This is a selection of interesting and insightful tweets responding to this week's Internet Mana Party alliance. As usual, the most recent tweets are first. Will be updated. [Read more below]
Is Willie Jackson taking tomorrow off work too?
Patrick Gower @patrickgowernz
I'm on leave and spending some time with my family and friends.
“@patrickgowernz: I'm on leave and spending some time with my family and friends.” *cough* #InternetPartyLeader
[Just in case they are crossing all these off the list to maintain the surprise.] I seriously think Bomber will be #InternetPartyLeader
@ShakingStick If true, that would move us into Not Enough Popcorn in All the World
Callum Valentine @callumvalentine
Cant believe no one has worked out it's the Briscoes lady #InternetPartyLeader ...She knows which way the spoon bends
Cunliffe. #InternetPartyLeader
Did the Internet Party ask John Key? He's pretty popular. #helping
This "who is the internet party leader" suspense is killing me.
Where are the significant differences between the Internet Party and Green Party?
David Shearer #InternetPartyLeader
Morgan Godfery @MorganGodfery
Chris Trotter #InternetPartyLeader
BREAKING: Petyr Baelish to be Internet Party leader. In related news, Dotcom and Harawira found dead after shocking manhole cover accident.
Still picking Gilbert Myles. Or maybe David Benson-Pope #InternetPartyLeader
Jessica Williams @mizjwilliams
Bugger, and now our listeners think Frank Underwood really is the #InternetPartyLeader. Stepping away from The Twitter.
Just denied being the leader of the Internet Party for @SeanPlunket . Should have said "no comment" shouldn't I? ;-)
Damian Christie @damianchristie
BREAKING NEWS: Frank Underwood to lead @InternetPartyNZ
CarrieStoddart-Smith @Ellipsister
Someone reckons Minto as IP leader. After his TDB post wouldn't surprise me (but I doubt it).
Internet Party @InternetPartyNZ
Let the guessing begin… because it has already ;-) It’s not Siri. 26 hours to go. #InternetPartyLeader
In a way, we are *all* the #internetpartyleader
Mana says they won't be compromising on policy. I guess that's because the Internet Party only has one policy - stopping KDC's extradition.
So the Internet Party reckons they have a credible leader who's well known. High profile? A former MP maybe? Willie? Nah, no way...??
iHone #InternetPartyLeader
JULIAN WILCOX #internetpartyleader #obviously
If the Internet Mana thing works, and they go their seperate ways post-election, ask Judith Collins why she didn't just reform MMP.
What if the Internet Party leader is literally the internet? #Internetpartyleader
Gareth Morgan!
@danylmc Brilliant! Plus he's got even more money than KDC
@cespiner Although his hatred of cats could clash with Internet Party's core constituency of people who watch kitten videos on youtube
I'm picking Lucy Lawless for the new leader of the Internet Party. (for no other reason than wouldn't it be fun?)
I bet the Internet Party Leader is Don Brash. That mother fucker just keeps rising.
Internet-Mana alliance strategically smart, but agree with Flavell here that it undermines the Maori seats …
CarrieStoddart-Smith @Ellipsister
So IP will coattail on Maori seat while a Maori (Annette) is demoted. So unless IP leader is Maori, what a waste of a Maori rep. #nzpol
With regard to the Internet Party leadership "If drafted, I will not run; if nominated, I will not accept; if elected, I will not serve" :-)
How many potential party leaders do we think the media can collective call by Thursday? Asking just to see how big the list I'm not on is.
A journalist just called and asked me if I was the Internet Party leader being announced on Thursday. Today’s awesome. (Also, no, lol.)
> Ben Uffindell @BenUffindell
@publicaddress A journalist called and asked if it was me. I said yes.
Jessica Williams @mizjwilliams
So far, we know the Internet Party leader is not (a) @publicaddress (pity) or (b) @CitizenBomber (lol).
The new leader of the Internet Party could be @MatthewHootonNZ. Think about it. It makes no sense, but nor does Internet Mana
Considering coattail rule, and that Mana will probably win TTT, and that Internet get place 2 on list, it's an incredibly good deal for KDC
The Internet Party just emailed me asking for me 2 b their leader but they sent it from a hotmail address and I was like "r u shitting me"
'The Daily Blog' to be retitled 'The Daily Dotcom'. It makes' sense, says editor Martyn Bradbury. 'Where's the money?'
Laura McQuillan @mcquillanatorz
Tech savvy? Internet Party leader announcement details are in an image, pasted in the body of an email, so you can't copy/paste the text :c
The Muppet Party launch
Matthew Hooton @MatthewHootonNZ
If @actparty & @ColinCraigNZ's party formed a new one called #ActConservative would it get list MPs if @dbseymour won #Epsom for Act? #nzpol
Der Mana Partei Von Aotearoa
Have resigned from Mana, accept totally that it's their democratic decision to go with Dotcom, but it's a big mistake …
I'd have gone with 'The MegaMana Party.'
@danylmc Or possibly the Meglamanaiac Party?
Combined party list?! But individual electorate MPs.... Very interesting. Has this been done before? #MMPinnovations
Curwen Ares Rolinson @huntersrolinson
wonders how trading Sue Bradford for Kim Dotcom will work out for MANA...
Honestly, why would you not go with "Internana"?
who is going to be the leader of the Internet Mana Party. Place your bests nowwwwww...
The Internet-Mana Party? Wow, that's catchy. I can see how that would appeal to ... to .. actually can't think of anyone.
Matthew Littlewood @M_Littlewood84
Why does the name "Internet Mana" remind me of a certain Eating Media Lunch spoof? …
Internet Party @InternetPartyNZ
He’s our Harawira, not yours @nzherald! #MyHarawira #Typos #lulz
Today is Internet/Mana's high point. Having done such arrangements before, I can confidently say it's likely to be all downhill from here
Joshua Hitchcock @jcphitchcock
Any plans for a United Future & Conservatives deal? United Con v Mana Dot Con in the battle of the dodgy deals.
Heath duPlessisAllan @hdpaNEWS
I ran 'Mana Mana doo doo doo Internet!' past Hone Harawira as a better party name but he didn't seem keen.
Is the Internet Party using a reverse listing to get into parliament like Mega's reverse takeover bid is about getting on the NZX?
Any number of classic internet memes are available for poiltical cartoonists right meow
Predicting that Mana Party will take a much bigger hit in party membership than Internet Party as a result of the alliance...
Martyn Bradbury @CitizenBomber
Where are all the msm pundits now who claimed MANA-IP wouldn't happen?
I guess "iMana" would have resulted in Apple's lawyers descending on the party, which is probably not what KDC needs right now
Martyn Bradbury @CitizenBomber
Love watching press gallery journalists struggle with the concept of Internet MANA in my twitter feed
Oooooh. Hone is predicting a "shake up" in the #nzpol landscape.
It looks like the Mana and Internet party lists will Merge Like a .ZIP
I can think of half a million reasons why Hone would sell out, as has minto, but will Sue Bradford sell out too?
Internet Mana Party. Wait - imp - is that what we are calling it?
Here is your #Internana sound track for today. You're welcome. …
Laura McQuillan @mcquillanatorz
Given the Internet Party will pick up most of the bill for the coalition, why did Dotcom give the Internet Party $250k last month?
TBH if I'd associated Hone Harawira with a digital issue before this, it would have been a raised middle one. So they have that in common.
@avancenz I thought #mananet was much catchier.
"Internet-MANA", cos "muppet show" was taken.
Joshua Hitchcock @jcphitchcock
Kelvin Davis has a wonderful platform to take back Te Tai Tokerau for Labour now.
Internet Party leader is.... chris cairns lol
Is this the point where the Internet Party goes from joke to farce? #votecivilian
Heath duPlessisAllan @hdpaNEWS
Oh man they're calling themselves Internet Mana. Couldn't they have paid someone to come up with a decent name?
"Anti John Key Party" would have been more accurate. Plus touch on their only similarity.
You fools! The Internet Party was running low on mana and but you gave them a potion now they can cast all their magic spells! We're doomed!
Please please please not bomber RT @avancenz Leader of Internet Party to be unveiled on Thursday
Reed Fleming @reedfleming Protected Tweets
Cannot wait to see response from Mana activists.
MMP rorts be MMP rorts.
@rnzdemelza Today Mana lost their Mana
Conscious coupling. #ManaInternet
Manternet would be a terrible choice at the moment so I guess that leaves Internana.
Internet-MANA. #anythingforbaubles
At 11am @KimDotcom and #HoneHarawira will walk down the aisle. Marry in haste, repent at leisure. #nzpol
Harawira says once it became clear who Internet Party were considering as leader, it made it easier to continue negotiations.
I predict MegaHone.
Good luck for the internet today guys!
Heath duPlessisAllan @hdpaNEWS
Taking suggestions on possible names for Mana Party and Internet Party merger...
> Laura McQuillan @mcquillanatorz
@hdpaNEWS I've heard Dotcommunists bandied about
@mcquillanatorz @hdpaNEWS the Pirate Party's been taken, unfortunately. Mind you, taking it & not acknowledging copyright would be apt.