Warwick Stanton is a Green Party activist and partner of MP Metiria Turei. On Facebook he goes under the name 'Worik Stantonq'. In a discussion today about New Zealand's tallest tree, he advocated that it be cut down! And that the tree be milled for firewood - see the screenshot below. This might seem like a strange demand from an environmentalist - to call for a special tree to be chopped down - but it can be explained by some of the other ideological currents that are dominant within the Greens: Maori nationalism, indigenism, and xenophobia. Because New Zealand's tallest tree is not actually a native tree - it's an Australian eucalyptus. So those that are in the thrall of all things indigenous - native trees and animals, for example - are inclined towards a hostility to anything introduced into the environment from another country. Similarly, of course, Maori Nationalist activist Mike Smith famously took to a tree with a chainsaw on 'One Tree Hill" back in 1994. Part of his beef was that the tree was a 'foreign tree'. Such sentiments obviously still run strongly in the Greens.
For more on NZ's tallest tree, see: