The main issues in NZ politics today are the 'roast busters', MP housing perks, latest polls, Sri Lanka, and the Labour Party. [Read more below]
Today’s links
‘Roast Busters’
Audrey Young (Herald): Govt eyes school lessons to stop rape
Herald: Fagan latest Radio Live host to apologise
Anna Leask (Herald): Roast Busters: High school investigates alleged website attack
Anna Leask (Herald): Woman leads Roast Busters police case
Stuff: Real men respect women
Radio NZ: Protest rallies planned over teen sex case
Radio NZ: Stand-down of hosts responsible - academic
Herald: Roast Busters: RadioLive hosts taken off air
Victoria Young (NBR): Roast Busters fall out: Willie and JT off-air
Stuff: Willie and JT off air over Roast Busters interview
Newswire: Roast Busters petition falls flat with PM
Rebecca Quilliam (Herald): Roast Busters scandal: Misogynistic attitudes 'endemic' in NZ
Pam Corkery (Herald): Heads must roll or vigilantism will be inevitable
Rebecca Quilliam (Herald): Roast Busters: Over 63k call for PM to take action
Tim Selwyn (Tumeke): The godfathers of rape club
Karl du Fresne: Miley Cyrus and the Roast Busters
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Tamihere and Jackson off air for the rest of the year
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): A responsive Commissioner
Morgan Davie (The Ruminator): Rape is easy here
Julie Fairey (Daily Blog): The radical notion that women are people
Ben Uffindell (The Civilian): Nation really angry, no fun to hang around with at the moment
The Political Scientist: Boaster roasting
MPs housing perk
Herald: Editorial: MPs need to do more than just play by the rules
Jared Savage and Keith Ng (Herald): Property rich list: MPs with most valuable land portfolios
Adam Bennett (Herald): Labour MP forced to declare role in $900,000 trust
3 News Online Staff (TV3): MPs exploit property loophole
TVNZ: Calls for MPs to declare property 'perk'
Tova O’Brien (TV3): Taxpayer-funded perk 'within the rules' – Key
Radio NZ: MPs 'complying' with disclosure rules on property
The Standard: Rorty rorty
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): MPs and Accomodation
No Right Turn: Another Parliamentary rort
Danyl McLauchlan (Dim-Post): Focus
Sri Lanka
Claire Trevett (Herald): Key says Chogm unease won't prevent visit to Sri Lanka
Andrea Vance (Stuff): Sri Lanka block calls unheeded
Stuff: MP's detention won't stop Sri Lanka trip – Key
Dave Williams and Laura McQuillan (Newswire): Key going to Sri Lanka despite calls
TVNZ: John Key 'definitely going to Sri Lanka'
Chris Trotter (Daily Blog): The Colombo Plan: John Key Opts For “Constructive Engagement” with Sri Lanka.
Latest polls
Simon Wong (TV3): Labour up, but not enough for power - Poll
Stuff: Harawira under pressure
TVNZ: Maori Party could be key to Te Tai Tokerau – poll
Patrick Gower (TV3): Key lines up deal with Colin Craig
Laura Heathcote (Newstalk ZB): National will pick partners in New Year
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): October Public Polls
Pete George (Your NZ): Mandatory Parental Control
Fiscal policy
Newswire: Asset sales revenue forecast slipping
Newswire: No election year lolly scramble – English
TVNZ: English warns 2014-15 Budget surplus will be small, volatile
Stuff: Getting back to surplus challenging
Brennan McDonald:I Disagree With Lance Wiggs – GST On Everything Is A Silly Idea
Len Brown (Herald): Down to business
Dan Satherley (TV3): Len Brown: Living wage just a start
Robert Jones (Herald): 'One plan' a mature approach
National Party
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Young Nats launch an app
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Key and English on Q+A
Cameron Slater (Whaleoil): WO scores Tony Ryall 3/10 for eradicating nanny state
Labour Party
Radio NZ: Labour disparaging of United Future demands
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Is Jones speaking for Labour?
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Doocey responds to Cunliffe
The Standard: Why insurance should be a state monopoly
Cameron Slater (Whaleoil): Kiwiparty – 1st crisis meeting – leaked minutes
Cameron Slater (Whaleoil): The lost press releases of the Labour Party
Stuff: Today in politics: Tuesday, November 12
Stephen Franks: Green economist for market forces
Claire Trevett (Herald): Government pledges $2m more in aid
Integrity Talking Points: Counting on academic Kiwis to improve public services
Sue Kedgley (Dominion Post): Voter turnout a bad sign
Dominion Post: Editorial: Justice debate totally healthy
Southland Times: Finning and sinning
Michael Forbes (Stuff): Anzac Day crash survior can sue Defence Force
Radio NZ: NZ not cheapest place to produce milk – report
No Right Turn: Spying for the rich
Anna Ferrick (Hawke’s Bay Today): Man fined for not filling out Census forms
TVNZ: 'Sexualised' Lady Gaga bus ad to be removed
Radio NZ: Voters reminded of referendum deadline
Mark Hubbard (Life Behind the Iron Drape): Centre Politics: The Economics of Destruction. (Conservative Party V. Libertarianz)
Radio NZ: Fear of Maori driving seclusion rates - health provider
Radio NZ: Two tribes cut a deal over Ruataniwha Dam