The main issues in NZ politics today are the 'Roast busters', National Party, United Future, Labour Party, the economy, and MP housing. [Read more below]
Today’s links
‘Roast Busters’
Patrice Dougan (Herald): Roast Busters: Political leaders shun spots on controversial radio show
Mark Blackham (Political Business): Professional outrage
Ben Uffindell (The Civilian): Harmful Digital Communications Bill could outlaw mainstream news sites
Michelle A’Court (Stuff): A tough week to be a woman
Josie Pagani (Pundit): We need to talk about rape culture
ODT: Editorial – Police credibility
Greg Presland (The Standard): Will JT be a Labour MP?
Martyn Bradbury (Daily Blog): Tamihere’s future as a Labour MP closes while opening a door to NZ First
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Labour member quits over Tamihere’s membership
Adam Bennett (Herald): Police Commissioner phones man
Newstalk ZB: Bill designed to reduce online bullying timely
Stuff: Petition against Roast Busters gains support
Herald: Roast Busters: Cops could've done more
Andrea Vance (Stuff): What's wrong with our rape laws?
Amy Maas (Stuff): Friends of Roast Busters speak out
Kirsty Wynn (Herald): Roast Busters: Pack-rape memories flood back to victim
Kirsty Wynn (Herald): Roast Busters: Young sex braggart does vanishing act
Paul Little (Herald): Victims face lack of respect
Kerre McIvor (Herald): Roast Busters freaks forced back to reality
Judith Collins (Herald): Girls dress to fit in, not for Willie and JT
Matt McCarten (Herald): Row clouds already nasty issue
TVNZ: Police on Roast Busters: We could have done more
Michael Cummings (Manawatu Standard): 'Good guys' respond briskly to sex claims
TVNZ: Kiwis to protest for action against Roast Busters
Taranaki Daily News: Police inaction must be explained
Sean Plunkett (Stuff): Rapists are the problem - not clothing
The Press: Editorial: Independent inquiry proper, and should be speedy
Anna Leask (Herald): Roast Busters: Watchdog's review in full swing
Heather McCracken and Anna Leask (Herald): Roast Busters: Girls hit back with online campaigns
Phil Taylor (Herald): Roast Busters: A long wait for justice
Herald: Editorial: Ball now in RadioLive's court after ad stampede
Wendyl Nissen (Herald): The truth about the Facebook generation
Fran O'Sullivan (Herald): Men's room talk no excuse this time round
Latifa Daud (Daily Blog): The sadness & anger of Roast Busters
Martyn Bradbury (Daily Blog): Dear Radio Live – what you need to do about Willie & JT before your radio station becomes a pariah
Ideologically Impure: A very important contribution to our current discussion of rape culture
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): A political talk show with no politicians?
Pete George (Your NZ): Kea on Kiwiblog – rape culture and abuse
Karl du Fresne: The tyranny of the mob – again
Daily Blog: The Roast Buster Crisitunity*
Ben Uffindell (The Civilian): Tiki Taane wondering whether he can perform ‘Fuck tha Police’ now
Tim Selwyn (Tumeke): Operation: Pig Roast update
Martyn Bradbury (Daily Blog): Tamihere’s future as a Labour MP closes while opening a door to NZ First
Danyl McLauchlan (Dim-Post): Advertising boycotts and freedom of speech
Rex Widerstrom (Whaleoil): Guest post: Rex Widerstrom on the Jackson /Tamihere debacle
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Collins on girls dressing
Steven Cowan (Against the Current): Fighting Rape Culture
Ben Uffindell (The Civilian): Elephant in studio eats Willie Jackson, gores John Tamihere
SA: Roastbusters - The creation of a sexist society
Cameron Slater (Whaleoil): The ase must be hovering by now
Daphna Whitmore (Redline): John Tamihere and Willie Jackson consider moving to Saudi Arabia
Andrew Geddes (Pundit): Of speech and its consequences
Latest polls
Patrick Gower (TV3): Conservatives grab votes from National - poll
Radio NZ: National down in latest political poll, but still leads Labour
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Latest poll
MP’s housing
Jared Savage and Claire Trevett (Herald): Ministers' secret investment properties
Jared Savage, Claire Trevett and Keith Ng (Herald): MPs' property loophole: How the data was discovered
Danyl McLauchlan (Dim-Post): All within the rules
The Standard: Rorty rorty
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): MPs and Accomodation
United Future
John Armstrong (Herald): Crucial election seat is not a Dunne deal
John Armstrong (Herald): Dunne and the Nats - Is there a difference?
John Armstrong (Herald): United Future president: 'NZ media is a zoo'
John Armstrong (Herald): Dunne lashes out at Greens
TVNZ: Peter Dunne seeks National support
Felix Marwick (Newstalk ZB): Silver lining of sorts for United Future
Radio NZ: Dunne enthusiastic for politics again
Jacqui Stanford (Newstalk ZB): Tiny turn-out at United Future conference
Newswire: Labour policies need to change: Dunne
Jacqui Stanford (Newstalk ZB): Green MP offended by 'dispespectful' Taliban comments
Tova O’Brien (TV3): 'Not over yet' for Peter Dunne
RadioLIVE: Peter Dunne disappointed by 2013
Radio NZ: United Future faithful urged to keep the flame alive
Michael Fox (Stuff): Dunne's 'rise of the purple-greens'
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): United Future vs Conservatives?
Grant Duncan (Policy Matters): Dunne takes desperate measures
Pete George (Your NZ): United Future’s future?
National Party
Tracy Watkins (Stuff): Many reasons behind National's purge
Tracy Watkins (Stuff): John Key - living the dream
Cameron Slater (Whaleoil): Can a Carpet Bagger Win Selection Safe Blue Seat?
TVNZ: Q+A: John Key and Bill English interview
Herald: PM: No succession agreement for National Party
Herald: Editorial: Retiring Nats steal march on opponents
Newswire: Key sees many potential replacements
Duncan Garner (RadioLive): Five years on – Key passes the test
RadioLIVE: Governor-General urges transparency
Tracy Watkins (Stuff): Key credits team for National's success
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Key post politics
James Henderson (The Standard): National’s litany of economic failure
Cameron Slater (Whaleoil): National selection roundup
Cameron Slater (Whaleoil): National selection update, ctd
Cameron Slater (Whaleoil): National shouldn’t take it’s support base for granted
Labour Party
Dominion Post: Editorial: Cunliffe needs to have cleanout too
Peter Wilson (Newswire): Cunliffe caught between left and centre
Vernon Small (Stuff): Cunliffe eyes rodents on offer
Rodney Hide (Herald): Self focus alienates voters
Martin van Beynen (Stuff): Politics and the art of seduction
Ross Henderson (Stuff): What a good idea: State insurance
John Sargeant (Stuff): Labour delivers PC nonsense
Radio NZ: Nats need to act on provisional tax says Labour
Radio NZ: NZ seat on Security Council wanted by Labour
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Cunliffe refusing Farming Show
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Rejuvenation
Cameron Slater (Whaleoil): Cunliffe’s negatives worse than Shearer’s
Cameron Slater (Whaleoil):Prefix it with Kiwi…and you have a metaphor for the Labour Party
Cameron Slater (Whaleoil): Who are ya gunna trust?
Keeping Stock: Where's David C?
Conservative Party
Rodney Hide (NBR): Hidesight: Soundbite gobbles up Colin Craig's hopes
Pete George (Your NZ): Conservative – yeah, nah
CHOGM in Sri Lanka
Andrea Vance (Stuff): MP defiant after being held in Sri Lanka
RadioLIVE/Newswire: Green MP has passport seized in Sri Lanka
Radio NZ: Detained MP adamant on boycott of CHOGM conference
TVNZ: Green MP's passport returned in Sri Lanka
Michael Sergel (Newstalk ZB): Green Party MP released after drama in Sri Lanka
Andrea Vance (Stuff): Calls for Key to boycott Sri Lanka trip
John Minto (Daily Blog): John Key’s invertebrate flexibility on human rights
UFB rollout
Colin Espiner (Stuff): Unbundling the Chorus saga
RadioLIVE: Govt review into Chorus price claims
Dominion Post: Editorial: A Chorus of disapproval
Brian Gaynor (Herald): Govt path inconsistent
Drink driving
Colin Espiner (Stuff): Drink-drive change bows to popular view
Susan Edmunds and Russell Blackstock (Herald): Ban drink-drivers, poll says
Herald: Herald on Sunday editorial: Roadside fines no deterrent
Steve Deane (Herald): 'I'm well hammered, but still okay to drive'
Matt Greenop (Herald): Bigger effort needed to get rid of drunk drivers
Nick Bosma (ODT): Crackdown expected on 'sober drivers' group
Bob McCoskrie (McBlog): Alcohol at school fairs criticised
Alanah Eriksen (Herald): Grammar zone pulls $500k premium
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Why school zoning should go
Dianne Kahn (Daily Blog): Try walking the walk, Hekia
Auckland Council
Herald: Editorial: Living wage could miss its family target
Richard Meadows (Stuff): Praise for reining in executive pay
Heather McCracken (Herald): Len Brown announces new Auckland Council CEO
Dan Satherley (TV3): Poorest miss out on council's living wage
Brian Rudman (Herald): Living wage the only decent option
No Right Turn:A Living Wage for Auckland
Jo Moir (Stuff): KiwiRail denies Aratere's 'scrap'
Winston Peters (RadioLIVE): Aratere is a disaster waiting to happen
NZ On Air
Olivia Wannan (Stuff): NZ On Air wants TV shows available online
Cameron Slater (Whaleoil): We paid for it, we own it
Rob Stock (Stuff): Foreign-owned firms not filing accounts
Matthew Backhouse (Herald): NZ's deadliest industry under court scrutiny
Radio NZ: Australia behind NZ in Asian free trade deals
Hamish Rutherford (Stuff): Public debt climbs by $27m a day
Michael Pickford (NBR): Roading economics: A reply to the NZ Transport Agency
TVNZ: New tax legislation due later this month
TVNZ: Government deficit smaller than forecast
Ele Ludemann (Homepaddock): Foreign investment isn’t easy here
Keith Rankin (Daily Blog): Public Private Capitalism
Chris Trotter (Daily Blog): “Good” Kiwi Capitalism? Only Thanks To Good Kiwi Labour!
Film industry
Geoff Cumming (Herald): Cruel cut for NZ film industry
Geoff Cumming (Herald): Joyce seeks film-incentive tweaks to build rescue plan for troubled industry
Dave Armstrong (Dominion Post): Look to Danes, not hobbits
Matthew Hooton (NBR): Spy agencies must keep information secure
Beith Atkinson (Integrity Talking Points): Spying, transparency, trustworthiness and the most Open Governments
Keith Locke (Daily Blog): GCSB assurance it hasn’t ‘conducted surveillance’ of me isn’t the end of the story
Stuff: Today in politics: Monday, November 11
Marty Sharpe (Stuff): Aquifer fears spur call for exploration rethink
Andrea Vacne (Stuff): Ban aims to end NZ shark fin slaughter
Sarah Harvey (Stuff): Minister denies problems with benefit
Newstalk ZB: Study busts beneficiary myth
TVNZ: Charges laid after Kiwis killed in Afghanistan firefight
Kathryn Powley and John Weekes (Herald): Site names sexual predators
Nathan Smith (NBR): Fixing Democracy - Does anyone else get that sinking feeling?
James Dann (Daily Blog): Christchurch resets its political agenda
Barry Soper (Newstalk ZB): Steven Joyce off to China
Richard Meadows (Stuff): Norman plans to 'rebalance' economy
Gordon Campbell (Scoop): On Ted Thomas and the Lombard case