Here's a sample of some of the best tweets about the Maori TV’s Native Affairs story about questionable spending by Te Kohanga Reo National Trust. The tweets are in reverse-chronological order. More will be added. [Read more below]
Jöshua Hitchcöck @jcphitchcock
JT labels #NativeAffairs expose as Māori Bashing. It's called accountability John, I acknowledge that this is a foreign concept to you
Just door knocked Lynda Tawhiwhirangi's house and was told the story is old. She's apparently not home and is staying with whanau #kohanga
Ah come on Willie, in what context could you be upset about this?? These are YOUR kids being deprived! #nativeaffairs #RadioLive
Tina Wickliffe @TinaWickliffe
Hekia Parata has confirmed the urgent 'please explain' meeting with the Kohanga Reo Trust will happen tonight.
Laura McQuillan @mcquillanatorz
Imagine the talkback callers talking about kohanga reo today. Be glad you're not them.
Why is Willie Jackson so against what @N8TVAFFAIRSTV did last night? Why is he defending corruption? Because they're Maori. Shame Willie.
Great journalism and investigation @N8TVAFFAIRSTV last night. News is what others don't want you to know. Kia Kaha. @RadioLIVENZ Drive
@Kiwimrsmac Clearly there's a gap here between the frontline teachers and families, and the privileged Kohanga Reo Royalty.
Kohanga Reo inquiry, sparked by great Native Affairs scoop, should look hard at this part of TPO accnts:
Im concerned for the future of the #Kohanga Movement now... will the govt use this latest case to disband it altogether??? #nativeaffairs
Does the #nativeaffairs TKRNT story have a -gate suffix? Not many investigations really deserve -gate, but I think this one does.
#NativeAffairs 3 cases. 1 That Kohanga has a culture of misspending. 2 They have no checks and balances. 3 MoE have done a slack audit job.
Mihingarangi Forbes @Mihi_Forbes
Why is the Kohanga Board only acting now? It knew these details before because it took #NativeAffairs to court to stop the broadcast.
Annabelle Lee-Harris @n8tvaffairs
Why will Te Kohanga Reo National Trust still not give an interview to #NativeAffairs?? Worried we might ask the right questions?? Bad form.
Seems to me that it's high time Maori youth cleaned out elders who contribute to negative racist stereotyping of us #NativeAffairs
Native Affairs had a corker of a story last night.They should put a couple of bottles of champagne on the company credit card to celebrate.
#nativeaffairs don't know whether to applaud MTV or cry! Think I'll do both! Accountability please peeps at the top!!!!!!
Balance and integrity is so essential when reporting a 'negative' Maori story. Investigative journalism at its finest #NativeAffairs
Frustrating when we are already trying to fight the imbalance in society but it is our own people who are bringing us down #NativeAffairs
Winston Peters is gonna go berserk on this Native Affairs story in the House tomorrow . . .
Distinguished Sauce @MsMocktavia
I am really hoping the MSM doesn't pick up & run on Native Affairs' hard mahi w/ a 'Māori stuff is suspect/negative!' angle. #cynic
I've visited kohanga feeding their kids as best they could- nothing like what the directors are dining on. Sad #nativeaffairs
But I question what the govt was doing... they allowed this to happen too. Monitoring? Annual financial records? #NativeAffairs #Kohanga
PMO! how are Maori meant to thrive when the kids dont even have a fighting chance against this kind of corruption #nativeaffairs
I've worked for oganisations that dont even let staff CARRY company credit cards, you have to apply & have it issued #kohanga #NativeAffairs
Sad listening to the Kohanga head Tony Waho justify the Dame's overspending on designer dresses, hardware and cash. Payback not enough.
This Kohanga story on #nativeaffairs is clinical, courageous, responsible, necessary journalism that will have massive ramifications.
Now we all understand why this was such an important story to tell! Audacious reporting #NativeAffairs @maoritv
Wow. This Native Affairs story on Kohanga Reo is a blinder. Great journalism.
Seriously, what if an arm of the Pakeha media had busted kohunga? Who would now be calling Maori bashing? #nativeaffairs
Is it a case of the personalities becoming bigger than the movement? #KohangaReo #nativeaffairs
Billie Jo H Ropiha @NativeBillie
I wonder what the TPO salaries are, given most Kaiako/kaiawhina are well below a living wage... #NativeAffairs
This Kohanga story on #nativeaffairs is clinical, courageous, responsible, necessary journalism that will have massive ramifications.
Morgan Godfery @MorganGodfery
I call bullshit on those defending TKRNT because they're Maori and have mana. This isn't mana. Ask the kids in broken Kohanga #NativeAffairs
Marina Kawe-Peautolu @M_K3waves
Do these people not realise this kind of behaviour impacts on all Māori reinforcing the stereo types that reign out there!! #nativeaffairs
Morgan Godfery @MorganGodfery
There's an important principle here: public accountability for public money. If TKRNT can't clean itself up, non-Maori will #NativeAffairs
Evening all. To fellow NZers - be watching #nativeaffairs tonight. I think within Maoridom a landmark piece of journalism. Significant.
Watch #NativeAffairs on Maori TV at 8.30. It’s a story they’ve fought to tell. Debunks the idea that Maori media don’t hold Maori to account