This is a selection of some of the tweets about the debate over Metiria Turei's clothes, insults from Government ministers, and allegations of racism. The tweets below are in (rough) reverse chronically order – the most recent tweets are first. More will be added. [Read more below]
Clare Curran shared this, which perfectly describes what's going on, I really appreciate this, so please read and...
Does designer Adrienne Winkelmann have system to ensure there is no clash of flash jackets between @Metiria,@AnneTolleyMP @JudithCollinsMP
Morgan Godfery @MorganGodfery
The piece on the @RuminatorNZ was full of the usual cliches, until the writer suggested Metiria was trying to vote grab. Disgusting.
The point about metiria turei affair is that ALL politicians live a life of bourgeois excess. #metiriaturei
And if you play your "race card" does that mean you automatically win the argument, cos if it doesn't it does seem like much of a card.
Mr MANZ @L33TMANZ Protected Tweets
Voted @NZGreens in 2011, won't vote for them this time because of Turei's ignorant assumption of racism.
That Herald article about Metiria is bullshit, making a point that she wears Warehouse clothes and doesn't live in that nice of a house. Wtf
@damianchristie @guywilliamsguy but also shit about her wearing warehouse clothes annoyed me, like she needed to prove something she didn't
> Guy Williams @guywilliamsguy
@Rose_Matafeo @damianchristie I marked points against her for the warehouse! Green MP's shouldn't support big business / foreign labour!
News of what constitutes a castle in this country is making me seriously doubt our military preparedness.
Kerre McIvor: the Greens should live in a yurt and wear hemp sacks. via @nzherald
You know who else grew up working class and wears expensive clothes? The Prime Minister.
Breaking news: Anne Tolley spotted Children's Commissioner eating a mallowpuff so please disregard all his statements on child poverty.
Cos @metiria can’t have nice clothes, right? Or a house, apparently. Spoiler: as a Māori woman she’d never be legit to them no matter what.
Apparently there are social media wars over flash jackets and Meteria Turei is winning them
Is it creepy that Anne Tolley knew what Metiria's house looked like prior to his? Is it your doing @GCSBIntercepts?
This election will be a contest of ideas, and jackets.
Protest idea for the Greens: Turn up to the House in hoodies. Go on - it'll be hilarious.
In solidarity, I'll be wearing a hoodie every day this week. Again.
@metiria Ooh, look at you all lah-di-dah in your house made of stones and recycled fridges! Love it :-)
Wear patches and we won't let you on the streets, wear jeans and we won't let you in our bars, wear jackets like ours and we'll mock you
I remember Green MPs getting hassles for not being professional and needing to be "rehabilitated". Now they need to wear sackcloths? Yeahna
"You can't care about inequality unless you dress poor!" said the well-dressed National MPs who care deeply about ineq...oh wait.
KOSH / Dan Satherley @radioovermoscow
If the taxpayer funded my daily commute, I'd probably buy a castle in Dunedin too.
Animal farm anybody ?
If Metiria Turei really cared about the poor she would dismantle her castle and give the stones to hungry children …
@danylmc yep those stones could fill hangi pits all across New Zealand.
Green MP spends $137,000 on a house. Nat MP spends $1500 to hire a SUV for just one day. Which one is "out of touch"?
Go @metiria -supporting NZ made + responding with class to a sexist story. Male MPs are in $$$$ dollar suits -where are those F%^ng stories?
@nzheraldnznews What? From "MPs’ homes have always been outside of the acceptable realms of debate" to open home? #confusing @metiria
MPs who live in million-dollar McMansions calling Metiria Turei's $137,000 2-bedroom residence a "castle" is obscene …
@thelittlepakeha Will National comment on the dress code of #maori MPs at Waitangi this year? "why aren't you wearing grass skirts" #nzpol
Metiria Turei. Rather than screaming racism maybe people were pointing out the hypocrisy of calling others for being out of touch
@metiria You do a huge disservice to genuine racism trying to make it part of a petty squabble
Hey Adrienne Winkelmann, you do in jackets in hemp? Sack cloth? Asking for a friend.
Well, if I can wear slobby clothes and champion wealth etc, @metiria can do the opposite. But I still don't think Tolley was racist.
Judith Collins @JudithCollinsMP
Whale calls out it as he sees it. Since we are talking about dress sense, let’s look at the jacket wars …
.@JudithCollinsMP this is starting to get unbecoming Minister.
> Joshua Drummond @cakeburger
.@JudithCollinsMP The fact that you actively promote this sort of stuff is beyond disgusting. Get a grip. No sane person thinks this is cool
How Ridiculous of Turei to trivialize racism & as an anarchist & McGillicuddite u wonder how she can take herself soo seriously these daze!?
Katie Bradford @katieabradford
Here's my thoughts on the row between @AnneTolleyMP @JudithCollinsMP and @metiria. …
> Judith Collins @JudithCollinsMP
@katieabradford @AnneTolleyMP @metiria so Katie, if you don't want my opinion on Metiria's behaviour then why did you ask for it?
Here's the hashtag for the Judith Collins-Turei's jacket debate #MoreRope
On location with @metiria at her Waitati Castle near Dunedin - tune in to @CampbellLiveNZ at 7pm to see inside
Metiria Turei parody @MetiriaTureiMP
It's racism to not want Maori to wear expensive taxpayer funded clothes. African leaders wear the best clothes to make their nations proud
Metiria Turei parody @MetiriaTureiMP
can't believe they're talking about my clothes, nobody does that, it is such jealousy.
Jacinda Ardern @jacindaardern
Well said @metiria , well said.
You know who else grew up working class and wears expensive clothes? The Prime Minister.
Simon Bradwell @simonbradwellnz
@metiria cries racism, @AnneTolleyMP and @JudithCollinsMP get clothes-ist, and rednecks and male chauvinists grunt in satisfaction #facepalm
Breaking news: TVNZ announce new fashion show starring Collinsy and ToryAnna "What Not to Wear (if you don't own 7 properties)"
Men in Parliament don't seem to waste time or words on fashion. That's the province of the ladies and distracts from business of the day.
Maybe Tolley can hand the Greens a few more votes by insulting @metiria 's shoes next week. #OwnGoalAnne
Patrick Gower @patrickgowernz
Metiria Turei clear winner of Battle of the Blazers. Anne Tolley and Judith Collins ended up getting owned.
If a PoC says that something is racist, white people have no place to say they're wrong. #whiteprivilege @metiria @JudithCollinsMP
It is really an indictment on the state of New Zealand politics that Metiria Turei felt she had go on Campbell...
Welcome to election year New Zealand style. Flags and MPs clothes. Just wait until the frivolous issues come up.
If Turei can't talk about poverty because she wears nice clothes, then Tolley can't talk about justice because she isn't in police uniform.
Collins is a trout. David C was right. Who cares if you dress ugly, it's what they do that is impt. Talk about the real issues! #nastynats
Michele A'Court @MicheleACourt
@TrendsNZ @metiria And so now we can all focus back on the real stuff, right? Poverty, inequality, pay parity, climate change...
Can't #DressLikeMetiria because she's way classier than me. She rocks bright colours and I like that. Go @metiria and dress for you.
Keri Milne-Ihimaera @KeriMihi
Swapped my flash jacket for t-shirt & jandals at work today - because I'm a professional Maori woman!! #DressingLikeMetiria
Judith Collins called Meteria Turei a "sensitive wee sausage", sausages are brown, I can't believe the extent of her racism.
Michele A'Court @MicheleACourt
Today I am dressing like @metiria Turei. By which I mean "appropriately for my job". #DressLikeMetiria
I vote that @metiria's jacket become our new flag because I for one think it's lovely.
Some NZ politicians are being mighty catty about clothes right now ... are any of them in a position to judge?
Govt ministers rebut charge that they're out of touch with the big issues facing NZ by critiquing opposition MP's fashion sense. Hmmm...
Jessica Williams @mizjwilliams
PM says the Greens say the nastiest things in parl - and if Metiria promises not to make personal insults in 2014, it'll be reciprocated
According to Tolley you can't be a supporter of the poor and wear expensive clothes.
All 3 involved in this weird story are good, credible politicians who often do worthwhile stuff. No one is winning: …
Hey @JudithCollinsMP, remember to tell Paula Bennett that ladies-with-expensive-clothes can't talk about poverty! …
Imperator Fish @ImperatorFish
Cunliffe didn't mention Metiria's jacket once during his State of the Nation. Why isn't he being upfront and open with the people of NZ?
Morgan Godfery @MorganGodfery
Please, please make Collins the next leader of the National Party (with Tolley as her deputy). Train meet wreck.
We're finally getting the debate about Metiria Turei's jackets the nation needs
So...has Metiria started to wear a sackcloth to be more in tune with "her constituency"?
BREAKING: Judith Collins to introduce new range of fashion crimes under urgency. #fashism #fashist
to do list: 1) Praise Lorde in House 4 being +ve role model not beholden to restrictive fashion mainstream 2) bitch about meteria's clothes
Judith Collins - National's next leader - decides the best use of her time on a $250k public salary is to insult other female MPs' clothes
TV show idea: @metiria and @TonyRyallMP get to shop for clothes for each other. @colincitizen to host.
Clothes wars: Anne Tolley and Judith Collins in "The Heathers"
If Metiria can't discuss poverty because she wears designer jackets, that means we'd solve poverty if all MPs wore sacks to work, right?
Kevin exposes the fallacy of a Nationals attacks on us, when at the same time they work with us on some great...
A very smart analysis of the Tolley comments from Morgan Godfrey...
So with everything going on - what's being reported from parliament? A spat over clothes.
Personally I don't think Tolley was being racist but the comments were smug, elitist and prejudiced and thus very offensive.
1. So Turei made a personal attack, Tolley responded by making *the same* personal attack, and now we're talking about race?
nice Metiria:) If we forget where we come from, we become detached and can't empathise with those struggling the...
CarrieStoddart-Smith @Ellipsister
so @metiria cant talk poverty bcos clothes, @jacindaardern cant talk kids bcos not mum, but @johnkeypm CAN talk economy bcos mansion? #fml
Will the @Maori_Party allow their activists to attack Māori political leaders and question their Māoritanga??? -
It has been a fairly intense week, cheers everyone for your support.
I am not the only MP from a poor working class family. There are National MPs with such a background. There are...
The Anne Tolley on Metiria Turei wearing expensive clothing thing. I don't get how it is racist. Please explain.
If you can't talk about poverty if you're clothes are above a certain $ threshold, can you talk about obesity if you're overweight, etc?
So, Anne Tolley is calling Metiria an Aunty Tom, isn't she?
3 "f"s of NZ Politics 2014 Oppostion says: Govt says: GCSB Fish Inequality Flag Child poverty Fashion
If Metiria wants to know about racism she should go speak to her coleader about foreign investment
@metiria Would it be trite to observe that you have a much better sense of style than the minister? @Becs
Counterfactual: @Metiria turns up to Parliament in overalls and gumboots. What do the high society Tory ladies say then?
You have to call out racism when you see it. Plenty of MPs work to end poverty and don't get these attacks. …
I hear Tolley was particularly spiteful about me in the house today. Obviously the Greens inequality policies seriously threaten them.