The main issues in New Zealand politics today are Pita Sharples resignation, the Maori Party, Ikaroa-Rawhiti, Maori politics, GCSB, and Auckland and Christchurch issues. [Read more below]
Today’s links
Maori Party and Pita Sharples
Claire Trevett, Kate Shuttleworth, and Isaac Davison (Herald): Sharples confirms he's quitting as Maori Party co-leader
Stuff: Sharples quits as Maori Party co-leader
Martyn Bradbury (Daily Blog): Pita Sharples pays for Maori Party coming 3rd in by-election
Rob Hosking (NBR): Maori Party could break with National over RMA reforms – early election closer
Alexia Russell (Newstalk ZB): Maori Party 'too close' to National
Simon Wong (TV3): Sharples resignation about ‘unity’ for party
Radio NZ: Maori Party president in spotlight
Keeping Stock: Haere ra Pita
Claire Trevett (Herald): Sharples to resign as Maori Party co-leader
The Standard: Sharples packs it in
Cameron Slater (Whaleoil): Pita Sharples to quit politics
Newswire: Sharples to confirm future today
Taranaki Daily News: Editorial: A slap in the face for Maori Party
TVNZ: Pita Sharples to resign today
Michael Fox, Hamish Rutherford and Tracy Watkins (Stuff): Sharples poised to stand down
Hamish Rutherford (Stuff): Sharples dismisses 'doomed' taunts
Newstalk ZB Staff (Newstalk ZB): Sharples blames Maori Party for its woes
Felix Marwick (Newstalk ZB): Labour, Mana with reasons to smile post by-election
Katie Bradford-Crozier (Newstalk ZB): Maori-Mana merge on the cards
Anthony Robins (The Standard): Maori Party finished?
Katie Bradford-Crozier (Newstalk ZB): Labour, Commission happy with by-election
Chris Trotter (Daily Blog): No Message: Ikaroa-Rawhiti falls short of by-elections past
Felix Marwick (Newstalk ZB): New watchdog for NZ's intelligence agencies
Felix Marwick (Newstalk ZB): Dunne says emails accessed without permission
Radio NZ: Judge appointed to oversee spy agencies
Vernon Small (Stuff): New top spy inspector appointed
Audrey Young (Herald): New Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security named
3 News Online Staff (TV3): Greens lay complaint over leak inquiry
3 News Online Staff (TV3): Interim GCSB Inspector-General named
Radio NZ: Complaint to Ombudsman over GCSB inquiry
Newswire: Dotcom to appear before committee
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Russel calls for a leak inquiry and then denounces it for being effective
Pete George (Your NZ): David Henry’s inquiry “may have been illegal”
TVNZ: Kim Dotcom and John Key set to go head to head
TVNZ: New appointment for top security role
Brook Sabin (TV3): Key defends Dunne email allegations
Audrey Young (Herald): Spy watchdog switch ahead of hearings
Peter Wilson (Newswire): Key `more than happy' to face Dotcom
Dominion Post: Editorial: Spying on journalist an unjustified attack
Newswire: GCSB implementing changes, Key says
Tracy Watkins (Stuff): Rare chance to peek behind spy door
Adam Bennett (Herald): PM has limited sympathy for Dunne's email complaints
Newswire: New spy-watcher won't review GCSB cases
Felix Marwick (Newstalk ZB): Concern over security of Parliament data
Brian rudman (Herald): MP left with awkward promise after Key's rail pledge
Alasdair Thompson (Fair Point): Auckland Council must make wise choices
Sarah Harvey (Stuff): Samoan minister to challenge for Auckland mayoralty
Dave Armstrong (Dominion Post): Storm hammers home value of rail
The Standard: Key, Brownlee: Not Auckland’s friends
Don Blair (Herald): The Auckland housing debate - regional strategy needed
Vaimoana Tapaleao (Herald): Pasifika bid for mayoralty
Georgina Stylianou (Stuff): University unveils $125m plans
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Christchurch City Council loses consent accreditation
Rebuilding Christchurch: Latest turning point a “turning point” for resilient Cantabrians
Adam Bennett (Herald): Council consents: 'Critically important' that process is sped up
Jane Bowron (The Press): Stadium our 'white elephant'
Kloe Palmer (TV3): PM: Chch consent ban not about dodgy buildings
Julia Gillard
Adam Bennett (Herald): Key invites Gillard over to stay at his bach
Giovanni Tiso (Bat, Beam, Bean): A woman's place?
Laura McQuillan (Newswire): Gillard always welcome in NZ – Key
Tracy Watkins (Stuff): Key extends holiday invite to Gillard
Grant Miller (Manawatu Standard): Public defeats the politicians
Liam Dann (Herald): Economic nerves tumbled Gillard
Labour Party
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): The Press on Shearer
ODT: Infighting: how to self-destruct
Patrick Gower (TV3): Shearer says Labour in a 'flat patch'
Scott Yorke (Imperator Fish): Imperator Fish Nation: the undying popularity of John Key
Gender equality
Catherine Harris (Stuff): NZ gender battles still on – Clark
John Ryall (The Standard): Awaiting Equal Pay Case Decision
Martyn Bradbury (Daily Blog): The depoliticization of motherhood on Essential Mums
Sky City
Newswire: Convention centre deal yet to be sorted
TVNZ: Govt, SkyCity to settle convention deal by end of week
Owen Glenn
Stuff: PM heeds Glenn's word on allegation
Newswire: Key takes Sir Owen Glenn at his word
Jo Moir (Stuff): Judge fears Glenn fallout
Radio NZ: Glenn withdraws as ambassador for anti-violence group
TVNZ: IRD defines tax avoidance rules
Tom Pullar-Strecker (Stuff): Tax avoidance not clear cut – IRD
Aimee Gulliver and Laura Waters (Stuff): Petrol tax hike kicks in
Peter Cresswell (Not PC): Thank you, thank you, thank you Mr Key
The Standard: Simon Bridges’ ongoing struggle with the truth
TVNZ: Govt pushes for loan restriction exemption
Southland Times: Poverty versus parenting
David Ellis (Herald): Boosting New Zealand's brain gain
Eileen Goodwin (ODT): Court case seen as part of wages campaign
Chris Trotter (Bowalley Road): Making Money
Maori politics
James Ihaka (Herald): Mum blows whistle on te reo tool
Radio NZ: Opinion on Maori names for North and South islands sought
Radio NZ: Maori economic leader hired by major ministry
Anthony Robins (The Standard): Hone Harawira’s Nephew
Jono Hutchison (TV3): Te Reo speakers hope to reverse downward trend
Radio NZ: Mau Harawira jailed for beating 12-year-old boy
Teuila Fuatai (Herald): Google calls on Te Reo speakers for help