This is a selection of some of the very recent tweets about Kim Dotcom's fledgling Internet Party, and especially it's alleged deals with other parties. The tweets below are in (rough) reverse chronically order – the most recent tweets are first. More will be added. [Read more below]
Dear NZ Broadcasting School, can you please re-train Lloyd Burr. He was a disgrace today. Regards, Winston Peters.
> Winston Peters @winstonpeters
.@LloydBurr Dear Lloyd. We went to a confidential dinner - enjoyable. Next morning you talked. Conclusion. End of a beautiful friendship.
@winstonpeters Dear Winston. I agree, very enjoyable. But I didn't talk. If you're breaking up with me, I'm gutted!
Jordan McCluskey @JordanMcCluskey
After all the Labour/Green attacks about National "selling our laws to the highest bidder" they are now willing to break them for free!
Patrick Gower @patrickgowernz
@winstonpeters do you prefer the nickname "Winston Dotcom" or "Mansion Peters"? Asking for a friend.
Ok, I'll come back tomorrow and see if @clarecurranmp has come clean on how many Dotcom meetings and what was discussed. Somehow doubt it.
Jaysus how long will we keep talking about Kim Dotcom??? It's been going on FOREVER!!
That's strange @clarecurranmp was on twitter just an hour ago. Must have got too busy to reply.
Is Kim Dotcom the new Owen Glenn for Winston Peters? Yes.
Winston Peters @winstonpeters
.@BillyRalston Hey Bill. I never ask you who you meet. Why are you asking me?
So we have @winstonpeters @clarecurran and @jacindaardern too embarrassed to talk about their dealings with @KimDotcom OK. Got the picture.
Can @clarecurranmp confirm the number of meetings with @KimDotcom & what was discussed and @jacindaardern confirm Xmas lights the only time?
Nats dirtmongering impressive. Invented Dotcom conspiracy theory- a sign they're worried about Greens. But no qualms about working w Banks
At least this explains who writes @clarecurranmp 's tech and privacy related press releases.
Laura McQuillan @mcquillanatorz
EXCLUSIVE: Russel Norman's revealed to @NewstalkZB that he didn't go in Dotcom's pool, nor was he made to listen to his album.
Oh. I seem to have completely fucked up Winston's twitter Q&A. Sorry.
Winston Peters on taking donations from Dotcom - NZFirst doesn't do that sort of thing. Ummm .. Vela brothers
Brkng: PM thinks Peters meeting with Dotcom is dangerous 4 democracy - unless NZ First wants 2 form coalition with Nats in which case its ok
So starting to look more and more like Labour held their one day caucus at the Dotcom mansion. Must have been an interesting agenda ......
Strange. I haven't heard anything back from @clarecurranmp or @jacindaardern about their meetings with @KimDotcom Anyone heard anything?
> Philip Matthews @secondzeit
@BillyRalston @clarecurranmp @jacindaardern @KimDotcom Jacinda was after DJ tips.
Katie Bradford @katieabradford
John Banks on the Kim Dotcom mansion: "the kimdom of dotcom acts in very strange ways and turns people into all sorts of gnomes"
Winston Peters @winstonpeters
Answering your questions now in an online Q&A at
@winstonpeters Great! How many times did you meet Dotcom and what did you discuss? Thanks.
Hi @clarecurranmp & @jacindaardern can you clarify @Whaleoil comment that you visited @KimDotcom. When, why and what was discussed please.
@Head_Weasel @BillyRalston @clarecurranmp @jacindaardern @KimDotcom they were there...Curran at least twice, cabbed it once, driven once
OK. Here's what we do. All MPs who haven't met Dot Com tweet to that effect. Those who don't tweet have met him. Simple. Let's start with...
@BillyRalston Clare Curran and Jacinda Ardern
.@Whaleoil Woah! Are you saying @clarecurranmp & @jacindaardern visited @KimDotcom? When, why and what was discussed?
@BillyRalston @clarecurranmp @jacindaardern @KimDotcom Yes, Clare twice at least, plus rings him, Jacinda to be fair at social function only
Why is it that politicians who have meetings with Kim Dotcom can't remember them? Russel Norman has been Dotcomed!
So at this point I think we can all agree Winston is obviously living at Dotcom Mansion hiding out from lizard people.
Katie Bradford @katieabradford
John Banks believes there's something in the water at the Kim Dotcom mansion that makes politicians forget things
Jordan McCluskey @JordanMcCluskey
I dont recall meeting Kim Dotcom, but my pockets are full of money and I seem to be more favourably inclined towards him. Curious.
Jessica Williams @mizjwilliams
Another @KimDotcom related brain fade! @RusselNorman can't remember if he rang Kim or Kim rang him proposing to meet. What IS it with him?
One day, NZers will look back on the Kim Dotcom era and ask - wtf??!!
The irony of Russell Norman being reduced to not remembering if he met or called Dotcom is delicious.
It might be helpful if all politicians who have had talks with KDC declared their interest and what was discussed, who's been with him & why
To be clear. We are moving forward with the #InternetParty. I'm confident we will win more than 5%. I have support :)
Couldn't abide Dotcom, so when he joined we left and formed the Dial-Up Greens.
The Greens need to stay out of th judicial process around th Dotcom extradition, until now th judiciary has bn our saving grace in ths farce
I’m at a loss as to what the Greens might have to offer Dotcom in a Coatesville electorate race. The alleged deal seems nonsensical.
I’m at a loss as to what the Greens might have to offer Dotcom in a Coatesville electorate race. The alleged deal seems nonsensical.
> Bill Ralston @BillyRalston @publicaddress@danylmc Dunno where Coatesville comes in but Greens announce opposition to extradition & KDC says he may fold internet party
What business did Winston have at the Dotcom mansion? @patrickgowernz - ask the question of him every day until the election... he hates it!
> Patrick Gower @patrickgowernz
@Garner_Live I doubt they were talking broadband policy - time to call out @winstonpeters a.k.a "Mansion Peters" or "Winston Dotcom".
Patrick Gower @patrickgowernz
The Greens-Dotcom election deal: #Epsom #Ohariu #EastCoastBays and now... #Coatesville …
@patrickgowernz mate you've accidentally not included bit where Russel said "Did I made any kind of assurance around that? No". No such deal
@GraemeEdgeler @ClintVSmith @patrickgowernz Well there's a clear denial and yet Paddy has written 'The Greens-Dotcom election deal.'
@publicaddress I guess Paddy wants to seem balanced by slamming left-wing dodgy electorate deals, so he's gone and invented one.
Patrick Gower @patrickgowernz
@Garner_Live I doubt they were talking broadband policy - time to call out @winstonpeters a.k.a "Mansion Peters" or "Winston Dotcom".
How many Ministers have said DotCom should 'just go the US', or that his legal challanges are just ruses of one sort or another?
Journos be implying some pretty serious shit re DotCom and opposition parties. Have they read the Extradition legal stuff?
CarrieStoddart-Smith @Ellipsister
@tekaituhi well, it would look terrible if Dotcom threw his support behind Lab/Greens given their statement on reviewing his extradition…
Paddy, did Cunliffe actually *say* he’d prevent Dotcom’s extradition? It’s not that simple. On what grounds? @patrickgowernz
Patrick Gower @patrickgowernz
And would Labour-Greens use powers to stop Dotcom's extradition? Answers from David Cunliffe and Russel Norman.
Patrick Gower @patrickgowernz
@SteveBraunias Yes - the election! You want Dotcom gone? Vote for J.Key and Crusher Collins. Want chance of Dotcom stay? Vote Labour-Green.
Imperator Fish @ImperatorFish
I can certainly see myself voting for Kim Dotcom in some circumstances. e.g. a gun is held to my head while I'm in the voting booth.