This is a selection of tweets in response to Judith Collins first Sunday Star Times newspaper column. The most recent tweets are first. [Read more below]
Bill Ralston @BillyRalston
Are we in a news drought? The biggest stories seem to be Len Browns new secret toilet and @JudithCollinsMP writing a column.
Toby Manhire @toby_etc
@SteveBraunias hope you don't mind me saying I thought your Judith Collins spoof in yesterday's paper was a bit shit
Colin Jackson @ThisCJ
Should Judith Collins be a newspaper columnist? That's for her and the paper. Do I have to read it or even buy the paper? No. End of story.
jo @jofromgreylynn
If only journalists put as much energy into investigating Dirty Politics as they did defending Collins' right to a column in a newspaper....
Bill Bennett @billbennettnz
Notice @JudithCollinsMP is now eligible for journalists union… that could get interesting
Lew @LewSOS
Game-theory analysis of Collins/Slater "double punishment" by @rsalmond: TLDR is it works, but not in the real world. …
Patrick Gower @patrickgowernz
Twitter says newspaper can't have Right Wing columnist. Yawn. Hello? Anybody home?
> Dovil @Dovil
@patrickgowernz Nooo, Twitter is saying it no longer wants to buy a product because that product now includes asbestos and dead puppies.
> Block rockin tweets @MegBatesNZ
@patrickgowernz This is not about left & right. This is about a person with power who misused it to bully public servant, misuse OIA, leak
> CritiKarl @CritiKarl
@patrickgowernz No. Twitter doesn't say that. Some *people* on Twitter did. An equal amount of *people* on Twitter vocally disagreed. Hello?
> Philip Matthews @secondzeit
@CritiKarl @patrickgowernz Not sure about "equal".
> Maggie Tait @maggietait
@MegBatesNZ @patrickgowernz tell me a paper that doesn't have r-wing columnist! Different kettle of fish to give one to govt mp I reckon.
> Ana Samways @AnaSamways
@patrickgowernz not ‘Twitter’ just one loud, constant voice.
> Keith Ng @keith_ng
@patrickgowernz It's not the right-wingness, but the character hit job against civil servant, the appointment of Bhatnagar..
> Keith Ng @keith_ng
@patrickgowernz ..the attack on Bradford, Orivida, none of which she's she's cleared of. Not to mention the conspicuous lack of relevant..
> Keith Ng @keith_ng
@patrickgowernz info (missing call logs, deleted FB account) from the inquiry.
> Finlay Macdonald @MacFinlay
@patrickgowernz Political leaning IMO a red herring - fourth estate should not be hiring sitting MPs as columnists. #KnowThineEnemy
> Guyon Espiner @GuyonEspiner
@patrickgowernz Didn't John Tamihere have a Sunday News column while a sitting MP?
> Finlay Macdonald @MacFinlay
@GuyonEspiner @patrickgowernz Also I think Lange did, long after being PM. Simon Upton too?
> Guyon Espiner @GuyonEspiner
@MacFinlay @patrickgowernz yes ... And I think also George Hawkins in Sunday News. Not sure it was a must read ...
> Hamish Keith @hamish_keith
@GuyonEspiner @MacFinlay @patrickgowernz Were any of them tainted by the Dirty Politics saga?
> Dovil @Dovil
@LaurieFleming @radiomum @liamdann @patrickgowernz the fourth estate is paying the second estate to provide copy for them. That's a problem.
> John Drinnan@Zagzigger
@patrickgowernz ur right - but question is whether media accepts process cleared her and is happy giving JC platform 4 leadership ambitions
Danyl Mclauchlan @danylmc
Kinda coming around to @gtiso's POV on this SST Collins column thing. It's unethical bullshit. Why should I fund it via my subscription?
> Finlay Macdonald@MacFinlay
@danylmc @gtiso Isn't the wider point also that the role of the press is to hold all politicians to account, not hire them?
> Giovanni Tiso @gtiso
@MacFinlay @danylmc it can no longer afford not to sell part of the estate off for PR purposes. I think that's the theory. And amazingly...
> Giovanni Tiso @gtiso
@MacFinlay @danylmc ...Hager himself buys into that theory in some of his positions.
> Laura McQuillan@mcquillanatorz
@patrickgowernz excuse me, Gomer, but what do you know about the media? Leave it to the left-wing Twitterati experts plz
Dovil @Dovil
To balance out Judes it would have to be a left wing politician currently embroiled in an image tarnishing scandal. Who is in government.
> Danyl Mclauchlan @danylmc
@Dovil I'm betting it'll be Harre, because with roughly 10,000 Internet Party votes nationwide she obviously speaks for the left.
Patrick Gower @patrickgowernz
Twitter seems to think it can tell newspapers what columnists it can have. Hello?
> Paul Harper @pauljmharper
@patrickgowernz Maybe it's time the media boycotted left-wing twitter.
> Mark Reynolds @MarkSReynolds
@patrickgowernz For a free-speech forum; Twitter spends a lot of time trying to shut down debate.
Samuel Hill @SamHill886
The same people calling for objective media are anything but objective in their political views. But I guess that's not very objective of me
Lamia @LI_politico
Also I bet the SST loves this "controversy". It's like banning a book. Only increases its popularity and people's curiosity.
Dovil @Dovil ·
Breaking: Sunday Star Times to contact Stalin and Hitler from the afterlife to provide contrasting opinions, muffin recipes.
Stephanie Rodgers @stephanierodgrs ·
Related to earlier: literally nothing is as funny as libertarians getting pissy about boycotts. NOTHING.
Matthew Hooton @MatthewHootonNZ
Goodness gracious @NewZealandOrder. You should know that His Holiness @gtiso was sent by Rome to govern the moral conduct of all NZers.
Giovanni Tiso @gtiso
Your Dirty Politics & the media update. 1 Nobody's lost their jobs yet. 3 @nzherald tried to hire Odgers. 2 @SundayStarTimes hired Collins.
Chris Keall @ChrisKeall
Judith Collins' pre-Dirty Politics tweets were highly entertaining. Will her SST column be able to compete?
Firstline @FirstlineNZ
The @JudithCollinsMP @SundayStarTimes column... What did you think?
> Alex Coleman@ShakingStick
@FirstlineNZ @SundayStarTimes Seems like a needlessly provocative choice; to give a disgraced politician a free space to spin her way back.
> Block rockin tweets @MegBatesNZ
@FirstlineNZ @SundayStarTimes people who abuse the power they already have shouldn't be given a wider platform
> Dovil @Dovil 1h1 hour ago
@FirstlineNZ @SundayStarTimes cynical click bait and completely unethical. How can I trust coverage by SST on Collins to be impartial now?
> Judith Collins @JudithCollinsMP
@FirstlineNZ @SundayStarTimes I enjoyed your story this morning. Thx to @brianedwardsmed & @bespokemedia V Kind of you.
Election Satire @2014satire
In "interest of hearing diverse viewpoints", SST launches guest columns by Phillip Smith and Bill Cosby.
Lamia @LI_politico
Also, not wanting Collins on SST is not a violation of her freedom of speech. The state arresting her for writing on SST would be.
> Graeme Edgeler @GraemeEdgeler
@LI_politico (on the general point only) the idea that free speech cannot be threatened by the actions of corporations is misplaced.
> Keith Ng @keith_ng
@GraemeEdgeler @LI_politico neg freedom (no coercion against publication) vs pos freedom (right to be published).
> Graeme Edgeler @GraemeEdgeler
@keith_ng @LI_politico and (as a general point) corporations can impact upon both.
> Danyl Mclauchlan @danylmc
@GraemeEdgeler @keith_ng @LI_politico so by not giving me, or you a column has the SST violated our right to free speech?
Philip Matthews @secondzeit
When a right-wing political or business group pressures an editor to axe a columnist they don't like, I hope @gtiso et al remember.
> Giovanni Tiso @gtiso
.@secondzeit you're running all the arguments run against me by right wingers over Willie and JT. Every single one of them.
> Giovanni Tiso @gtiso
.@secondzeit Which is funny, because I distinctly recall you supporting me then. How utterly bizarre.
> Matthew R X Dentith@HORansome
@secondzeit @gtiso You seem to be confusing the pleas of an individual with that of a lobby group, Philip. I'm a tad disappointed
AnonyMs @homecomeexpat
So, thoughts. See, the thing is, I don’t support unfettered freedom of speech. I don’t even think all speech intrinsically has worth.
AnonyMs @homecomeexpat
But here’s the thing. Efforts by individuals, those without power, to challenge the speech of those with power IS NOT CENSORSHIP.
Jessica McAllen @Jess_McAllen
Just realised @TheEgonomist features in my front page story in the culture section of SST next wk. Bad timing.
Lamia @LI_politico
Judith Collins does not need the Sunday Star Times. She can send a bloody press release.
Lamia @LI_politico
The cycle of the powerful cannibalizing media spaces from right under us is so blatant - all you can do is laugh or is it cry?
> Giovanni Tiso @gtiso
@LI_politico you certainly can't suggest people stop buying stuff or they'll compare you to Goebbels. This I know.
Alex Coleman @ShakingStick
A Public Editor, like the NYT has, to explain the weird decisions a paper makes; would be a good thing for NZ papers to have right now still
> Alex Coleman @ShakingStick
Partly so that readers learn the why, but mostly so that a papers journos don't catch all the stick. It also shows the paper cares.
Lamia @LI_politico
Hey let's throw that honorable back at her and give her a newspaper column because voters think John Key is hot. So whatevs.
Lamia @LI_politico
We have to watch what we say in public spaces. But if you're Collins you still get 150k salary despite unethical actions. Because democracy.
Lamia @LI_politico
Forget history and forget balance. This government right now is actively screwing over journos and getting space from editors. Why?
Lamia @LI_politico
After dirtypolitics and after misuse of OIA and after underfunding of oversight agencies by this govt WHY DO THEY GET THIS SPACE?
Lamia @LI_politico
The govt voice gets deference and gets space. It is the way. Regular spot on the radio? Sure. The question at this juncture is why?
Hamish Keith @hamish_keith
Like to make a point I cancelled SST because MSM finds it increasingly hard to provide objective journalism & that column was my last straw
> Philip Matthews@secondzeit
.@hamish_keith You cancelled the paper that has published Hager many times and the investigative story that brought down Collins?
> Scott Milne @LostArcNZ
@secondzeit @hamish_keith You know bringing down Collins may have just won Nats the election, ironically...
> Philip Matthews @secondzeit
.@LostArcNZ @hamish_keith Yes, it was all part of @MattNippert's devious plot to ensure a National win. Blacker-than-black ops.
> Matt Nippert @MattNippert
.@secondzeit @LostArcNZ @hamish_keith And I would have got away with it too, if it weren't for you meddling kids.
> Damien Grant @damienmgrant
@hamish_keith as is your right. For balance I'll subscribe on Monday. @SundayStarTimes
Matthew R X Dentith @HORansome
Given how vexed we are about Judith Collins writing opinion pieces for the SST, why don't we just agree to scrap opinion pieces in general?
Lamia @LI_politico
So this way the Govt washes its hands of Collins implications and Collins washes her hands of #dirtypolitics. Brilliant PR strategy. A+
> Lamia @LI_politico
All with the help of a complacent MSM with I guess a national audience of old people who still read newspaper columns ie voters.
Danyl Mclauchlan @danylmc
Basic problem with Collins: govt already gets 10s of millions taxpayer dollars to tell us what they think. They don't need newspaper columns
Lamia @LI_politico
I read the Collins column. Is she getting paid for this?
Mathew Grocott @mathewgrocott
I just consumed some media that didn't meet my expectations so I don't think any one should ever interact with that outlet again - Twitter
Matt @mfairh
It is ironic, though, how often Voltaire is invoked to defend Machiavellian behaviour.
hamish mcneilly @southernscoop
Unconfirmed reports Peter Jackson will direct a feature based on today's Twitter spat.
Mark Reynolds @MarkSReynolds
And as we go into Sunday evening, once again Twitter is outraged.
Keir Leslie @KeirLeslie
I feel sorry for the Herald - so many people mad at them about the Sunday Star Time's bizarre hiring choices.
Malteser Geezer @RedBacon
Church of Tiso in full swing today.
Lynnette Williams @LynnW192
I read all sorts of stuff & continue to buy crap newspapers because I think the printed medium is really really important.
> Lynnette Williams @LynnW192
@LynnW192 But giving Collins a platform to relaunch her political career sticks in my craw.
George Darroch @mrdarroch
I have been boycotting all New Zealand print and broadcast media for many years. It doesn't cost me anything.
Morgan Godfery @MorganGodfery
Tweeter suggests fellow tweeters might want to take an ethical stand against an unethical newspaper decision. Is there a problem with that?
Matthew Hooton @MatthewHootonNZ
Once again the first inclination of the moral conscience of the left is to try to silence someone he doesn't like …
> Damien Grant @damienmgrant
@MatthewHootonNZ you didn't mind this when Tamihere was the target. So how is his predictable behavior different here?
> Matthew Hooton @MatthewHootonNZ
.@damienmgrant You don't think asking a teenage girl about her sex life on air to diminish rape is a bit worse than @JudithCollinsMP's sins?
> Giovanni Tiso @gtiso
.@MatthewHootonNZ once again, a right wing tosspot equates suggesting people may not to want to buy something with censorship.
> Matthew Hooton @MatthewHootonNZ
Come now @gtiso. You don't simply say you won't buy @SundayStarTimes You rage & attack: it's not ok for @JudithCollinsMP to be published etc
The Ruminator @RuminatorNZ
"I don't want you to say anything." "I don't want you to say that." "No I don't want you to say THAT." "Free speech!" Twitter today.
Philip Matthews @secondzeit
Noam Chomsky Quotes (If you believe in freedom of speech, you believe...) … via @QuotingChomsky
Giovanni Tiso @gtiso
And now: the subtweet comparing me to Goebbels and Stalin. It's a pity, because I already got bingo the previous turn.
Rachel Stewart @RFStew
I hate Rodney Hide's column. He can't write, talks shit, has right-wing political agenda. I wouldn't dream of urging people to unsubscribe.
> Rachel Stewart @RFStew
@kaupapa @secondzeit ...and Veitch beat his girlfriend, and Banks is dodgy, and Dyson had drink drive charge. How far do we go? Who decides?
Dovil @Dovil
People have the right to subscribe/unsubscribe, read/not read, support/not support. Simple as that.
Rachel Stewart @RFStew
Sometimes being a journalist means you see media (and its role) somewhat differently from others. We are trained that way. Sad, but true.
Jessica Williams @mizjwilliams
also. the issues around @gtiso's boycott call for RL were personally VERY difficult for me, for reasons both obvious and not.
> Jessica Williams @mizjwilliams
and yet - i managed to STFU, mostly - and Gio and I are still mates.
> Philip Matthews @secondzeit
.@HORansome @gtiso @LostArcNZ @mizjwilliams I don't like the idea that you boycott a title because you dislike one column. Write a letter.
> Giovanni Tiso @gtiso
@LostArcNZ @secondzeit @HORansome @mizjwilliams Writing a letter who the guy who tore me to shreds in a profile. That will work for sure.
> Matthew R X Dentith @HORansome
@secondzeit @gtiso @LostArcNZ @mizjwilliams I suspect a lost sub with a note is more likely to have an effect than a letter.
> Matthew R X Dentith @HORansome
@secondzeit @gtiso @LostArcNZ @mizjwilliams Certainly, I wouldn’t buy a copy of a newspaper with a Judith Collins column, just on principle.
> Philip Matthews @secondzeit
.@HORansome @gtiso @LostArcNZ @mizjwilliams This thread is full of hypothetical newspaper subscribers, I think.
> Matthew R X Dentith @HORansome
@secondzeit @gtiso @LostArcNZ @mizjwilliams Yes, even in that case. Giving a column to a corrupt MP is something I have a real issue with
> Rachel Stewart @RFStew
@HORansome @secondzeit @gtiso @LostArcNZ @mizjwilliams She's corrupt? Prove it! No one else has quite managed it.
> Matthew R X Dentith @HORansome
@RFStew @secondzeit @gtiso @LostArcNZ @mizjwilliams There’s a difference between being shown to be corrupt *legally* and being corrupt
> Rachel Stewart @RFStew
@HORansome @secondzeit @gtiso @LostArcNZ @mizjwilliams Yes, and if you're not careful you'll find out via a lawsuit on your hands. Libel.
> Rachel Stewart @RFStew
@HORansome @secondzeit @gtiso @LostArcNZ @mizjwilliams JC has zero tolerance for such statements.
> Kate Davis @kateinthebay
@secondzeit @HORansome @LostArcNZ Did @gtiso advocate a boycott I thought @FoxyLustyGrover & I did #BoycottThatPaperThatNobodyBuysAnyway
> Foxy Lusty-Grover @FoxyLustyGrover
@gtiso @kateinthebay @secondzeit @HORansome @LostArcNZ I also call for a Boycott of Advertisers, Someone must buy just 1 copy so can list.
> Matthew R X Dentith @HORansome
.@secondzeit I see your point, which is that a boycott punishes the other writers but that is an issue only the editor or publisher can fix
> Lavender @LavenderLaurel
.@secondzeit @gtiso Just catching up here, but can u explain why he *wouldnt* want others 2 follow his lead? That's the point of a boycott!
> Philip Matthews @secondzeit
.@LavenderLaurel Quick summary: I thought it sucked and seemed a bit fascist that a top blogger called for a boycott over one columnist.
> Lavender @LavenderLaurel
@secondzeit U thought it was "fascist" of Gio to encourage his followers to take political action. That's what political bloggers do.
> Mark Hubbard @MarkHubbard33
@LavenderLaurel You do realise Mr Ban & Boycott was trying 2 lose career journos like Philip their jobs? @secondzeit
> Philip Matthews @secondzeit
.@MarkHubbard33 I did think of asking @gtiso how he'd feel if his boycott was so successful it cost 50 Fairfax staff their jobs ...
> Giovanni Tiso @gtiso
@FoxyLustyGrover @secondzeit this is so far beyond belief I've lost my will or capacity to engage.
> Philip Matthews @secondzeit
.@gtiso @FoxyLustyGrover I didn't ask before. But now I'm curious about your answer, Giovanni. @MarkHubbard33
> Giovanni Tiso @gtiso
@secondzeit @FoxyLustyGrover I don't think you really deserve an answer, after calling me Goebbels, a fascist and so forth.
> Giovanni Tiso @gtiso
@secondzeit @FoxyLustyGrover I will say this: you've been incredibly offensive today. Just appalling. If I feel like it I'll answer tomorrow
> Philip Matthews @secondzeit
.@gtiso @FoxyLustyGrover I've found you offensive on numerous occasions and tolerated it. Hope to hear from you tomorrow.
Dirty Politics @DirtyPoliticsNZ
With 'All the Financiers' Men' & now this column, @SundayStarTimes got fantastic mileage out of Collins this year
Jessica Williams @mizjwilliams
Can I just say something here? @gtiso was pretty stridently outspoken against my station a while ago. Some of y'all might remember.
> Jessica Williams @mizjwilliams
This is Twitter. It's also a free country, last time I looked. So, you know. Listen to Gio or don't, buy the HoS or don't.
> Philip Matthews @secondzeit
.@mizjwilliams And read Judith Collins or don't, without urging others to cancel their subs?
> Giovanni Tiso @gtiso
@secondzeit @AdamGoodallYes @mizjwilliams When I did it with every non-Fairfax publication in the country, you were right behind me.
> Hayden Donnell @HaydenDonnell
@gtiso @secondzeit @AdamGoodallYes @mizjwilliams RadioLive was targeted at an individual show rather than a paper with diverse content.
> book hatin goodall @AdamGoodallYes
@HaydenDonnell @gtiso @secondzeit @mizjwilliams p difficult to perform a targeted boycott on a newspaper column in the same way
> Giovanni Tiso @gtiso
@AdamGoodallYes @HaydenDonnell @secondzeit @mizjwilliams You'd think this would be pretty fucking obvious, wouldn't you? You'd be wrong.
> Hayden Donnell @HaydenDonnell
@gtiso @AdamGoodallYes @secondzeit @mizjwilliams That's my point. Is it worth stopping supporting the good stuff over Collins?
> Giovanni Tiso @gtiso
@HaydenDonnell @AdamGoodallYes @secondzeit @mizjwilliams Yes. Because this shit is intolerable and has to stop.
> Giovanni Tiso @gtiso
@HaydenDonnell @AdamGoodallYes @secondzeit @mizjwilliams But hey, I'm not forcing anyone, and by the way, I won't have ANY impact on sales.
> Philip Matthews @secondzeit
.@gtiso @HaydenDonnell @AdamGoodallYes @mizjwilliams That's disingenuous. You had an impact at RadioLive, why not here?
Alastair Thompson @althecat
Can't help but notice that comments are turned off on @JudithCollinsMP's debut "Caring not Crushing" SST Column …
> Alastair Thompson @althecat
Also @JudithCollinsMP's cancerous "new wood" yarn … echoes @whaleoil's cancerous concrete series
Alastair Thompson @althecat
In @judithcollinsmp's debut SST column she clearly references WO campaign over cancerous building materials. Can't she think for herself?
Laura McQuillan @mcquillanatorz
It must be incredibly draining to be a Twitter personality constantly on the lookout for something fresh to be outraged about.
Giovanni Tiso @gtiso
It's goodbye, then, @secondzeit. I valued your friendship but this is total bullshit.
> Philip Matthews @secondzeit
.@gtiso I work for a newspaper (same company, different title). A call for a boycott over one columnist is abhorrent to me.
> Matthew Hooton @MatthewHootonNZ
I wonder, @secondzeit, if Nicky Hager will refuse to write for @SundayStarTimes again now @JudithCollinsMP has a column. @gtiso
> Giovanni Tiso @gtiso
@MatthewHootonNZ @secondzeit @SundayStarTimes @JudithCollinsMP Who knows? Maybe not. But Helen Kelly and Wendyl Nissen quit Newstalk ZB.
> Matthew Hooton @MatthewHootonNZ
What did that achieve @gtiso? Most ppl like diversity of opinion in their polity. You don't. @secondzeit @SundayStarTimes @JudithCollinsMP
> Alastair Thompson @althecat
@danylmc @MatthewHootonNZ @secondzeit @gtiso also, how much harm can Judith Collins do? IMO more likely she will make Nats look a bit shit.
> Giovanni Tiso @gtiso
@althecat @danylmc @MatthewHootonNZ @secondzeit it's an attempt to relaunch the brand of a sitting MP via a national newspaper column.
> Matthew Hooton @MatthewHootonNZ
That's crap @gtiso. Newspaper columns are what pollies do when it's all over. Ask John Tamihere about that. @althecat @danylmc @secondzeit
> Giovanni Tiso @gtiso
@MatthewHootonNZ @althecat @danylmc @secondzeit It's not all over for her. You don't think she wrote about health and safety as a PR move?
> Matthew Hooton @MatthewHootonNZ
Perhaps, @gtiso, she should be burned. She's clearly a witch. Has certainly possessed you. @althecat @danylmc @secondzeit @JudithCollinsMP
> Alastair Thompson @althecat
Nice escalation @MatthewHootonNZ. And if @JudithCollinsMP writes her next column on @gtiso this discussion will have come full circle.
> Samuel Hill @SamHill886
@althecat @MatthewHootonNZ @JudithCollinsMP @gtiso Judith's article would be praised by the left if it was written by a Green or Labour MP
> Matthew Hooton @MatthewHootonNZ
Of course @SamHill886. The @gtiso rule on free speech is "I support free speech iff I agree with it". @althecat @JudithCollinsMP
> Giovanni Tiso @gtiso
@MatthewHootonNZ @SamHill886 @althecat I don't think I know anyone more disingenuous than you are, Matthew. And I mean worldwide.
> Matthew Hooton @MatthewHootonNZ
What has led you to that conclusion @gtiso? @SamHill886 @althecat
> Giovanni Tiso @gtiso
@MatthewHootonNZ @SamHill886 @althecat Months and months of being targeted by you with non sequiturs you know very well not to be true.
> Giovanni Tiso @gtiso
@SamHill886 @ChrisALee_NZ @MatthewHootonNZ @althecat it's a piece designed to make her look human and caring. It's also on a subject that...
> Matthew Hooton @MatthewHootonNZ
@gtiso @SamHill886 @ChrisALee_NZ @althecat Does it make her look human and caring to you?
> Giovanni Tiso @gtiso
@MatthewHootonNZ @SamHill886 @ChrisALee_NZ @althecat I'm not the target audience. But that's the general thrust. From crusher to caring.
> Matthew Hooton @MatthewHootonNZ
@gtiso @SamHill886 @ChrisALee_NZ @althecat Ah yes. You can see through it. Cos u is so brainy. But the sheeple may be fooled
> Giovanni Tiso @gtiso
@MatthewHootonNZ Yes, PR doesn't exist or work, Matthew. I know. We know. @SamHill886 @ChrisALee_NZ @althecat
> Matthew Hooton @MatthewHootonNZ
@gtiso @SamHill886 @ChrisALee_NZ @althecat PR works when it informs people of different perspectives so they can make up their own minds
> Giovanni Tiso @gtiso 17h17 hours ago
@MatthewHootonNZ @SamHill886 @ChrisALee_NZ @althecat hahahah!! Oh my god.
> Matthew Hooton @MatthewHootonNZ
@gtiso @SamHill886 @ChrisALee_NZ @althecat whereas your goal is to silence views you disagree with because the sheeple can't be trusted
> Matthew Hooton @MatthewHootonNZ
I think, @gtiso, that your constant attacks on people you don't know for lacking integrity is a sign of bad faith and a lack of integrity
> Giovanni Tiso @gtiso
@MatthewHootonNZ I don't think that many people lack integrity, no. But you, yes.
> Matthew Hooton@MatthewHootonNZ
I'd rate my integrity well above yours @gtiso. And my self awareness. And commitment to pluralism. You can't see your own fascist tendencies
Watershitdown @watershitdown
Sunday Star Times pre-emptively cancels Hamish Keith subscription as he's not the calibre of reader we want.
Watershitdown @watershitdown
Mike Hosking worried Judith Collins column might knife his column in the back.
Watershitdown @watershitdown
Reader comments to Judith Collins column all glowing, in fear of potential double downs. #Judithcolumns
Steve Braunias @SteveBraunias
If I object to a boycott by unfollowing the boycotter on Twitter, have I, too, boycotted? *wrings hands*
Lew @LewSOS
But remember: this is the paper that ran column after obnoxious column by Michael Laws. It is what it is.
Lew @LewSOS
Of course, should Collins haters wish to cancel their SST subs in a spectacular & organised fashion, more power to them.
Rachel Stewart @RFStew
Tiso asks, "When's the last time a sitting MP got a column in one of our newspapers"? Actually, in provincial newspapers it is very common.
Giovanni Tiso @gtiso
Giovanni Tiso: asking questions to the media about Dirty Politics since last February.
Lew @LewSOS
The test for offering someone a column is not "are they a model of propriety", it's "have they got interesting things to say"
> Alex Coleman @ShakingStick
@LewSOS Does she though? Does she really? I reckon she got the gig because of Dirty Politic., She's just controversial is all.
> Lew@LewSOS
@ShakingStick I guess we'll see. She had a lot of interesting things to say on Twitter. Too many, in fact.
> George Darroch @mrdarroch
@LewSOS you stick up for the advertisers and their editors, I'll stick up for an independent press.
> Lew @LewSOS
@mrdarroch I think independent papers should hire all sorts of awful people.
Roz S-P @RozS_P
"On the 1st day of #snarkmas the Star Times gave to me, Judith's pointless commentary"
Morgan Godfery @MorganGodfery
Actually, are there any up and coming - or even established - right wing voices who would have done a better job than Collins?
Giovanni Tiso @gtiso
Taking @sewauc's cue, we should make tomorrow Cancel Your @SundayStarTimes Subscription Day.
> Philip Matthews@secondzeit
.@gtiso @sewauc @SundayStarTimes Weren't you saying the other day that you like being exposed to opinions you disagree with?
> Giovanni Tiso @gtiso
@secondzeit @sewauc @SundayStarTimes You think asking Judith Collins to be a columnist is within the bounds of ethical journalism?
> Philip Matthews @secondzeit
.@gtiso @sewauc @SundayStarTimes Yes.
> Giovanni Tiso @gtiso
@secondzeit @sewauc @SundayStarTimes Really? You think dirty politics should be rewarded? Okay. Well, I don't.
> Lew @LewSOS
@gtiso In case you missed it, she was totally cleared by the investigation. @secondzeit @sewauc @SundayStarTimes
> Philip Matthews @secondzeit
.@gtiso @sewauc @SundayStarTimes Or you could, you know, wait and see what she has to say and argue with each column.
> Giovanni Tiso @gtiso
@LewSOS @secondzeit @sewauc @SundayStarTimes You think she wasn't using Cameron Slater as a conduit? Really? Is this bizarro Twitter?
> Giovanni Tiso @gtiso
.@secondzeit @sewauc @SundayStarTimes Interesting theory. Are you similarly enthused about Cameron Slater's commentator role at Newstalk ZB?
> Lew @LewSOS
@gtiso What I think is beside the point. The fact is she was cleared, and thoroughly so. @secondzeit @sewauc @SundayStarTimes
> Philip Matthews @secondzeit
.@gtiso @sewauc @SundayStarTimes I choose not to listen to Slater but wouldn't call for a boycott.
> nausea nissendreidl @ntafraidofruins
@secondzeit @sewauc Are @SundayStarTimes gonna give @gtiso a column too so he can argue with Collins publicly?
> Giovanni Tiso @gtiso
.@secondzeit @sewauc @SundayStarTimes Good for you. Whereas I think people who give platforms to bullies should not get to profit from it.
> Lew @LewSOS
@gtiso I hardly think swapping the Ministry of Justice for a probably-unpaid column is "profit" @secondzeit @sewauc @SundayStarTimes
> Giovanni Tiso @gtiso
@LewSOS @secondzeit @sewauc @SundayStarTimes Really though I'm not interested in pursuing your contrarian bollocks further.
>ThreeMonkeys AndMe @We3forDemocracy
@secondzeit @gtiso @kateinthebay @LewSOS @sewauc @SundayStarTimes NO sitting politician should have a regular spot in print radio or TV.
David Slack @DavidSlack
Looks as though some bastard has filched part of our Sunday Star Times. Three pages of Judith Collins and nothing about Oravida.
Keir Leslie @KeirLeslie
Judith Collins now cares about health and safety. But in January? Not so much: …
Mandy Hager @MandyHager
A new crush-free Judith Collins - the perfect example of how the media play a part in perpetuating govt propaganda …
Helen Kelly @helenkellyCTU Dec 6
So the Cameron Slater tip line is getting a newspaper column of its own. #waitingformycall