Here's a collection of some of the more interesting tweets made following the Labour Party's announcement of its new policy to ban non-residents from purchasing houses. More tweets will be added - please let me know about any important ones that I've missed. [Read more below]
Bryce Edwards talking nonsense on #QandA saying ban on non-resident home sales is xenophobic. It applies to all countries except Oz.
The true desperation of the Labour Party .... say anything now anti Asian !
Interesting we say "Asians coming in" and "taking our jobs" "buying our houses".... Other migrants seem to just move here @NZQandA
Don't agree with Bryce Edwards much, but he's right - Shearer's anti-foreigners positioning is pure leadership desperation.
Labour scraps #manban in favour of #foreignerban.
#manban #foreignerban #economyban #freedomban #bansgalore @nzlabour
Important point about Labour housing policy they've (predictably) failed to articulate: not a ban on non-NZers; on non-NZers who aren't here
Winston will be seriously miffed that Shearer is trying to steal his hate Asian vote ....!
.@johnbanksnz Don't worry, John, you still have the fear of Polynesian crime vote sewn up.
Judith Collins @JudithCollinsMP
@DavidShearerMP @radioovermoscow You mean like you did David when you were getting tax free UN pay and buying multiple houses in NZ?
Labour joins xenophobia race with Greens & NZFirst over housing ownership
Two last RTs from Shearer suggests a) policy is about non-residents, not foreigners; and b) Labour are about to lose another framing battle
If it wasn't for the Asian community Auckland would be stuffed !
@saniac and I'll impute there's more than a little xenophobia behind the "keep it Kiwi" message of Labour + Greens as much as I want, thanks
Morgan Godfery @MorganGodfery
Side note: Labour's new housing policy brings them, ideologically speaking, much closer to NZ First. Is this part of coalition maneuvering?
Judith Collins @JudithCollinsMP
@clarecurranmp @stevenljoyce Not at all. Leap to defend ethnic minorities against racism. Land supply is the major issue, not skin colour
@JudithCollinsMP @stevenljoyce how come you allow ethnic minority slave labour to occur in NZ then. You show concern only when it suits you
So "progressive" politics in NZ now includes racist undertones #chinaban
Non-residents can't own property under Labour policy. My mummy can so family members of Chinese buyers living in NZ. Wot a stupid policy.
No foreigners? Kiss goodbye to the inner city Auckland apartment market.
Foreigners can't buy property. How about family trusts and NZ companies? Plenty of ways to structure round that.
Around 37% of Aucklanders born offshore. How would Labour tell the "real" foreigners from the ones that used to be foreigners?
dirtycoffeemug @dirtycoffeemug
@stevenljoyce Raymond Huo is going to go around town identifying the "real" foreigners.
Australians excluded as NZers can buy property there. As they can in Hong Kong. But you know, they're Chinese and all.
Simon Ragoonanan @SimonRagoonanan
I wonder how many foreign born NZ residents would describe themselves as either Kiwi or NZer? I wouldn't.
@DavidShearerMP can send over some of his $US in NYC secret bank account and buy property in HK. He's lying 2day when he says NZers can't
Megan Campbell @MeganCampbellNZ
What is so wrong with people wanting to invest in housing,business or land in New Zealand? I for one like diversity &availability of capital
This policy is so xenophobic Labour have had to remove the Chinese red off their promo material.
Megan Campbell @MeganCampbellNZ
Our house goes unconditional Tuesday.I haven't checked if buyers are foreign nationals. I might not even have a sale if labour were govt!
Labours new anti-foreigner policy has seen a spike in chance of NZ First not making it back at the next election …
Duncan Stuart @duncan_stuart28 Jul
@ipredictnz @MeganCampbellNZ NZ First and Labour's racist policy. Looks like the tail just wagged the dog.
We should ban foreigners from buying food and power too, that’d drive the price down!
Jami-Lee Ross @jamileeross28 Jul
John Key is in Korea trying to boost trade links with Asia. David Shearer is in NZ telling Asians they're not welcome.
Another bad Labour values align w Labour but this xenophobic populist posturing doesnt get to core issue.maybe Labour is the issue
Racism is ugly in all its forms.. State sponsored racism is the ugliest of all #chinaban #labour #foreignban
Govt made up ruse that NZ mum & dads wld buy assets, not foreign investors Hasnt worked. Good on labour stoppng housing being sold offshore
@PhilTwyford @hardsell @nzben Which I appreciate very much Phil. Still I think and hope you'll lose votes from this
@PhilTwyford @hardsell @nzben NZers are fanatical internationalists, loving our abilityto live around world, loving rush of peoples here
@PhilTwyford @hardsell @nzben You are messing with that for votes. Like Winston. It sucks. Cruise the twittersphere and see.
Curwen Rolinson @huntersrolinson
I am basically going to be spending next 72 hours grinning wildly at #Labourites who previously described some of our policy as xenophobic
Rather disappointed with my party's new housing policy on restricting foreign ownership. Not the direction we should be heading in.
the question for Labour, is how can we get some of Winston's votes back.
Is housing racism the new #manban. Labour didn't see *that* coming.
BREAKING: National/Act do U-Turn on 'Boat People' Admitting it was Racist Xenophobic Horseshit.
I am really glad we dont have a shortage of cars. Chinese will have to build their own, walk, or use public transport under Labour..
Paul Foster-Bell MP @PARFosterBell
I wonder if the Invercargill racist taxi ranter came up with Labour's housing policy? Meanwhile the Govt is working on #realsolutions
Stopping Chinese nationals buying houses in Akld is hardly going to LOSE Labour votes! Esp if applying same policy as China!
Morgan Godfery @MorganGodfery
Well fuck me. Judith Collins just linked to a piece on white privilege. Black is white, up is down and left is right #confused
I love how David Shearer's housing policy has turned the Nats into the NAACP all of a sudden. @JudithCollinsMP @jamileeross
Aaron Hawkins @MrAaronHawkins
Nats anti-racism crusaders out in force today. Yet not a peep whenever Michael Woodhouse jumps on anti refugee bandwagon.
In all this housing-policy-OMG-racism hysteria from the Nats, remember they're the ones who want to model our asylum policy on Australia's.
Oh man. You know Labour's totally fucked up when John Banks is scoring easy race relations points.
Good to see many on the liberal left coming out against Labours xenophobic housing policy. Becoming more conscious of this issue post ANFS
Morgan Godfery @MorganGodfery
National's claims to oppose xenophobia would be more forceful if they repealed the Citizenship (Western Samoa) Act …
Patrick Crewdson @PatrickCrewdson
Distracting that Labour's housing posters say kiwi houses when they mean Kiwi houses. Unless they're restricting ownership of zoo buildings
Judith Collins' next anti-Labour slur: "You're nothing but a bunch of bloody Tories."
First Shearer wanted no foreigners working in ChCh, now he wants none buying homes here. What's next? Special IDs??
The twisting of Labour lefties & acolytes trying to justify xenophobic racist policies is both hilarious and utterly pathetic to watch
Campbell Live producers now scouring the streets for a non-resident property owning beneficiary asylum seeker solo mum
Paul Foster-Bell MP @PARFosterBell
@JudithCollinsMP best comment on Labour housing fail so far: 'David Shearer was like a new age Eunuch Powell on the TV this morning'
Louis Houlbrooke @louishoulbrooke
@KieranGainsford @bryce_edwards Xenophobia does not imply racism. The policy is xenophobic, not racist, but it will appeal to racist voters.
David Shearer just used the phrase "the Asians". And there goes any last grain of respect I possibly had for Labour.
Racism a southland trait TVNZ? Haven't you been listening to what's been coming out of the leader of the oppositions office lately?
David Shearer should have said: we are restricting home ownership to Kiwi Mums and Dads (and their Australian counterparts).
Quite aside from all the noise of last 24 hours: is barring non residents from buying houses going to make an actual impact? □ Yes. □ No.
Because if it is a marginal measure, and symbolism is a distraction, you should just enact it while in government, right?
Because if it is a marginal measure, and symbolism is a distraction, you should just enact it while in government, right?
Unless the symbolism was in fact the whole point of it. In which case stop being offended if people call you xenophobic.
Although it was worth it just for Collins' tweets and to hear Shearer say "Asians have done it and I bet they didn't call it anti-European".
We totally condemn Labour's housing policy which is almost as racist as NZ First's. By the way, Winston, still happy to talk coalitions.
Franks has a point: Labour's housing policy does seem to contradict Labour's beloved FTA w China.
John Banks sounds off at Labour bashing Chinese community. This from the guy who regularly bashes beneficiaries, gays, Maori, lefties..
Joshua Hitchcock @jcphitchcock
Liberal, white New Zealand afraid of losing sovereignty to foreigners through land purchases. Join the fucking queue.
Morgan Godfery @MorganGodfery
Thought: Labour's housing policy is discriminatory on the basis of residency not race. There's a difference.
Russell Norman seen stabbing hemp effigy of David Shearer chanting “keep your bloody mouth shut”
Lemme get this right. Labour's housing ban stops expat Kiwis from buying homes here but the FTA lets Chinese buy, along with Aussies? WTF?
The Chinese community has had a gutsful of being booted by the Greens, New Zealand First, Mana and now Labour....
oh wow, the #chanban on housing is the new #manban.
Shearer doesn't have the best luck. Given sensitivities about new policy, he didn't need RacistTaxiRant to be other big story of the day.
Labour's non-res housing policy hinges on question of whether foreign speculation significantly impacts on market. Otherwise, puff & posture
@petergnz to put it another way, unless Labour can persuade me it has sig impact on market, I regard as such
Megan Campbell @MeganCampbellNZ
I am a tad surprised that @younglabournz and @YoungGreensNZ are OK with @DavidShearerMP stomping all over their GCSB issue with #chanban
@JudithCollinsMP will Labour MPs sell their rental properties 2 "Kiwis" buying first homes 4 "affordable" prices now 2 alleviate problem?
Did Labour introduce its terrible housing policy to distract us from National's terrible GCSB bill?
Judith Collins @JudithCollinsMP
@CactusKate2 Has to be a trick by Robertson on Shearer. Notice how silent he's been on this. How will P Goff rent his house in Mt Roskill?
Brennan McDonald @brennansmacro
Remember a few years ago how every was laying into the Greens for being "the party that wants to ban everything"? #chanban
Morgan Godfery @MorganGodfery
#ChanBan is tone deaf. It's racist - more so than the policy it critiques. By way of comparison, it's like saying #HoriBan or #WogBan
What's the Pakeha Party's position on foreigners buying nz property?
Government presiding over 50% Maori youth unemployment wants to lecture opposition about racism #smh
Joshua Hitchcock @jcphitchcock
We don't tolerate discrimination based on race or gender, why should we discriminate on nationality? To do so is regressive, not progressive
Don Brash has labeled Labour's proposed restriction on non-residents buying homes xenophobic. He would know, his wife is from Singapore.
On RNZ right now: real estate agent opposes Labour's housing policy. If you need reasons to support it...
Foreigners should be forced to buy historic buildings and bring them up to earthquake standard. #housingcrisis solved. #YoureWelcome