The main topics in NZ politics today are asset sales, John Key in Thailand, housing, health, and Labour's new press chief. [Read more below]
Today’s links
Asset Sales
Tony Field (TV3): $1.60 share price for Air NZ sell-down
Hamish Rutherford (Stuff): No suitable assets left to sell, English says
Pattrick Smellie (NBR): No more asset sales after next election, says English
Adam Bennett (Herald): Joyce scorns sell-down criticism
Richard Meadows (Stuff): Air NZ shares seen as volatile
TVNZ: Asset sales referendum voting papers on their way
RadioLive: No more asset sales after election – English
Herald Editorial: Right time to sell part of Govt's Air NZ shareholding
ODT Editorial: Forging ahead with asset sales
Dom Post: Editorial: Air NZ sale moderate and sensible
No Right Turn: A chronology of deceit
Ele Ludemann (Homepaddock): Does 74% have magical properties?
RadioLive: Air NZ or Share NZ?
Election 2014
Gordon Campbell (Dom Post): The appeal of the Conservatives
Chris Trotter (Daily Blog): A Marriage Of Convenience: No love will be lost between National and the Conservatives – but power will be shared.
RNZ: 0800 number opened in police corruption case
No Right Turn: No justice against the police
MP Salary and Perks
No Right Turn: Another day, another rort
Stephen Franks: Stereotyping useful, until we know better
Cunliffe Press Secretary
Audrey Young (Herald): Cunliffe appoints Cunliffe as chief press secretary
Stuff: Labour leader appoints press secretary
Newswire: David Cunliffe keeps it in the family
RNZ: Cunliffe appoints cousin as PR chief
John Key in Thailand
TVNZ: Deals struck with Thai firms as Key leads delegation
Claire Trevett (Herald): Trade talks take the heat off Key
Andrea Vance (Stuff): Key leads Thai business trip
TVNZ: Key lobbies Thailand for better free trade deal
RNZ: PM in Thailand looking to drum up business
Rachel Ward (Herald): Technophobe gives IT talk
John Key in Sri Lanka
Brook Sabin (TV3): Key didn't do enough - rights groups
TV3: Trade links, UN vote mute criticism of Sri Lanka
Selwyn Manning (Daily Blog): Horror Regimes, Identity Crises and Self-Serving Sycophancy
Michael Field (Stuff): Six boats protesting at oil drill site
RNZ: Seabed mining proposal defended
Michael Field (Stuff): NZ aid reaches Philippines
Adam Bennett (Herald): English tackles LVR critics
Adam Bennett (Herald): Taxpayers should cover development costs - report
Adam Bennett (Herald): Think tank urges housing rethink
Jason Krupp (Stuff): Incentives key to affordable housing
TVNZ: Call to give back GST on new homes
RNZ: Radical reforms in housing urged by think tank
Employment law
Laura Walters (Stuff): Bill 'undermines' justice for workers
TV3: BusinessNZ backs Goldsmith's bill
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Goldsmith bill on personal grievances
Isaac Davison (Herald): Revealed: Official plan to health-check mums
Isaac Davison (Herald): Children's Health: Shift focus to care of young – MPs
Isaac Davison (Herald): Call for bold changes on children's health issues
RNZ: Govt urged to take action on unplanned pregnancies
RNZ: Urgent improvements in sex education urged
TV3: Spend more on children's health, govt told
Southland Times Editorial: Suffering in soft focus
Giovanni Tiso (Bat Bean Beam): The business of free speech
Scott Yorke (Imperator Fish): Killing kittens
Bernard Orsman (Herald): Inquiry into mayor affair dragging on
Bevan Hurley (Herald): SAS link to war payout
Stuff: Today in politics: Tuesday, November 19
Peter O’Neill (Timaru Herald): Editorial: 'Shock' the right word
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): PPTA responds on charter schools boycott
Dion Tuuta (Taranaki Daily News): Settlement process not to blame for iwi division
Liam Dann (Herald): Why I love my Twitter addiction
Mike Yardley (Press): Social media addicts a blight on our society
Cut Your Hair: We were rich once, before your head exploded.
Press: Editorial: Not a good fit for A&P Show
Michael Forbes (Stuff): 'Get stoned drivers off the roads'
RNZ: Maori Council annoys Queensland Maori wardens
Hamish McNicol (Stuff): Over 1600 NZ farms sold in 12 months
Stuff: More to ranking than fees
Geordie Hooft (Stuff): The black hole of tax
Eric Crampton (Offsetting Behaviour): Reputation
Eric Crampton (Offsetting Behaviour): Price hikes and binge drinking
Integrity Talking Points: Who’s doing the right thing? – State Services integrity and conduct survey