This is a selection of some of the tweets about the emerging Internet Party being established by Kim Dotcom. The tweets below are in (rough) reverse chronically order – the most recent tweets are first. More will be added. [Read more below]
Proud to announce my appointment as speech writer, food taster, deputy leader.
If Dotcom +Bradbury want to take down Nat/ Act/ Conservatives good luck to them.
Tell ya what tho, confident predictions being made about the Internet Party are for mugs. File under 'known unkowns' and be patient.
Rachel Glucina @RachelGlucinaNZ
Wish @7DaysTv3 was on the telly this week. The farce that is Dotcom and Bomber would make comedy gold.
Anyone else seeing Dotcom start the ball rolling, get people in place and fired up, and then get bored and wander off inside 6 months?
I'm going to start a Post a Letter Party. Key policy is free postage for my electorate. Who's with me?
@KimDotcom You should probably get some better political advisors. I’m available.
… is going to be an awesomely strange election year.
The Electoral Commission has sort of told thousands of young people they can’t go to a party because they might be prosecuted. 2014 …
DotCom fans. Does he still have restricted income?.How wd he have organised a party for 25,000?
Calling it now: 2014 to be the most hilarious election ever.
Wicked Networks Ltd @WickedNetNZ
@publicaddress not sure we like the idea of free wifi being seen as a corrupt inducement
The real reason why Kim Dotcom cancelled the Party Party was so he'd avoid receiving 25,000 "Life begins at 40" birthday cards.
I'm all in favour of Kim Dotcom's new party. And anyone else's come to that. We could do with a rocket. Politics is a changing.
Hayden Donnell @HaydenDonnell
Wait. Are the Electoral Commission suggesting that listening to Kim Dotcom's music would make people more likely to vote for him?
Theory: if Bomber’s dumb “free wi-fi” idea hadn’t come to light, the Electoral Commission wouldn’t have bothered on the Party Party.
A forthcoming free gig staged by a political party (the Green one). Treating? If not, how come? …
Fascinated to know what the Electoral Commission's advice to @KimDotcom was. No law against holding a free bash to launch a political party
Heath duPlessisAllan @hdpaNEWS
The Right must be stoked with the idea of The Internet Party. Now it doesn't have the monopoly on crazy.
Problem solved - John Banks could host Kim Dotcom's birthday party - he has done it before
Sir Damian Christie @damianchristie
A mate reckons the now-cancelled @KimDotcom party might've just been a great way to collect email addresses of would-be voters. Not dumb...
Curwen Ares Rolinson @huntersrolinson
thought: is Kim DotCom machiavellian genius enough 2 deliberately get his own party cancelled? NZ loved the party, not the establishment
@whaleoil v Kim Dot Com - CYCLE race!
I'm not left enuff for Martyn Bradbury but Dotcom is? Attacking me as a capitalist stooge while workng 4 'The Wolf of Coatesville; priceless
What a complete and utter farce the launch of Dotcom's party has become. He's making Colin Craig look normal...
Jordan McCluskey @JordanMcCluskey
Error 404, your political party cannot be loaded at this time due to dodgy practices. Please re check your connection to the electorate
Winston Aldworth @WinstonAldworth
Pity that $7k-a-month political advisor didn't tell Dotcom his Party Party would breach Electoral Commission rules. …
If @KimDotcom's launch party restricted to party members, with $1 door membership, still illegal treating? Or standard party convention?
Alasdair Thompson @ajthompson13
Remember comical Ally? Well we have our own Commical DotCommy...
Openess advocate Kim Dotcom should publish this "guidance" from the Electoral Commission. Would be intriguing to see
Curwen Ares Rolinson @huntersrolinson
I am holding Mai Chen personally responsible for Kim DotCom cancelling his birthday party.
@whaleoil shutting parties down since 2014
Jordan McCluskey @JordanMcCluskey
It is like the half of the media are on the take #CorruptionDotCom
Jordan McCluskey @JordanMcCluskey
Looks like the #InternetParty is having some problems and is still buffering.
Jordan McCluskey @JordanMcCluskey
Are YOU taking money from Kim Dotcom?
Jordan McCluskey @JordanMcCluskey
A better question at this juncture is who isn't on the take from Kim Dotcom? Richard Long? Your Aunt Nelly? That nice man at the chip shop?
Read @dfisherjourno book on KDC. Interesting insight in2 mind. My bet is KDC exercises his ADHD and decides politics isn't for him. Again.
Maybe Bomber was trying to sabotage from within the inception of a new capitalist party. Have you thought about that, dividers?
Jono Hutchison @jonohutchison
I'd like to see more evidence before I'm convinced that "the future of New Zealand is more important than one night of fun."
Michael Parkin @Michael_Parkin
No party party or very very special guests, so KDC sad sad.
Now what the fuck am I going to do on Monday night? This is total BS. I'm voting National.
Finally get invited to a party and then it gets shut down by the Electoral Commission. Typical.
Aaron Bhatnagar @aaronbhatnagar
@katieabradford What a shame @kimdotcom didn't have a professional political consultant 2 assist him planning political events and strategy
Jono Hutchison @jonohutchison
Kim Dotcom has cancelled his birthday party Party Party because it might be confused as being part of his party
Hmmm. If only Kim Dotcom had paid handsomely for some experienced political advice that would have warned him not to hold a massive party...
I'm really sad right now :-(
Received guidance from the Electoral Commission. I feel I have no choice but to cancel #ThePartyParty. I'm so sorry.
Sir Damian Christie @damianchristie
New idea: Cameron and Martyn in a cage match until no-one comes out.
Jordan McCluskey @JordanMcCluskey
The Internet Party follows in the long line of communications technology parties, The Printing Press Party, The Telegraph Party etc
We don't need Dotcom making a mockery of politics. We have 121 arseholes in Wellington (and more at local level) doing it already.
Young people don't vote because they don't trust politicians, there's no evidence to suggest they would trust a rich German Internet baron
If anyone thinks Kim Dotcom and a party focused entirely on the internet will motivate the youth of South Auckland to vote, their dreaming
Elections which involve people like Dotcom, Bomber, and Colin Craig are the reason it's called "sufferage", right?
Ironically, I haven't actually seen anyone on the internet saying they would vote for the Internet Party.
Andy Pickering @Pilot_Magazine
Disclosure: I am assisting Kim Dotcom's Internet Party as project manager on design/web elements. Will be a very exciting 2014 :) #Goodtimes
Kim Dotcom and Bomber is pretty bad. If Paul Henry joined it'd be the perfect storm of fuck wittery.
All the kids will be voting for the Internet Party now that Edge, Bomber and Alisdair Thompson from Scoop are involved
Is bomber on the album too?
Good morning NZ . So just to clarify. As you can see I have a new job, which was announced prematurely by @Whaleoil
Also to clarify. I have not left @ScoopNZ. More like I am having a sabbatical inside the business I founded 17 years ago as a client.
Pirate Party NZ @PiratePartyNZ
@Orcon @KimDotcom @radioovermoscow guess what also has a #purple logo.....
Laura McQuillan @mcquillanatorz
By my maths, there are currently 172 tickets to Kim Dotcom's free Party Party for sale on Trade Me
Kim Dot Com is the new Owen Glenn of NZ politics
Imperator Fish @ImperatorFish
Feeling a bit left out, because I haven't formed a new political party.
Sir Damian Christie @damianchristie
A few days ago I spoke to a journalist who's joining the @KimDotcom campaign team. Wasn't Al or Martyn. Wonder how many others there are.
went to Scoop to look for Alastair Thompson statement, and, awkward.
@toby_etc went to Standard for some commentary, and, oops awkward
Has Kim Dot Com got the NZ Electoral Commission OK for the new logo, colours and name? Ditto with the Civilian? #PirateParties #JustAsking
No application to register Internet Party (or a logo) has been announced by Electoral Commission @nomlah @BMHayward @irihapeta @danylmc
Imperator Fish @ImperatorFish
If any new political party people want to pay for spectacularly bad strategy advice, let me know. My consulting business is now operating
Laura McQuillan @mcquillanatorz
How come Kim Dotcom got a journalist to register his website for him? I thought he was pro at the internet
People selling 'free' tickets to Kim Dotcom's party for profit on trademe. How ironic. 🎉
Just had this image of Bomber spreading the word of the workers revolution in the McMansion suburbs of Greenhithe and Schnapper Rock.
Why was the #InternetParty doc a hard copy? #softcopy
Kim Dotcom's rep says Internet Party will not be launched on Monday. Likely in next few weeks.
NZ Election Ads @NZElectionAds
What a start to the election year! Looking forward to seeing some ads from the #InternetParty and @KimDotcom
Would certainly be surreal if @althecat or @CitizenBomber stand for a party founded by someone who donated $50K to John Banks
agreeing w/ @publicaddress that todat be cray and @megapope that 2014 going to be a batshit cray year in politics
CarrieStoddart-Smith @Ellipsister
FWIW, I support internet freedom but I was never so naive as 2 think Dotcom was a socialist.
I would seriously consider voting for @KimDotcom. If he talks about abolishing the #GCSB, I'll happily support him all the way!
@kylemacd @AceMcWicked @kaupapa If I was being cynical, I'd argue that being a key political player would make him nightmarish to extradite.
CarrieStoddart-Smith @Ellipsister
how is it that a very vocal 'anti-capitalist' strives 2 be part of a capitalist project? #hypocrite
@Ellipsister @Inventory2 yes Kim Dot Com is the "ultimate capitalist" according to the author of his book
Matthew Hooton @MatthewHootonNZ
Will the unions keep funding @TheDailyBlogNZ now its editor is a paid consultant to a party other than @nzlabour @NZGreens and Mana? #nzpol
"I don't want 2 get involved in politics it's messy. Why would I do that" - @dfisherjourno book on Dot Com
The party party is not about the party.
The Internet Party will be launched at a separate event at a separate time.
To clarify - #ThePartyParty is all about the release of my album and does not have anything to do with the Internet Party. Come celebrate!
If the Internet Party gains power I propose a statue of my father the first man to own VHS and Beta for purposes of dubbing in NZ #pioneer
Dotcom hired @GraemeEdgeler: the most pedantic, nit picky, fact-based person on NZ internet: then for balance, also got Bradbury.
BREAKING: Colin Craig & Bomber Bradbury to join forces in a new party, tentatively named The Conservative People's/Internet Party, or TCP/IP
Kim Dotcom should have just called it the Anonymous Fedora Pirate-Bay Lolcats 4Chan Party and been done with it.
Sports Freak @Sportsfreakconz
Alastair Thompson added to the growing list of Kim Dotcom related casualties
Journalism 101:Don't pitch for political candidacy/advice gigs and write favourable blogs without disclosing link @CitizenBomber @KimDotcom
Tim Fookes Mornings @talkbacktim
Can't see Kim Dotcom's political party doing anything but split the vote on the left. It'll defeat what he's trying to achieve - dumb stuff.
Note of caution on Whaleoil’s very interesting story: there may be a difference between what Bomber wants Dotcom to do and what Dotcom does.
Good reasons not to hire @CitizenBomber as a political consultant: he's leaky
'Dotcom' is a German word for methodically compromising and embarrassing everyone in New Zealand politics.
I'm finding it difficult to not think that the Dotcom/Bomber/political party thing is an elaborate Civilian hoax. Please let it be so.
So, Left unity enthusiast Martyn Bradbury consulted first for socialist party Mana then for internet tycoon Dotcom. That's unity, all right.
I think Martyn lost Dot Com when he proposed The Mansion host 300 sweaty volunteers for 6 weeks. #occupydemansion
Leighton Smith. RT @Sportsfreakconz: Odds on who the “High Profile Broadcaster” who will stand for The Internet Party in may be?
Jordan McCluskey @JordanMcCluskey
David Shearer will also be acting as a trouble shooting consultant on issues of Leadership for Kim Dotcom #InternetParty
Tobias Brockie @tobiasbrockie
it's hilarious that kim dotcom would have seen the daily blog and thought "yes, this is who i need advising the party"
Jordan McCluskey @JordanMcCluskey
No one stole those documents from Kim Dotcom, it was "innovation" #InternetParty
KOSH / Dan Satherley @radioovermoscow
First Banks, now Bomber... wonder how I can get in on some of this seemingly randomly distributed Dotcom cash...
KOSH / Dan Satherley @radioovermoscow
@PeterDunneMP Any comment on Kim Dotcom's new party using all-purple branding?
Laura McQuillan @mcquillanatorz
Kim Dotcom unveils "Internet Party". That's not a fullstop in the logo, it's a dot(com). RT @KimDotcom
The Internet Party. Dotcom poised to become the Beppe Grillo of New Zealand. What an exciting prospect - hey, who moved my vomit bucket?
Kim Dotcom's named his party, "Internet Party", usually an internet party involves closed curtains, beer & incognito mode
Is Dotcom's party the new Legalise Cannabis Party, i.e. the I don't give a fuck so I'll vote for them party?
My new political party won't be named Mega Party. We are the Internet Party. Here's our logo for the first time.
15k signed up for @KimDotcom's #ThePartyParty in a couple of hours. That's 0.5% of the vote, and it'll only go up from there.
WOW!!! Over 15,000 tickets registered for #ThePartyParty. Moving the event to Vector Arena now. This will be EPIC.
Incredible. We had 10,000 ticket registrations for #ThePartyParty in just a few hours.
Is providing free tickets and probably refreshments to a political party launch regarded as treating in an election year? #dotcom
The Dutch have a Party Party with house music focus @KimDotcom affiliated? …
Kim Dotcom's party should really be called the Please Don't Deport Me Party.
Will be curious to see the start price on the sure-to-be-forthcoming @ipredictnz stock on the DotCom party. 3%?
Torn between immensely disliking Kim Dotcom and also hoping his party will bring issues of copyright and net laws into a better spotlight.
Kinda suspect, tho I don't know shit, that dotcom will get votes from mostly well off, mostly white, kids who usually wouldn't vote Green.
"How can the Prime Minister extradite me if I am the Prime Minister!" - Kim Dotcom. International super villain.
The party list order of Kim Dotcom's political party will be determined by the member's rank on Call of Duty.
Jordan McCluskey @JordanMcCluskey
Expect this new party will promise unlimited seats,but really just be full of ads and not deliver for its customers
My political party will activate non-voters, the youth, the Internet electorate. We are going to make politics exciting. More on January 20.
Get ready for low blows and smear against me and my political party. My attackers are worried. They should be. We will get more than 5%.
I hope the DotCom Party does well, if only to convince some that there exists a liberal anti-spying constituency.