The Department of Conservation cuts are not quite the end of the world as we know it but, according to critics, it’s not far off. Opponents of the restructure and job cuts are pulling out all the stops to try and block the announced changes. Labour’s Ruth Dyson claims: ‘This signals the end of the department as many New Zealanders know it’; New Zealand First has labelled it ‘environmental sabotage’, Greenpeace says it’s an ‘assault on Kiwi values’, Forest and Bird says ‘Dozens of hard working men and women will lose their jobs, and they're the people out there every day protecting our wildlife’, and the Greens claim that ‘precious plants, wildlife and landscapes’ are now at risk with National turning ‘DoC into a corporate entity focused on stakeholders and corporate sponsorship’. These are all part of the ‘torrent of criticism’ listed in Peter Wilson and Dave Williams’ Government criticised over DOC cuts. [Read more below]