The main issues in NZ politics today are the Greens' education policy announcement, National's education policy, inequality and poverty, Dotcom's Internet Party, Ratana and Maori politics, the Act Party, NZ First, and the economy. [Read more below]
Today’s links
Green Party education policy
Claire Trevett (Herald): Green Party unveils $90m education plan
Michael Fox (Stuff): Greens unveil school hub plan
Radio NZ: Green Party school policy targets poverty
TVNZ: Greens announce $100m school plan
Dylan Moran (TV3): Green Party announces education policy
Pete George (Your NZ): Green education policy – deliver welfare from schools
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Why not free dinners also?
RadioLIVE: Green Party 'in denial' over inequality - Parata
Radio NZ: Govt quick to dismiss Green education policy
Claire Trevett (Herald): Free-lunch plan may scupper breakfast programme
David Kennedy (Local Bodies): Green's Practical Response to Educational Inequities
Cameron Slater (Whaleoil): Greens think poor people are too stupid to feed their kids
Ele Ludemann (Homepaddock): Greens are dangerous
Rob Salmond (Polity): Confusion reigns within National
Dylan Moran (TV3): Charter school focused on academia
Ben Irwin and Nicholas Jones (Herald): Pack your laptop, we're off to $chool
Stacey Knott (Stuff): Many pupils told they can 'bring-your-own-device'
Kirsty Wynn and Linley Bilby (Herald): Auckland school donation exceeds $1k
The Press: Editorial: Education fraud inquiry on a go-slow
Will de Cleene (gonzo): State Schools and Free Lunches
Brennan McDonald: University As Consumption Good
Inequality and poverty
Toby Manhire (Herald): Jetsetters ponder poverty gap over mulled wine
Barry Coates (Stuff): Inequality a risk to human and economic progress
Tracy Watkins (Stuff): Rich and poor in election focus
Rob Salmond (Polity): The truth about the gap between the rich and the rest
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Some fisking
The Standard: Less (inequality) is more….
Andrew Chen (MCDP): The (Actual) State of the Nation
Brian Easton: Economic inequality in NZ: a user's guide (summary)
Cameron Slater (Whaleoil): Rich vs. poor? Yeah, that’s the battle for middle New Zealand
Felix Marwick (Newstalk ZB): Greens to focus on inequality this year
Southland Times: Editorial: The homeless among us
TVHE: Truth is a strong word when discussing inequality …
National Party education policy
Gordon Campbell (Scoop): On Govt’s plans for incentivising teachers
Sam Durbin (Recess Monkey): John Key's Cynical Triangulation on Education Reform Should not be Supported by the Left
Mike Hosking (Newstalk ZB): Education policy overdue, but a great start
Rachel Smalley (Newstalk ZB): Children and education will be the winners
Viviane Robinson (Herald): Get it right and everyone will benefit
The Press: Speech shows real chance for improvement
Matthew Dallas (Manawatu Standard): Editorial: Teacher scheme has merit
Waikato Times: Education fix queried
ODT: First on the board
Nicholas Jones (Herald): Schools already rewarding 'expert' teacher roles
Dan Satherley (TV3): Education reforms still fall short – NZEI
Lucy Walker (Newstalk ZB): Principals will see better career satisfaction, says Parata
Duncan Garner (RadioLIVE): Battle for the centre
Tova O’Brien (TV3): Catches found in National's new teacher plan
Felix Marwick (Newstalk ZB): Education policy could create elitism – Cunliffe
Tracy Watkins (Stuff): Hectic start to political year
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Educational Reaction
Ele Ludemann (Homepaddock): Better education will reduce inequality
Danyl McLuachlan (Dim-Post): Enemy action
Greg Presland (The Standard): Some random observations on Key’s Education proposals
Keeping Stock: Left versus Right on Education
Anthony Robins (The Standard): Socioecomonic status and educational outcomes (and the ignorance of DPF)
Bayden Harris (Liberal Notes): Hekia misses the Mark
The Standard: Isolating change: the poverty of education
Scott Yorke (Imperator Fish): The Thinking Pundit: analysing National’s education policy announcement
Cameron Slater (Whaleoil): That didn’t take long: Loophole found in National’s education policy
Lewis Holden: A Change Principal
MTNZ: Key uses classic media training techniques to get his points across
Kim Dotcom
John Drinnan (Herald): Giving Dotcom a closer look
Chris Keall (NBR): Thompson quits as Internet Party general secretary
Laura McQuillan (Newstalk ZB): Greens fail to dissuade Dotcom
Newswire: Internet Party secretary Alastair Thompson resigns
TVNZ: Secretary of Dotcom's political party quits
Matthew Theunissen (Herald): Scoop founder resigns from Internet Party
Stuff: Internet Party loses general secretary
Isaac Davison (Herald): Reporter refuses Crown Law call for Dotcom notes
Ele Ludemann (Homepaddock): Dotcom’s reverse Midas touch
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Norman met Dotcom twice
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Scoop, Newsroom and the Internet Party
Ele Ludemann (Homepaddock): Time to take focus off mavericks
Scott Yorke (Imperator Fish): Horswell resigns from the Telegram Party
Cameron Slater (Whaleoil): Are the bills being paid Kim?
Cameron Slater (Whaleoil): When the face is the brand and the brand is the face
Cameron Slater (Whaleoil): Banks, Brash, and now Norman, which politicians haven’t had secret meetings with Dotcom?
Cameron Slater (Whaleoil): Alistair Thompson resigns from Internet Party
Cameron Slater (Whaleoil): Since when has the truth been a smear
Cameron Slater (Whaleoil): Scoop media not showing signs of distancing itself from Internet Party
Cameron Slater (Whaleoil): When is a resignation not a resignation?
Cameron Slater (Whaleoil): General secretary. It’s been bugging me.
Cameron Slater (Whaleoil): Are the Greens treating too?
Keith locke (Daily Blog): Prospects for the Internet Party
Cameron Slater (Whaleoil): A whole new scoop on scoop, and it’s all bad
Ratana and Maori politics
TV3: Politicians arrive at Ratana
Felix Marwick (Newstalk ZB): Strong words at Ratana Pa
Claire Trevett (Herald): Cunliffe welcomed onto Ratana Pa
Lucy Townend (Stuff): Prime minister calls into Feilding childcare centre
Radio NZ: Ratana followers mark founder's birthday
Elton Smallman (Stuff): Royal visit 'cancelled', says marae insider
Will Matthews (The Left Estate): Ratana, and the Maori seats in election year
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Key and kids
Paul Moon (Herald): Parliament best to check its own arcane habits
Wayne Mapp (Herald): Living document needed to honour our constitutional heritage
Dan Satherley (TV3): Harawira: Mana doesn't need celebrities
3 News Online Staff (TV3): Tua to make politics decision by April
No Right Turn: The 2014 Treaty debate
Radio NZ: Kingitanga calls for iwi to unite before election
TVNZ: Maori Party distancing itself from National
Claire Trevett (Herald): Maori Party 'open to Labour'
Michael Fox (Stuff): Sharples seeks to distance party
RadioLIVE: Labour may alter Whanau Ora
Martyn Bradbury (Daily Blog): Labour can not trust the Maori Party
Dominion Post: Editorial: Ratana link is not what it once was
Radio NZ: Ratana celebrations wrap up
Radio NZ: Maori Party fighting for political survival
Jack McDonald (Maui Street): Winston’s comments overshadowed the real issues at Rātana
Act Party
Andrea Vance (Stuff): John Boscawen ready to rebuild ACT
Audrey young (Herald): Act leadership 'not a slam dunk' for Boscawen
Pete George (Your NZ): John Boscawen versus everyone else
Pete George (Your NZ): Boscawen – Liberal passion with compassion
Cameron Slater (Whaleoil): Can Boscowen be ACT’s Lazarus?
NZ First
John Roughan (Herald): Peters deal would carry a price
Audrey Young (Herald): Energised Peters grabs PM's gift of relevance
Matt McCarten (Herald): Expediency overrules integrity
Felix Marwick (Newstalk ZB): NZ First lays down the law on superannuation
Patrick Gower (TV3): Peters wants to axe pro-Maori policies
Nelson Mail: Peters looms again as kingmaker
TVNZ: Peters wins no friends calling Maori policies apartheid
Pete George (Your NZ): The Prime Bauble
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Why drugs and column writing do not mix
Danyl McLauchlan (Dim-Post):No! That’s just what they’ll expect us to do!
Pete George (Your NZ): Winston Peters, apartheid and Roger Federer
Len Brown
RadioLIVE: Len Brown court case falters at first hurdle
Herald: Len Brown prosecution case stalled
Michael Daly (Stuff): Len Brown case hits snag
TVNZ: Case against Len Brown stalled
Herald: Editorial: Brown's ability to fast-track rail weakened
Herald: Len Brown set to resume 'mayor in the chair' sessions
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): The Brown prosecution
Radio NZ: World economic problems 'waning'
Colin brinsden (Stuff): NZ's economic bragging rights
Martin Hawes (Stuff): NZ property overvalued 71 per cent
Vernon Small (Stuff): Red ink for Government accounts
Paul McBeth (Newswire): Govt deficit bigger than expected
Brian Fallow (Herald): Government's tax income up by 5.9%
Stephen Jacobi (Herald): Busy year looms for trade negotiators
Brian Gaynor (Herald): Added value only sensible way to develop
John Sargeant (Stuff): The rock star's still auditioning
Matt Nippert (Stuff):Bauer cleared to buy APN magazines
David Farrar (Kiwiblog):In support of true capitalism
Phil Hayward (Whaleoil): Debanking the debunker
Offshore oil and gas
Fran O'Sullivan (Herald): Cunliffe and Jones get real on offshore hunt for oil and gas
Bruce Munro (ODT):Search comes south
Teuila Fuatai (Herald): Greens, Mana join anti-oil protesters in Wellington
Labour Party
Andrea Vance (Stuff): Will Cunliffe's speech herald a new order?
Matthew Hooton (NBR): Don Brash offers David Cunliffe a model
Vernon Small (Stuff): 'Have-nots' central to Labour's policies
Claire Trevett (Herald): Labour aims to help kindy kid families
TVNZ: David Cunliffe to deliver State of the Nation speech
Radio NZ: Cunliffe to deliver first election-year speech
RadioLIVE: Cunliffe prepares for State of the Nation speech
Herald: Editorial: Cunliffe right to ditch dud tax policies
Hamish Rutherford (Stuff): Labour open to asset buy-back talks
Pete George (Your NZ): Cunliffe versus Lorde
Lindsay Mitchell (Breaking views): In anticipation of Cunliffe's speech
Cameron Slater (Whaleoil): David Cunliffe continues his moonwalk out of on-the-hoof policy
Newswire: Protesters returning to Waihopai
Rachel Parkin (TV3): Waihopai protesters: Snowden did world an 'enormous service'
No Right Turn: Mass-surveillance is illegal
Martyn Bradbury (Daily Blog): David Fisher shows what real journalists do
Cannabis law reform
Michael Fox (Stuff): Greens want cannabis decriminalized
Claire Trevett (Herald): Green Party to push for cannabis decriminalization
Newstalk ZB Staff (Newstalk ZB): Greens will push to decriminalise marijuana
Michael Fox (Stuff): Shane Jones in row over cannabis
Joshua Drummond (Stuff): Why legal highs should not be banned
Will de Cleene (gonzo): 4:20 News - Countdown to Election 2020 Edition
John Key at Parachute
Elton Smallman (Stuff): Key preaches to the converted at festival
TVNZ: John Key parties at Parachute
Newswire: John Key takes the stage at Parachute
Steve Kilgallon (Stuff): PM snags votes at Parachute music festival
Tim Watkin (Pundit): National & Labour offer same new years resolutions
Felix Marwick (Newstalk ZB): Two new MPs join Parliament this week
Stuff: Greens star on social media
Michael Coote (NZCPR): Local Government Commission promotes racial discrimination
Mike Smith (The Standard): National’s “harder-to-vote” Electoral Bill
Lucy Townend (Stuff): Prime Minister takes aim at MP's performance
Cameron Slater (Whaleoil): Crampton on the anti-sugar jihad
Cameron Slater (Whaleoil): Censorship is alive and well on Whaleoil
Sarah Harvey (Stuff): Hospital waiting list warning
Rob Stock (Stuff): Digging down into leaky homes
Rod Oram (Stuff): Blue rivers for greener pastures coming
Herald: Herald on Sunday editorial: We need a contest for serious TV
Bob Jones (Herald): Human scum wilt in face of staunch women
Melissa Davies (TV3): Collins puts NZ human rights under the spotlight
Sean Plunkett (Stuff): To the culture minister, I say 'chur' and keep up the good work
Dene Mackenzie (ODT): National pushing rebuild
Stacey Kirk (Stuff): Commonwealth leaders discuss parliamentary privilege
Steven Cowan (Against the Current): Commonwealth leaders discuss parliamentary privilege
Toby Manhire (Listener): An open letter to Chris Finlayson
3 News Online Staff (TV3): New Zealander of the Year finalists announced
Pete George (Your NZ): Green, but it doesn’t sound Kiwi
Ele Ludemann (Homepaddock): 1080 myths dispelled
Sarah Harvey (Stuff): Hospital waiting list warning
Newswire: 48 nurses granted scholarships
Elinor Chisholm (ODT): Distortions in policy on dogs
The Standard: National – a party for wastrels
Tim Hunter (Stuff): Tax holiday for forester
Colin Espiner (Stuff):'Irrefutable' link between fluoride and healthy teeth
Helen Kelly (The Standard): Workers Denied Access to Information
Newswire: Asset sales costing taxpayers – Greens
Shawn McAvinue (Herald): Call for state housing dog policy review
Alan Wood (Stuff): New directors for Solid Energy
Herald: NZ $6.3m aid plan under fire
Paul Bensemann (Herald): Kiwis accused of providing 'aid that kills'
Vaughan Elder (ODT): Dunedin talk spurs 'alien' jibe
RadioLIVE: Coal contract decision not affected by privatisation