This is a selection of some of the more interesting uses of the #JohnKeyLiterature hashtag in response to the row between Eleanor Catton and John Key. The most recent are first. If there’s any good ones missing, please add them to the comments section. [Read more below]
The Road to Parnell is Paved with Good Intentions. #JohnKeyLiterature
Paradise Lost #JohnKeyLiterature
One Hundred Years of Platitudes #JohnKeyLiterature
The Road to Omaha Pier #JohnKeyLiterature
#JohnKeyLiterature Life of Key, about a boy journeying through life not knowing whether he owns any assets or not.
greg jackson @therealgregjack
One Hundred Years Of Platitudes #JohnKeyLiterature
Blithering Heights #JohnKeyLiterature
Oh The Thinks You Can Think #JohnKeyLiterature
My Book About ME #JohnKeyLiterature
What We Did in The Shadows #JohnKeyLiterature
Nonsense and non sensibility #JohnKeyLiterature
Edward Willis @retrospectivman
An Angel at my Cabinet Table #JohnKeyLiterature
Hoot on Hatches a Plot #JohnKeyLiterature
@SatireNZ @SatireNZ: The Wolf of Queen Street #JohnKeyLiterature
John Key Must Go @JohnKeyMustGo
Fake Expectations. #JohnKeyLiterature
Pride and unacknowledged Prejudice #JohnKeyLiterature
As I Lied Daily #JohnKeyLiterature
50 Million Trades of Grey #JohnKeyLiterature
hitchhiker's guide to planet key... #johnkeyliterature
Hairy McCully #JohnKeyLiterature
Will de Cleene @ZippyGonzales
Pride and Sub-Judice #JohnKeyLiterature
Fifty Shades of Blue #JohnKeyLiterature
Gone Girl: The Story of Judith Collins #JohnKeyLiterature
The Strange Case of Dr.Brash and Mr Hide #JohnKeyLiterature
The Bill English Mysteries: The Case of the Ever Never Appearing Surplus #JohnKeyLiterature
At the end of the remains of the day #JohnKeyLiterature
Fear and Loathing In Wellington #JohnKeyLiterature
The Curious Incident of the Blogger on the Payroll #johnkeyliterature
Kirsten Whittle @whittlekirsten
Two Thousand and Fifteen #JohnKeyLiterature
From Here to Austerity #JohnKeyLiterature
How to Win Elections and Influence Idiots #JohnKeyLiterature
Charlatans web #johnkeyliterature
Breakfast at Bellamys #JohnKeyLiterature
A Tale of Two cups of Tea #JohnKeyLiterature
The Merchant of MerrylLynch #JohnKeyLiterature
A Room With a View of the Sky City Convention Centre #JohnKeyLiterature
All Quiet on the Housing Policy Front #JohnKeyLiterature
On the wealth of nations being transferred to my mates. #JohnKeyLiterature
A Lion in the Meadow Soon To Be a Housing Development #JohnKeyLiterature
@EleanorCatton should be free to comment on our Govt without the PM telling her off like a naughty schoolgirl.
National Shrugged #JohnKeyLiterature
Uncle Tom's Cabin: For Sale By Auction, Bids Starting at $750k #JohnKeyLiterature
The Wonky Jonkey #JohnKeyLiterature
There's Something About Judith #JohnKeyLiterature
Less than three hours after Key talked sweetly about @EleanorCatton, yes, #JohnKeyLiterature is top trending on NZ Twitter
The Cat in the Many Hats #JohnKeyLiterature
CherylBernstein @CherylBernstein
On The Road Of National Significance. #JohnKeyLiterature
CherylBernstein @CherylBernstein
Burnside Revisited. #JohnKeyLiterature
Love, Akshully #JohnKeyLiterature
A Tale of Two (unaffordable) Cities #johnkeyliterature
Adam Smith's Dream. #JohnKeyLiterature
Much Ado About Something I'm Not Aware Of At This Time #JohnKeyLiterature
The Grapes of Relative Poverty #JohnKeyLiterature
The Unbearable Smugness Of Being #JohnKeyLiterature
Don Key Hoté #JohnKeyLiterature
All Quiet on the Housing Policy Front #JohnKeyLiterature
Das Kapital Gains #JohnKeyLiterature
For Whom the Blog Tolls #JohnKeyLiterature
Brendon J. Brewer @brendonbrewer
The Curious Incident of the Blog in the Night Time #JohnKeyLiterature
Whaleoil Rider #JohnKeyLiterature
A Whale at my Table #JohnKeyLiterature
Foxy Muppet-Twoda @FoxyLustyGrover
The End of the Day. #JohnKeyLiterature
Lord of the Spies #JohnKeyLiterature
The Old Man and The GCSB #JohnKeyLiterature
Journey to the Center of the Political Scandal - the 2014 election version... #JohnKeyLiterature
Five Get Partially Privatised #JohnKeyLiterature
Vanity Unfair #JohnKeyLiterature
One Pulled Over the Kiwis Heads #JohnKeyLiterature
The Grapes of Wealth #JohnKeyLiterature
Harry Potter and the 90 Day Trial #JohnKeyLiterature
Dr Key and Mr Slater #JohnKeyLiterature
Camerons Web #JohnKeyLiterature
An Angel on my Trading Screen #JohnKeyLiterature
Magenta Gutenberg @SnapperQuota
The Shonky Johnkey. #johnkeyliterature
Wicked and vain @GeekChicPolitiq
The Chronicles of Nah, Yeah #JohnKeyLiterature
Smear and Selfies on the Campaign Trail, '14 #JohnKeyLiterature
(Seems Like) One Hundred Years Of Ineptitude #JohnKeyLiterature
The 7 Habits of Highly Forgetful People #JohnKeyLiterature
A Portrait of the PM as a Young Banker #JohnKeyLiterature
Mr Gets The Pip #JohnKeyLiterature
The girl with the Oravida taboo #johnkeyliterature
MBIE Dick #JohnKeyLiterature
The Borrowers #johnkeyliterature
How Green Was My Valley (before I mined it) #johnkeyliterature
How Green Was My Valley (before I mined it) #johnkeyliterature
Much Ado About Something I'm Not Aware Of At This Time #JohnKeyLiterature
The Drone People #johnkeyliterature
The Unbearable Lightness of Being Constantly Relaxed About Everything #JohnKeyLiterature
Quotations From Chairman John #JohnKeyLiterature
The Curious Incident Of The Ede In The Election Time #JohnKeyLiterature