Political parties and political year
Gordon Campbell (Scoop): On tomorrow’s speeches by John Key and Andrew Little
TV3: Can Andrew Little rebuild the Labour Party?
Vernon Small (Stuff): Key talks housing while Little backs small business
Liam Hehir (Stuff): Labour needs to devise a strategy
Rob Hosking (NBR): Key, Little, to launch new political year (paywalled)
Newswire: John Key back for first Cabinet meeting
No Right Turn: Labour: Time to stop being a valet
Claire Trevett (Herald): Nominees announced for Labour Party presidency
TV3: Two contesting Labour presidency
Claire Trevett (Herald): Little cash for Labour leader - rivals got more
Colin James (Otago Daily Times): The environment is changing — even for Greens
Cameron Slater (Whaleoil): No, it’s the benefit of having an accurate pollster on the payroll
Pete George (Your NZ): Has Bradbury given up on Mana?
Radio NZ: Land and language top priorities for Flavell
Housing and RMA reform
Liam Dann (Herald): Time-lag a risk in housing supply boost
John Palethorpe (On the Left): Sort Your Act Out
Nelson Mail: Editorial – Balancing act needed in RMA revamp
John Braddock (WSWS): Housing affordability crisis worsens in New Zealand
Inequality and wealth
Eric Crampton (Offsetting behaviour): CEO pay and inequality
Peter Lyons (Herald): Forget evil rich - flaw is in the system
Eileen Goodwin (ODT): Corporate pay levels queried
Stuff: The hidden mansions of Billionaire's Bay
Jess McAllen (Stuff): Super-rich kids: How the other half lives
Rachael Goldsmith (Daily Blog): CEO pay rises show health system is upside down
Lewis Holden: Wages: Labour Cost Index vs Quarterly Employment Survey
Catriona MacLennan (Herald): Benefit debt punishment out of all proportion to 'crime'
Waikato Times: Editorial – Welfare policies not delivering
Geoff Simmons (Gareth’s world): Ten Reasons to Scrap our Benefit System
Media and blogosphere
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Should we ditch Concert FM?
Pete George (Your NZ): The Blubble
Ben Uffindell (The Civilian): The Civilian 2.0
Whaleoil: Whaleoil by numbers
Lyn Prentice (The Standard): Where is Cameron Slater?
Death of Saudi King
Herald: Flag tribute to late Saudi King Abdullah a bridge too far for many
No Right Turn: National loves foreign despots
No Right Turn: A question
Auckland mayoralty
Mitch McCann (RadioLive): Len Brown denies seeking third term
Bernard Orsman (Herald): Len Brown wants another term as Auckland's mayor
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Brown has one vote!
Dog attacks and ethnicity
Stuff: SPCA: Bad dogs not a race issue
Brendan Manning (Herald): SPCA boss Bob Kerridge dogged by comments about owner ethnicity and dog attack convictions
Waikato Times: Editorial: If SkyCity abandons convention centre, too bad
Karl du Fresne (NZCPR): Heavy-handed Policing
Belinda Feek (Waikato Times): Sensible Sentencing Trust calls for more tracking of sex offenders
No Right Turn: What happens if you question our sacred cows
Gareth Morgan: What does the Treaty of Waitangi mean to you?
Donna-Lee Biddle (Waikato Times): Patient frustrated after having acute surgery postponed four times
Stella Blake-Kelly and Megan Whelan (The Wireless): Beyond the ballot box
Steven Cowan (Against the current): Where is our Syriza?
Tim Montgomerie (Conservative Home): The world’s most successful conservative? Ten observations about New Zealand’s John Key
Danyl Mclauchlan (Dim-Post): Vague Trotteresque Musings of the Day
The Press: Editorial: Official Information Act vital to open government
Waikato Times: Editorial: Information is critical
Ben Heather (Stuff): Taitville least religious place in NZ
Pete George (Your NZ): Aotearoa New Zealand?
Talia Shadwell (Stuff): Women a growing force in police ranks
Chris Trotter (Daily Blog): Liberty. Equality. Fraternity. Some Thoughts on the Political Trinity
Laura Bootham (Radio NZ): Moves to reassure public over water rights
TVNZ: Petition to wipe gay sex convictions wins support on Facebook