This is a selection of some of the more interesting tweets about the resignation of Russel Norman from the Green Party co-leadership today. The most recent are first. If there’s any good ones missing, please add them to the comments section. More will be added later. [Read more below]
He made a big & positive impact as leader. Greens have much to thank him for.
Andrew Little @AndrewLittleMP
Thanks for your hard work over the past 8 years, @RusselNorman. You have been a champion for progressive values as co-leader. All the best.
Norman's resignation as co-leader (not as MP) not a big deal unless Green's wave goodbye to Norman's support for market economics. Unlikely.
Best wishes to Russell Norman. He will leave very big shoes to fill. Few political leaders get to depart with such dignity. Kia Kaha.
I'm really sad @RusselNorman is retiring - he has been the voice of reason among the madness
In the end Russel Norman has saved himself the blushes of resigning after the next election when the Green vote continues to stall.
For what it’s worth I think @RusselNorman’s departure is a huge loss to the @NZGreens.
CarrieStoddart-Smith @Ellipsister
Oh, that all. I mean, I was just hopeful that @MaramaDavidson might be about to enter pāremata. #GreenPresser
Matthew R X Dentith @HORansome
I may well be one of the few Green supporters who isn’t sad to see Russell Norman go. His stance on Clint Rickards was a thorn in my side
Finally: someone who is 'standing down to spend more time with his family' who is actually standing down to spend more time with his family.
Hamish McConnochie @mishviews
Might order an Australian beer at lunch, in tribute to Russel Norman. Or should I drink something local, to minimise carbon footprint?
Unlike others Greens won't make sexuality an issue when choosing the next co-leader
> Graeme Edgeler @GraemeEdgeler
@boswellryan will gender be an issue?
Russel Norman will be stepping down as Green co-leader. I want to pay tribute to him as an great leader, deep thinker & all round good guy
Hmmm seeing some say that The Greens should shift left Post Norman. Hope you enjoy eternal sub 10% election results
I guess after listening to both @johnkeypm and @AndrewLittleMP's State of the Nations, @RusselNorman went fuck this, and bailed.
Rebecca Matthews @RebeccaJEmm
I hope Kevin Hague runs and wins. And I bet he won't face any of the homophobic nonsense that Grant Robertson did.
Speculation about Steffan Browning is nonsense.If both MPs have used the parliamentary swimming pool, he will have immunity to coleadership.
Not a Green voter but think @JulieAnneGenter is the obvious pick to replace Norman. V articulate on transport - key Auck, Wgtn issue
To mark the resignation of @RusselNorman appropriately we will dispose of our file on him ... into the recycling bin.
Norman will be remembered for shifting the Greens economically towards the right. Time to shuffle back to the left.
Thanks @RusselNorman workers will miss you …
When David Shearer stood down, David Cunliffe had a beard. When Russel Norman stood down, Kevin Hague had a beard #nzpol #thebeardedcoups
Young Molly Weasley @ColeyTangerina
If we can't have Russel and Meyt, my dream power team for future Green co-leaders is @KevinHague and @MaramaDavidson <3
Stephanie Rodgers @bootstheory
Gonna be really cathartic for a lot of Labour folk watching the Green co-leadership race start up.
This is surely Eleanor Catton's big chance now?
@stevenljoyce announces today he is the Chair for the Steffan Browning for Green co-leader campaign
Can totally sympathise with Russel, who among us has not returned from the summer break thinking, "oh no another year of this??".
Already going for new co-leader of the Greens is Greent Robertson, a person who looks just like Grant Robertson but with a fake moustache.
What's the main attribute required for Green Party leadership? I suggest a smug sense of superiority will go a long way with Green voters.
Young Molly Weasley @ColeyTangerina
Gutted to hear about Russel stepping back, but glad he'll stay on as an MP. Kevin Hague is the next best choice and would be fantastic.
Also I thought the Greens election campaign was depressing and negative and I think Russel was the driver there, could be wrong...
Politicians need to have shittier families so they won't want to spend so much time with them.
Norman seems to glance sideways at Kevin Hague first when asked about possible future leadership
Steffan Browning for leader! #dreamcometrue
HarveySpectre @HarveySpectre_
Somewhere in down country New Zealand, Steffan Browning and Simon Lusk share venison over an open fire.....
Don Brash considering an election run for Green Party co-leader, touts economic credentials and leadership experience #rumours
Laura McQuillan @mcquillanatorz
Who'll be next male co-leader? Kevin Hague or James Shaw? Not gonna be Steffan.
Go for it, Cunliffe
So is it @KevinHague vs @jamespeshaw for the co-leadership? Can't see any one else in caucus as a contender?
Joshua Ramsay @JoshScottRamsay
The real question is, if Hague, is new zealand ready for a gay co-PM? what? this has already been dicussed? we are? well alright then nvm.
My pick for co leader is Kevin Hague. With James Shaw close 2nd
@avancenz Both would be good IMO
Graeme Edgeler @GraemeEdgeler
I recall media asking Key if he intended to stay for the entire term, did they ask the other long-standing leaders.
Russel Norman shows real leadership. Go out on a high, stay positive, new faces -no holding on for dear life. Good stuff.
Green faction "would support same sex co-leader". More soon...
Grant Robertson @grantrobertson1
All the best @RusselNorman. You've been a strong and articulate voice for your party, and true to your values. Take care.
BREAKING: @RusselNorman resigns. Shane Jones non-commital on replacing him.
Jessica Williams @mizjwilliams
No matter how you slice it, this isn't great for the Greens. Russel Norman brought charisma and economic chops - two things the party needs
Will now be much speculation/questions about just how much the Norman-Turei relationship had deteriorated. Rumours suggested it very bad.
@bryce_edwards Your theory there a bit undermined by Turei breaking into tears as she farewells Norman.
Nándor Tánczos and Sue Bradford can come back to their party. #nzpol
Do the Greens stick with their co-leader man/woman system. Because they have plenty of talented women, but not so much men.
So... front runners for (male) co-leader are Hague, Hughes, Graham? Unfortunately the constitution requires "one male, one female".
Dame Seamus Brady @iamseamusbrady
Somewhere, up a tree, Steffan Browning is doing his numbers #ItsTime.
Russel Norman stepping down as Green Party co-leader. He will officially resign at the AGM in May. He will stay on as an MP, for the moment.
Marama Davidson for co-leader
Does this imply that... Kevin Hague will be next in line for co-leader? Or actual election needed?
Normy, we hardly knew ye
Russel. You've been amazing mate, really sad to see you go.
Hearing @RusselNorman has resigned from the Greens