co.nz/entertainment/tv-radio/67670289/campbell-live-to-be-reviewed …"
Look, I often defend MediaWorks, but if they fuck with John Campbell I can see that ending.
@BenRoss_AKL n the last week of March, when Campbell Live celebrated a decade on air, it also saw some of the worst ratings in its history.
Jordan M. @prinnbanktce I disagree with Campbell on most things but the removal of his show would dumb down the NZ polity to a brand new low. http://www.stuff.co.nz/entertainment/tv-radio/67670289/campbell-live-to-be-reviewed …
Damian Christie @damianchristie
If only everyone on Twitter had a ratings box... #saveCampbellLive
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Recently Keith Ng challenged Matthew Hooton about his media commentary and analysis, suggesting that his “agenda” made his involvement problematic. The debate involved plenty of others, too. Here’s my attempt to record the lengthy Twitter conversation, in chronological order. [Read more below]
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I am currently writing a chapter for an academic (edited) textbook about Media and Politics in New Zealand. My chapter is on how politicians interact with the media, and the tools they use - in particular spin doctors. I'm keen for any ideas and feedback on what is important to discuss. My previous version of the chapter (from 2012) is reproduced below. All feedback is welcome. [Read more below]
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