This is a selection of some of the tweets about the revelations that Labour leader David Cunliffe used a trust fund to collect donations for his leadership campaign last year. The tweets below are in (rough) reverse chronically order – the most recent tweets are first. More will be added. [Read more below]
David Cunliffe finally has someone defending him on his secret trust - Winston Peters! … Remember the NO sign!
Asset sale debacle, John Banks debacle. GCSB debacle, justice for sale debacle etc etc etc but David Cunliffe devil incarnate.
Did Perry Keenan donate more than $1500 to @DavidCunliffeMP? If so why didn't Cunliffe report this to the electoral commission?
Not tht the media is biased or anything but its day 3 of stories abt Cunliffe breaking no rules but not a peep abt Judith Collins this morn.
Imperator Fish @ImperatorFish
Labour are following a very clever strategy, as outlined by Sun Tzu in his little known masterpiece The Art of Losing Elections
Imperator Fish @ImperatorFish
If things can't get any worse for David Cunliffe then that's good, right? That means they can only get better!
Matthew Hooton @MatthewHootonNZ
Attn @chrisfinlayson: Pls do NOT launch #privilegescommittee inquiry into @DavidCunliffeMP. @johnkeypm wants him just where he is #nzpol
@Michael_J_Parry The donation-trust clusterfuck is particularly clustered, but it's just the latest of many.
Better to be National with an actual conflict of interest and no apology, than Labour with no actual rules broken and an apology.
Judith Collins @JudithCollinsMP
David Shearer is looking like a likely comeback kid to the Labour leadership now we know of the tricky methods of those who undermined him🎠
Meanwhile, in Matt McCarten's office .....
So wouldn't somebody who didn't like being called tricky, might try stopping being tricky at some point @DavidCunliffeMP? #trusts #hypocrisy
FUCKING HELL LABOUR. This is an election year. Get your shit together.
Who would have thought Labour would fondly look back to the good old days under Shearer?
What bad timing for Labour/Cunliffe. By chance the No 2 Government bill due for debate today is the Electoral Amendment Bill.
$9500. If NZ had a #houseofcards, would our Remy Denton get enough for a #livingwage?
I expect Labour folk will be getting out their Billy Bragg CDs. The Myth of Trust.
Graeme Edgeler @GraemeEdgeler
How can you return the money if you don't know who the donors were?
Has anyone asked what @DavidCunliffeMP needed the donations for? What would you need to pay for?
@BillyRalston the portrait.
The NZ Labour Party do not deserve to win the 2014 general election. And that's a damned shame for the Greens.
This ones about trusts
I have to admit that @DavidCunliffeMP is making far too many errors and has completely lost the initiative. Not good in an election year.
@BillyRalston Almost as if a House of Cards-ish force is at work....
@tmurphyNZH You might say that, I couldn't possibly comment [throw back to the UK version]
> Hamish Price @hamishpricenz
@BillyRalston @tmurphyNZH AND the US version. Spacey says it in the first episode of series 1!
Did any Cunliffe donations come in plain envelopes and anonymously at his request - if not - give it up
> Hamish Price @hamishpricenz
@hamish_keith Hard to believe Presland contacted Cunliffe's former colleague at Boston Consulting about donation without Cunliffe knowing.
Respectfully suggest if your household income is north of $500,000 and a leadership contest costs $20,000 .... pay for it yourself.
Of Trusts Regretted and Accounts Forgotten: a short history of NZ Labour leadership since 2012.
Matthew Hooton @MatthewHootonNZ
Congrats to @GregPresland for getting Tony Gibbs,@SelwynPellett, Perry Keenan etc to donate to trust w/out @DavidCunliffeMP knowing about it
@nzdodo You can have an election Trust or the electors' trust - but not both
And now we're all saying "trust" like it's a bad thing. #newspeak
> michael fletcher @fletchermj
@nzdodo You can have an election Trust or the electors' trust - but not both
Matthew Hooton @MatthewHootonNZ
So it was a secret trust run by MickeySavage from @thestandard. Hilarious! #nzpol …
> Eric Crampton @EricCrampton
@MatthewHootonNZ I'm sure I remember folks at @thestandard giving me heck when I'd referred to it as a Labour blog. Hmm.
> Russell Brown @publicaddress
@robhosking This is really only a political management issue, which is why @MatthewHootonNZ is all over it, but … oh dear. @thestandard
@MatthewHootonNZ @thestandard !!!
Why didn't @DavidCunliffeMP just pay for his own campaign?
So farewell, then 'tricky'. You were the best word we could find for Cunliffe but now he's given us one himself and we're all about Trust
Has Cunliffe conceded the 2014 Election already? How on Earth is Key abler to school Labour on the use of trusts? …
@MatthewHootonNZ @thestandard I wonder if @davidcunliffemp has paid income tax on the donations?
Does the Cunliffe-anonymous-donors story have any legs? These kinds of stories give you the feeling they might blow up ala Banks-Dotcom.
Joshua Hitchcock @jcphitchcock
Aww, look at David Cunliffe hiding campaign donations in a secret trust like all the other middle class people in NZ.
Credit where credit's due to Cunliffe. Has a "secret trust", manufactures a war in the Ukraine to cover it up #wagthedog
Would Cunliffe be happy if the Rena's owners paid the entire amount anonymously through a trust?
Michael Woodhouse MP @WoodhouseMP
Mr Cunliffe and the word trust in the same news article. Not in quite the way he was hoping...
I for one applaud Cunliffe's openness about hiding his donations from the register of pecuniary interests by using a trust.
"I didn't know the money came from Dotcom - Cunliffe" - Predicted headline ~6 weeks from now
Trying to decide who is happier over the Cunliffe secret trust for his donations story - @grantrobertson1 or @matuashane or @johnkeypm
@MatthewHootonNZ @clarecurranmp @dpfdpf @nzlabour Funny that this story was leaked straight after McCarten joined Cunners' office.
Matthew Hooton @MatthewHootonNZ
BREAKING: New @nzlabour leader @DavidCunliffeMP endorses @NZNationalParty's old #waitematatrust arrangement #nzpol