The main issues in NZ politics today are about the relationship between money, business and politics. Additional topics include Colin Craig vs Russel Norman, the Labour Party, the National Party, education, and gender equality. [Read more below]
Today’s links
Money, business, and politics
Tracy Watkins (Stuff): Endorsements and undisclosed donations
Rodney Hide (Herald): A secret memo on secret trusts
Jonathan Milne (Herald): Politician aided with purchase of $4m paradise
Fran O'Sullivan (Herald): Donor slip exposes Cunliffe hypocrisy
Tracy Watkins (Stuff): The enigma of Cunliffe
Newswire: Key not talking about fundraising dinner
Patrick Gower (TV3): Key 'tricky' with donation dinner details
Mike Hosking (Newstalk ZB): 'Tricky' Cunliffe needs to break the reputation
Mike Williams (Herald): How to keep donations secret
Toby Manhire (Herald): Labour woes lay bare 'bed blocking' crisis
NBR Staff (NBR): Key under fire for Antoine’s donations
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Cunliffe blaming others for his own problems
Danyl McLauchlan (Dim-Post): That is not it at all
Martyn Bradbury (Daily Blog): The Patrick Gower Hour of Power – The Nation review
The Standard: Give us the names or pay the money back, John
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Pundits on Cunliffe
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Will Banks use the Cunliffe defence in court
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Imperator Fish on media bias
Pete George (Your NZ): Gower asks tricky donations questions
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Donation disclosure thresholds
Cameron Slater (Whaleoil): Forget the PhD course, Cunliffe needs to re-do Politics 101
Cameron Slater (Whaleoil): Sheesh, It’s not like I’m laundering donations for politicians
Cameron Slater (Whaleoil): Donations vs. Dinner
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): More tricky
The Standard: Dinner money
Martyn Bradbury (Daily Blog): Pay back the 21 donors Mr Key
The Standard: Filibustering
Pete George (Your NZ): The Nation improved
Cameron Slater (Whaleoil): Personal Integrity: Brand Cunliffe
Cameron Slater (Whaleoil): Remember this?
No Right Turn: "Out of the blue"
Third Culture: Wealth and Citizenship
Frank Macskasy (Daily Blog): National’s fund-raising at Antoine’s – was GST paid?
The Standard: Overreach
Andrew Geddis (Pundit): One of these things actually isn't quite like the other
John Armstrong (Herald): Cunliffe had better fix image fast
Herald: David Cunliffe defends his leadership
Rob Salmond (Polity): Armstrong on Labour
Rob Salmond (Polity): Donations, donations, donations
Latest polls and the election
Newswire: Key expects to reveal election date soon
Felix Marwick (Newstalk ZB): Labour and National up in new opinion poll
Pete George (Your NZ): Roy Morgan poll – Green and Labour worries continue
Brennan McDonald: The Election
David Farrar (Kiwiblog):Latest poll
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Guest Post: The First Election Debate
Paul Little (Herald): Election - game of Trivial Pursuit
Colin Craig and Russel Norman
Stephanie Flores (NBR): Media lawyer says court unlikely to fast-track defamation suit brought by Colin Craig
NBR Staff (NBR): Colin Craig's spoof campaign raises $50K in a day
Radio NZ: $50,000 donated to 'spoof' appeal
Isaac Davison (Herald): Craig's fund for Norman defamation case takes off
Hamish Rutherford (Stuff): Colin Craig legal fundraiser 'spoof'
Felix Marwick (Newstalk ZB): Legal tussle between Craig and Norman steps up a gear
Newswire: Craig's 'spoof' raises real money
Patrice Dougan (Herald): Craig's defamation claim is to 'raise standard of debate'
Newswire: Colin Craig undecided on electorate
Felix Marwick (Newstalk ZB): Conservative Party will have to declare donations
Greg Presland (The Standard): Colin Craig wants help with his legal costs …
Pete George (Your NZ): Craig copies Green plea for donations
Grant Duncan (Policy Matters): Colin raises the standards?
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Defamation as a fundraiser
Christchurch rebuild
Tahu Potiki (Stuff): Shocked city still so battered and broken
Andrea Vance (Stuff): Vance: Floods? PM can't keep a straight face
Radio NZ: Labour proposes buyout for flood houses
Duncan Garner (RadioLIVE): Pull the desperate and homeless out of the Christchurch black hole
Georgina Stylianou (Stuff): Cunliffe 'heartbroken' for Christchurch
TV3: Can politicians fix Christchurch?
Liz McDonald (Stuff): Rich pickings for Christchurch's wealthy
Stuff: EQC bosses front for Brownlee shakeup
Steven Cowan (Against he Current): Wanted: A Democratic Rebuild of Christchurch
Claire Trevett (Herald): TVNZ can't ask staff to declare politics
Vernon Small (Stuff): State servant political register 'not appropriate'
TVNZ: TVNZ warned over keeping tabs on employees' political affiliations
Felix Marwick (Newstalk ZB): TVNZ told to butt out of staff's personal rights
John Drinnan (Herald): TVNZ can't push staff on political views
Brian Edwards (BEM): TVNZ Introduces ‘Political Arousal Test’ for Journos
Labour Party
Matthew Hooton (NBR): Still time for Shane Jones to save Labour
TVNZ: Labour selects Christchurch Central candidate
Herald: Tony Milne Labour's candidate for Christchurch
Shelley Robinson (Stuff): Tony Milne to run for Chch Central
Jade Cooper (Newstalk ZB): Christchurch Labour candidate wants to focus on housing
Newswire: Labour selects Chch Central candidate
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Labour selects Tony Milne for Christchurch Central
Susan St. John (Daily Blog): A very weak week – doing Jacinda Ardern’s job for her
Matthew Beveridge: The point I am trying to make: Shane Jones, Andrew Little and social media habits
Ele Ludemann (Homepaddock): He would say that
Cameron Slater (Whaleoil): Would Labour stop for you David?
Cameron Slater (Whaleoil): Where’s Clare?
Cameron Slater (Whaleoil): Is Shane Jones rehearsing for leader
Cameron Slater (Whaleoil): Who is managing Labour’s social media campaign
NBR Staff (NBR): Cunliffe defends leadership
TVNZ: Cunliffe talks new policy, denies being overshadowed
Pete George (Your NZ): Q+A: Parata and Cunliffe comparison
Cameron Slater (Whaleoil): Vernon Small on Labour’s “issues”
Cameron Slater (Whaleoil): Do journalists actually check their stories, or just run party political broadcasts
Frank Macskasy (Daily Blog): A proposed Labour-Green-Mana(-NZ First?) agenda – part toru
Claire Trevett (Herald): Too many international students, says Shane Jones
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Jones against international students
Matthew Beveridge: Compare and contrast: Ian McKelvie vs Deborah Russell
Tracy Watkins (Stuff): Race for candidates moves up a gear
National Party
Dominion Post: Editorial: Collins must be above board
Newswire: Doctor to contest Whangarei seat
Herald: Dr Shane Reti picked as National's candidate for Whangarei electorate
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Reti wins Whangarei
Ele Ludemann (Homepaddock): Belief born out of experience
No Right Turn: "A higher standard of government"
Fine Tooth Column: Ain’t no party like a National Party cause a National Party don’t stop
Cameron Slater (Whaleoil): Herald and Bryce Edwards manufacturing news again
Pete George (Your NZ): Has Bryce Edwards manufactured news?
Martyn Bradbury (Daily Blog): Why Key’s cult of no personality works in NZ and how the left beat it
David Kennedy (Local Bodies): LB: Government Spin and Hidden Secrets
Newswire: National selects Napier candidate
Claire Trevett (Herald): 'Cuppa' claim over visit wrong: MP
Adam Benentt (Herald): National picks business boss for Napier race
NBR Staff (NBR): $2.7 million to lift achievement of at-risk students – Parata
Teuila Fuatai (Herald): Education Minister denies 'massaging' of NCEA results
TVNZ: Funds to help students at 'school of last resort'
Simon Wong (TV3): Student loan change will 'create fear'
Herald: Editorial: Harsh realities make updating sex ed a must
Herald: Parata: Girls doing well in education
David Kennedy (Local Bodies): Educational Ideology and Collateral Damage
Dylan Reeve: Religion in Schools (Again)
Dianne Kahn (Daily Blog): The Problem With Performance Pay for Teachers
Holly Walker (Frogblog): ‘Cracking-down’ on graduates
Matthew Dallas (Manawatu Standard): Editorial: Returning truants just the beginning
Dominion Post: Editorial: Dodging tricky issue a tragic error
Gender equality
Michael Foreman (Stuff): Glass ceiling alive and well: report
Ross Henderson (Stuff): Women's human touch needed
Iain Scott (Stuff): Work equality eludes women say advocates
Newswire: NZ women still struggling for equality – report
Andrew Geddes (Pundit): Why do right wing parties not want women?
Ele Ludemann (Homepaddock): Celebrating all but one
Stephanie Rodgers (The Standard): Happy International (Working) Women’s Day!
MPs pay
NBR Staff (NBR): Greens' MP pay policy on the money - Taxpayers' Union
Tracy Watkins (Stuff): Greens push for smaller pay rises for MPs
Newswire: Green Party proposes revamp of MP pay system
Adam Bennett (Herald): Greens would link MPs to median wage
John Armstrong (Herald): Putin 1, Western powers 0, in battle over Ukraine
Tom Peters (WSW): New Zealand parliament unanimously backs US in Ukraine crisis
Don Franks (Redline): New Zealand parliament crawls up Nuland’s arse
TVNZ: PM vows to keep every centimetre of Ukraine territory
Timaru Herald: Editorial: More detail, really?
Martyn Bradbury (Daily Blog): The questions you will ask, in about the order you will ask them, next month when you open your power bill
Matthew Beveridge: David Cunliffe and Kiwipower
Pete George (Your NZ): Cunliffe’s power graph gaffe
TVNZ: Initial asbestos tests clear KiwiRail locomotives
Radio NZ: Asbestos costs KiwiRail millions - union
Politician name supression
Herald: Herald on Sunday editorial: Powerful, rich - and vulnerable
Bevan Hurley (Herald): Politician gets to keep details of divorce secret
Cameron Slater (Whaleoil): Do people like this have a place in politics?
Cameron Slater (Whaleoil): HOS editorial on name suppression for the “politician”
Newswire: Interest rates set to rise
Laura Walters (Stuff): Fonterra milk powder destroyed
Helen Harvey (Stuff): Taranaki has led the nation's recovery, says minister
Ben Clark (The Standard): Pinning hopes on China
Denise Roche (Frogblog): Did SkyCity make $1.4 million out of alleged money laundering?
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): B is for banking (central)
Maori politics
Bernard Orsman (Herald): Thousands more city sites need Maori tick
Brian Rudman (Herald): Verifying iwi sites best place to start
Herald: Insults to Maori taken off search engine
TV3: Kingi Taurua on his royal comments
Radio NZ: Online voting: mixed benefits for Maori
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Maori MPs and candidates
Inequality and poverty
John Weekes (Herald): If beneficiaries get a job, they also get hoots and standing ovation from Winz
Herald: Christine Rankin: Winz wrong to celebrate
Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett (Guardian): The Spirit Level authors: why society is more unequal than ever
Ben Fahy (Idealog): One Percent Collective’s philanthropic gospel deters dreams of superherodom
Ele Ludemann (Homeapddock): Another angle on inequality
Internet policy
Michael Parkin (TVNZ): Internet Party's app will force others to follow suit
Tracy Watkins (Stuff): Labour promises digital 'bill of rights'
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Lobby group supports Labours Internet tax
Stuff: Today in politics: Monday, March 10
Newswire: Flavell to hear concerns of Kiwis in Aus
Peter Fowler (Radio NZ): Water quality ranks high for voters
Adrien Taylor (TV3): Greens call for transparency in Govt-oil company deals
Matthew Beveridge: Tips for MPs/Candidates using Twitter
Tim Selwyn (Tumeke): Stephenson hash
Cameron Slater (Whaeoil): Radio Live interviews on blogging and bloggers
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): The New Zealand Head of State campaign
Colin Espinder (Stuff): Espiner: Get tough on dog owners
Tim Hunter (Stuff): Directors need looking at
Rob Stock (Stuff): ACC axe falls more on men
Radio NZ: Local govt head Yule 'embarrassed'
Janine Rankin (Stuff): Ruling revives fluoride debate
Southland Times: Editorial: Here, piggy piggy, piggy
Stacey Knott (Stuff): MP joins fight for family to stay here
Gordon Brown (Stuff): House of Cards is back
Andrew Geddis (Pundit): Don't walk away, in silence
Martin van Beynen (Stuff): Money makes us happy, so we exist
Michele Hewitson (Herald): Interview: Paul Henry
Paul Thomas (Herald): Over heated and over here
Amy Jackman (Stuff): Pistols at dawn and a mighty fire
Pattrick Smellie (Idealog): There’s going to be a revolution?
Steve Braunias (Metro): Brauniasland: life after rabbit ears
Cameron Slater (Whaleoil): Daniel Hannan nicely sums up MSM vs. blogs
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Offences out of kilter
Eric Crampton (Offsetting Behaviour): Brownean motion
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): A Labour MP supports asset sales
John Drinnan (Herald): Pirate doco kept waiting
Tony Holman (Herald): CCOs a Trojan horse for privatization
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Williams on Peters
Matthew Dentith (Episto): Conspiracy Corner – The Taxpayers’ Union and Jordan Williams