The main issue in NZ politics today is Waitangi Day and race relations. [Read more below]
Today’s links
Waitangi Day and Maori politics
Waikato Times: Why they can't stay away
Michael Fox and Simon Day (Stuff): Ngapuhi digs in heels over cash carrot
Simon Day, Florence Kerr, and Jeremy Smith (Stuff): Politics and people mingle at Waitangi
Newswire: Govt to sign $20m settlement with Ngati Kuri
Adam Bennett (Herald): Waitangi: Key offer all about votes, critics say
Radio NZ: Treaty payout not based on population alone
Laura McQuillan (Newstalk ZB): Hone Harawira tells Govt it's dreaming
Radio NZ: Talk of $600m for Ngapuhi dismissed
Sophie Lowery (TV3): Labour on the attack in Te Tai Tokerau
Barry Soper (Newstalk ZB): Political Report: The commiseration of our national day
Mike hosking (Newstalk ZB): Waitangi Day can be so much more than just a day off
Rachel Smalley (Newstalk ZB): More balance needed in Waitangi Day reporting?
Adam Bennett (Herald): Labour locked out from top table
Herald: Editorial: NZ's stability and success something to celebrate
Ewan McQueen (ODT): Foundations of Treaty rooted in Christianity
Katie Bradford (TVNZ): Hundreds of protesters march on to Treaty grounds
James Ihaka and Adam Bennett (Herald): Key at Waitangi: 'It was very calm'
TVNZ: 'Calm' day at Waitangi despite fish protest
Kim Choe (TV3): John Key arrives at Waitangi
Julie Moffett (Newstalk ZB): A step forward for women at Waitangi today
Kim Choe (TV3): Rainy start for Waitangi Day dawn service
Chris Finlayson (Herald): Treaty settlements working for the betterment of us
Kim Choe (TV3): Labour MPs all at sea with waka
Teuila Fuatai (Herald): Waitangi: New Kiwi families welcomed as citizens
Carrie Stoddart-Smith (Ellipsister): Waitangi Day Blues
Jessie Hume (Daily Blog): Ways for non-Māori to commemorate Waitangi Day
Peter Cresswell (Not PC): Waitangi Day: Something to celebrate
Cameron Slater (Whaleoil): Do Maori have a PR problem?
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): So if you are a novelist you’re exempt from the Public Works Act?
Fightback: Waitangi Day, Te Rā o Waitangi – What does it mean today, 174 years on?
Pete George (Your NZ): Herald, protest free and white power
The Standard: Myths of Waitangi Day – & Hikoi
Hamish Rutherford (Stuff): NZ Post breaches flag rules
Adam Bennett and James Ihaka (Herald): Waitangi: Hundreds pour on to Treaty Grounds
The Press: Editorial: Race inequity still tolerated
Alison Jones and Kuni Kaa Jenkins (Herald): The day Maori first said, Haere mai, Pakeha
Herald: Editorial: NZ's stability and success something to celebrate
Adam Bennett (Herald): Labour locked out from top table
Hone Harawira (Herald): Ngapuhi's settlement role critical to future of Treaty
Kim Choe (TV3): Waitangi 'one of the quietest' ever - Key
Andrew Chen (MCDP): Why I'm not celebrating Waitangi Day
Muriel Newman (NZCPR): Waitangi Day Reflections
Southland Times: Editorial: Meaningful but meaning what?
Dominion Post: Editorial – Protest part of our democracy
Katie Bradford (TVNZ): PM uses Waitangi to push for Ngapuhi settlement
Jenna Lynch (Stuff): No public holiday at two top Waikato schools
Adam Bennett (Herald): Turei honoured to speak at Waitangi
Scott Yorke (Imperator Fish): The Marries are at it again
Scott Yorke (Imperator Fish): Explosive alternative version of Treaty uncovered
Jamie Ball (NBR): Should Waitangi Day be our national day?
Rob Hosking (NBR): Waitangi Day should be the start of our summer holiday
Lewis Holden: Waitangi Day and nation building
Gareth Morgan and Susan Guthrie (Stuff): Time to end use of Treaty partnership framework to justify reforms
Greg Presland (The Standard): Some thoughts on Waitangi Day
Chris Trotter (Bowalley Road): A Precise Moment In History: Pondering The Legacy Of Waitangi
Travis Poulson (Whaleoil): Thoughts on Waitangi Day and Te Tai Tokerau
Mike Butler (Breaking Views):It’s bribe-a-tribe day
Radio NZ: History made at Te Tii marae
Martyn Bradbury (Daily Blog): It’s not the Treaty of Waitangi – it’s the Cheaty of Waitangi
Tim Selwyn (Tumeke): Waitangi Day 2014
ODT: Editorial – The Waitangi Day challenge
Kim Choe (TV3): Key pushes iwi settlement in Waitangi speech
Andrew Roperston (Grumpollie): The psychological processes determining Pakeha attitudes to bicultural policy
NZ-Australia relations
Fran O'Sullivan (Herald): Our chance to make Aussies listen
TV2/RadioLIVE: Key to address aggressive 'Buy Australia' campaign with Abbott
Radio NZ: PM seeking resolution on goods ban
Matthew Theunissen (Herald): Labour: Key must assert NZ exporter rights
Tracy Watkins and Michael Fox (Stuff): Key hits back over ex-pats
Tracy Watkins (Stuff): Supermarket snub 'breaches CER'
Isaac Davison (Herald): Govt seeks tools to chase debtors
Will Morrow (WSW): Australian rich list: “A billionaire bounty”
General election
Taranaki Daily News: The end of the phony war
Matthew Beveridge: Social Media & the 2014 General Election
Tova O’Brien (TV3): Transgender lawyer to vie for Whangarei seat
Felix Marwick (Newstalk ZB): Electorate boundaries debate set for public hearings
Vernon Small (Stuff): Key and the moral mandate
Janine Rankin (Stuff): People get involved when it matters
Pete George (Your NZ): Roy Morgan poll contrary to 3 News/Reid
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): A silly comparison
Ele Ludemann (Homepaddock): Greens facing tougher fight
Christine Rose (Daily Blog): Cynical Politics an Enemy of Democracy
Frank Macskasy (Daily Blog): Latest Roy Morgan Poll – the Left has a Sh*tload of Work ahead of it!
NZ First
Claire Trevett (Herald): Peters may be the old friend Key is looking for
Laura McQuillan (Newstalk ZB): National confident of retaining Whangarei seat
Jane Clifton (Listener): The tides of change
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Peters right on this one
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Quote of the Week
Inequality, poverty, and unemployment
Listener: Editorial: here’s lookin’ at you, kid
James Weir (Stuff): More in jobs but wage rises still low
Cecile Meier, James Weir, and Hamish Rutherford (Stuff): Unemployment drops to 6pc
Newswire: Opposition accused of misleading public
Geof Nightingale (Herald): We need a capital gains tax - or do we?
TV3/Newswire: Unemployment still too high – Opposition
Shane Cowlishaw (Stuff): Pay spat puts spotlight on wider issue
No Right Turn: 42,000 out of work under National
Paul Walker (Anti-Dismal): The effect of minimum wages on employment
Helen Kelly (The Standard): Waldegrave responds to ‘Living Wage’ critique
Steven Cowan (Against the Current): You’ve Never Had It So Good!
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Will Christchurch City Council join the stupidity?
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Unemployment drops
Cameron Slater (Whaleoil): Gender wage gap is a myth
Cameron Slater (Whaleoil): A guest post – Equality vs. Inequality
Karl du Fresne (Stuff): Benefit meant for downtrodden, not to fund lifestyle choices
Grant Duncan (Policy matters): The Auckland plutocrats
Mike Treen (Daily Blog): Right wing blogger makes fool of herself
Natural resource extraction
Taranaki Daily News: Search for oil and gas will continue
Sacha McNeil (TV3): Harawira doubts oil job promises
Michael Fox (Stuff): PM's drilling challenge accepted
Newswire: Joyce urges iwi to back mining
Radio NZ: Minister rebuts Greens on oil
Bronwyn Beechey (Fightback): Deep sea drilling: The spirit of Mururoa?
Cameron Salter (Whaleoil): Cunliffe talking out of both sides of his mouth…again
Dave Burgess (Stuff): Market forces curbing power rises – authority
Radio NZ: Central power buyer idea not liked
TVNZ: Power companies absorbing increases – regulator
Mike Smith (The Standard): Geoff Bertram on single-buyer for electricity
Tim Hunter (Stuff): Power report pays no respect to reason and fact
Brian Fallow (Herald): Govt's TPP benefit figures in doubt
Gordon Campbell (Scoop): On the alleged gains to New Zealand from the TPP
RNZ: TPP opponents doubt benefits
Waihopai three
Georgina Ball (TVNZ): No reason given for dropping case - spy base activist
Stuff: Waihopai damages action dropped
Radio NZ: Waihopai protesters escape civil suit
No Right Turn: Ending the persecution of the Waihopai Three
Radio NZ: Fruit in Schools programme resumes
TVNZ: Novopay problems arise again
Jane Silloway Smith (Stuff): Community is key, not state
Brian Rudman (Herald): Principals who extort fees need re-educating
New flag
Sally Blundell (Listener): A symbol solution
Radio NZ: Flag change in the wind
Kim Dotcom
David Fisher (Herald): Angry Dotcom labels PM a 'spin master'
Byron Clark (Fightback): The Internet Party: A progressive force?
Stuff: Today in Politics: Friday, February 7
Dominion Post: Editorial: No reason not to raise retirement age
Cecile Meier (Stuff): Rainbow Warrior bombing not my fault
Sam Boyer (Herald): Complaints against cops hit 835
Herald: Editorial: Good reasons for Govt to push on with Genesis float
Tracy Watkins (Stuff): Key knows Snowden's info
Nelson Mail: Religious belief less relevant to most
Diana Wichtel (Listener): Full mental jackets
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Law Society making crap up
Daily Blog: The Daily Blog Watch – 5/6 February 2014
Jared Savage (Herald): Tamihere put heat on advertisers
Kurt Bayer (Herald): NZ military develops spy drones
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Beyond the hyperbole
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Retailers trying to kill off Internet sales
Chris Trotter (Daily Blog): Monsters At The End Of The Dream: Chris Trotter reviews True Detective
Jimmy Ellingham (Herald): McCready seeks costs over Banks case
Newswire: Scrap Queen's Birthday holiday, MP says
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Why does Labour think gambling is bad?
Ben Heather (Stuff): Same sex couples favour marriage