This is a selection of tweets about the Labour leadership candidacy duo of Grant Robertson and Jacinda Ardern. As usual, the most recent tweets are first, and more will be added. [Read more below]
So much puntential. #Gracinda fire Gracinda feat Gracindas with their presence Gracinda tank Gracinderella, you shall go to the ball
#Gracinda just sounds tacky. Waiting for Andrew Little to declare his cat Buddy as his running mate. #Andruddy
Look, I'm not someone who really pushes identity politics. But with "Gracinda", it's like... Would we use a cute name if it was two dudes?
First there was #Brangelina, now there's #Gracinda.
Oh god, not Gracinda. It sounds like a venereal disease. It's almost teasing.
Kelly Bertrand @kellybertrandnz
#gracinda 2014 for the win. We need more portmanteaus in politics.
Kaiser Chillhelm @AceMcWicked
As much as the term sounds like a horrible health drink with something like kale in it, I'm down with #Gracinda
Surprised they went for Gracinda when they could have chosen Grinda.
Can't tell if #Gracinda is endearing or infuriating.
Gracinda. It's not a city in Spain. via @nzherald
Bunnies On Ponies @samuelfscott
I'm loving the term Gracinda! AND I 100% support @grantrobertson1 and @jacindaardern to lead the Labour party. One heck of a team.
If Robertson and Ardern are 'Gracinda' does that make Key and English 'Jill'?
I want a Gracinda-based remake of the Gruffalo on my desk by 6pm.
@gtiso Silly old Cunliffe, doesn't he know? There's no such thing as a Gracindao.
Then again if David wins and chooses Annette or Trevor as Dep it's Jurassic Parker.
Surely the best Labour combo, based on name mashups, would be Mahulittle.
I spose 'Gracinda' is better than 'Jobertson' or 'Gradern'. if Andrew chooses Nanaia will it be 'Hutalittle' or 'Littlehuta'?
Gracinda sounds like something a white person would say when trying to order from a Mexican restaurant. #Gracinda
#Gracinda is genius and if you hate it, you're probably just sick of politics and should give up.
No matter what else happens, Brook Sabin asking people "Do you know Grant Robertson is gay?" is still the low point of NZ journalism.
Patrick Gower @patrickgowernz
Grant & Jacinda - "Gracinda". Political "twofer"/2-for-1 deal. Buy Grant, get Jacinda free! #Gracinda
I do think Robertson would make a good Labour leader but he occasionally comes across as smug #nzpol
Pretty slick video here of @grantrobertson1's campaign launch with @jacindaardern & others (incl @guywilliamsguy!): .
Jordan McCluskey @prinnbanktce
Journalists who make an issue of Robertson's sexuality forget that great New Zealand quality: not really giving a fuck if the job gets done.
Grant Robertson is all right, but still the best of a bad bunch to me. But I'm backing him, purely because of <3 Jacinda <3
Robertson's choice of "new generation" slogan has surely stitched up the Pepsi vote.
Who will be the first media to mention the obvious about a Robertson- Ardern ticket for labour leadership? And its not about the beltway.
@kiaora4that @CTrevettNZH That they are both active in Rainbow wing of Labour - and Robertson gayness sd 2b ssue 4 Labour in South Auckland
Media coverage of @grantrobertson1 campaign launch most positive story about Labour I've seen in months. Wish I was there, total FOMO
Family First NZ @familyfirstnz
Robertson says Ardern's a “lapsed Mormon who only learnt to drink and swear when she worked with me”. #isthisacomplement
@MorganGodfery Good luck uncovering the beliefs of a Labour MP. You'll get 3rd way drivel. In Robertson's speech today 'opportunity' used 6x
Morgan Godfery @MorganGodfery
Jacinda Adern, eh. 1. What does she stand for? 2. What has she done? I'm genuinely curious. I know nothing about her beliefs or record.
> Karol Scribe @KarolScribe 18h18 hours ago
@MorganGodfery Robertson's use of her is more about image than substance. She developed the Best Start package.Patchy on welfare vs Bennettt
@MorganGodfery 1. Nada 2.Nada
@kiaora4that @MorganGodfery Apparently people think she is pretty and she has been a Labour member for 17 years
@MorganGodfery 1. The Cult of Grant 2. Worshipped Faithfully
> BestestLeftist@aaronincognito
@KaroriBee @MorganGodfery After a fairly thorough search, I have no idea what 'Labour values' means. Vague principles, but what substance?
Jordan McCluskey @prinnbanktce
It is between Robertson and Little really, but depends on who Mahuta and Parker instruct supporters to give 2nd preferences too.
@grantrobertson1 and @jacindaardern you're a dream(y) team. This is the way of the future & proud to be part of it!
OpinionatedAtheistNZ @OpAtheistNZ
Grant Robertson is hoping all those people who wanted Jacinda as leader will vote for him now she's his 2IC.
2day I saw my partner enthused about a Labour Party gathering for 1st time ages - hopeful that Grant and Jacinda can get there #robertson#1
BestestLeftist @aaronincognito ·
@KaroriBee @MorganGodfery After a fairly thorough search, I have no idea what 'Labour values' means. Vague principles, but what substance?
@aaronincognito @saniac If Grant was putting out detailed specifics, he'd be getting slammed for pre-empting the review / dictatorialism
Due to a wacky mixup, Grant Robertson is running with Shane Ardern as preferred deputy *tractor busts through opposition caucus room wall*
Paora Ropata @kiaora4that 18h18 hours ago
Robertson on members with a different point of view.If they don't tow the line, he'll force them out. What a wanker.
Call Me Katie @wecanpartthesea
.@grantrobertson1 and @jacindaardern - now there's a team I can get excited about. Bring on 2017! #Grant2017
Grant Robertson earnt 23.78% of the party vote in Wellington Central while Jacinda Ardern managed 21.60% of the party vote in AKL Central.
Grant Robertson now campaigning as a leadership duo with Jacinda Ardern. 2 vs 1 vs 1 vs 1. Mahuta might want to pick Little or Parker soon.
Patrick Gower @patrickgowernz
Grant & Jacinda wearing matching mint kit in Woman's Day yarn. #nextlevel This is Brand Key territory - they taking John & Bronagh head-on!
Grant and Jacinda.woohoo what a team!
I'm a huge supporter and fan of Grant and Jacinda, so putting them down as a 2nd pref won't be easy....
@BaydenHarris Have any of them talked about their possible policies or ideological influences? Seems like a lot of nothing so far...
Rāwinia Thompson @rawiniathompson
Grant got down on bender knee, and asked for Jacinda's hand... In leadership. @grantrobertson1 @jacindaardern #Grant2017
Grant Robertson@grantrobertson1
"This leadership election is the opportunity to create a strong Labour Party focused on the future, standing up for our values." #grant2017
@grantrobertson1 This could be said of @DavidCunliffeMP too. What does it mean to you? What values/direction will you take the party?
Grant Robertson@grantrobertson1
"My third commitment is that we will be the party that stands for workers, small businesses and entrepreneurs." #grant2017
> Michael Nolan @MikeNolanTKA
@grantrobertson1 beneficiaries are notably absent here. In vulnerable labour market they need protection
> Frances Adank @FrancesAdank1
@grantrobertson1 women?
> Cerian Wagstaff @KelianiWagstaff
@grantrobertson1 Is it possible to be the party for everyone? just asking :-)
@grantrobertson1 by saying that does it not mean you stand for no one in particular? What do unions think of this? They started @nzlabour
so why has @jacindaardern got 13k moire twitter followers than @grantrobertson1 ? #Grant2017
Grant Robertson @grantrobertson1
"I am delighted to announce today that the person I will recommend to the Caucus to be my Deputy Leader will be Jacinda Ardern." #grant2017
@grantrobertson1 When will you announce some policies / policy direction. Labour can't make this X-factor. It must be based on policy
Fleur Fitzsimons @FleurFitzsimons
So thrilled to see @jacindaardern standing with @grantrobertson1, amazing team for the future! #grant2017
@CorinDann You CAN NOT be serious? Jacinda is backing Grant? Who knew!?!?! [sarcasm tone]
Grant Robertson @grantrobertson1
I’ve just started my speech at the Kings Arms in Auckland. Follow along on the hashtag: #grant2017.
Patrick Gower @patrickgowernz
Jacinda Ardern & Grant Robertson have done a well-timed Woman's Day yarn. Referred to as "political twosome".
Team Gracinda. Team Ardertson.
Grant Robertson & Darien Fenton now says the "Anyone But Cunliffe" club doesn't exist. Why? Because for the ABCs, it's mission accomplished.
Jessica Williams @mizjwilliams
But I can tell you, Grant Robertson thinks Trevor Mallard would be a great assistant speaker.
Grant Robertson making lots of sense with @PrincesStLabour. Shows that decisions can't be made till you actually get to talk with candidates
Willy Jackson: "were u captain of the Anyone But Cunliffe club?" Grant Robertson: "there's no such club" (at 10' 00") …