Has ACC become sociopathic? The latest revelations about financial incentives for ACC staff who push accident victims off the books could be perceived as being part of a sociopathic – or at least bureaupathic – culture within the government agency. Green MP Kevin Hague has revealed that case managers are paid a bonus for removing long term claimants and says ‘This sort of scheme is symptomatic of a sick culture within ACC’ – see Adam Bennett’s ACC bonus pay for claimant cull. ACC argues that getting clients back to work is the focus, but the obvious next question is: how many of those ‘culled’ haven’t actually increased their work hours but have just been pushed on to a benefit or lost income? For the strongest critique of the ACC policy, read Gordon Campbell’s Scoop article On the incentive payments at ACC. Gordon Campbell argues the policy is ‘not just corrupt, it’s insulting’. [Read more below]