The longer that the New Zealand military is in Afghanistan, the more the National Government is likely to be vulnerable to a growing backlash against such military adventures. Some of the media coverage is certainly turning negative. Today there are some good questions being raised and discussed in stories such as Hayden Donnell’s Did NZ SAS soldier die 'needlessly'?, Amelia Romanos and Audrey Young’s Govt: SAS now in 'substantial combat' role, TV3’s PM accused of sugar coating SAS role in Afghanistan, and Vernon Small and Tracy Watkins’ Expect more troop deaths, public warned. Just those headlines alone will be cause for great concern in the offices of John Key and Steven Joyce. And as is pointed in in the Kiwipolitico blog post, ‘All of this makes the government and NZDF attacks on the credibility of Jon Stephenson and Nicky Hager, two journalists who exposed the true nature of NZDF missions in Afghanistan and the duplicity surrounding them, all the more contemptible and desperate’ – see: About SAS “mentoring.”. And even Barry Soper’s evaluation of the issue is serious and critical – see: Political Report: September 30.
Then there’s more bad news on the economic front, which also makes National particularly vulnerable – see: New Zealand's credit rating lowered. But the Government might take some comfort in the economic commentator Tim Hunter’s pronouncement that ‘ratings agencies are often as useful as a surfboard in the Sahara’ – see: Tell us something useful, Fitch. Nonetheless it gives Labour a real chance to continue its focus on undermining National’s perceived competency, an example of which can be seen in John Pagani’s blog post, The muddle-through downgrade. So could Labour yet make a comeback to ‘win’ the election? David Farrar thinks it’s plausible, and puts the case for a Labour victory in his Herald blog, Will cannabis propel Goff to power. However, Labour still seems to be wallowing in a fair amount of poor political management and self-inflicted own-goals – see, for example: Labour MP told to apologise for Mad Butcher comments. And Matthew Hooton also writes in the NBR today about a recent conspiracy theory put forward by the hapless Trevor Mallard – see: Labour’s Key Derangement Syndrome.
Other important, interesting or insightful items today include Chris Trotter’s Resurrecting Student Activism, Alex Walls’ Media bias questioned as PM to host RadioLive show, Stuff’s DJ Key talks cats, not tax on radio show, Tracy Watkins’ Voters not confident about outlook, and Tahu Potiki’s Maori policy, outcomes should be brought to fore. [Continue reading below for a full list of the highlights of NZ Politics Daily]
Below are the internet links to all the NZ politics material from the last 24 hours that are either informative, insightful, interesting or influential. This list and the links are taken from a fuller document, NZ Politics Daily, which is emailed out, Monday to Friday, to various researchers, academics, journalists, MPs and so forth. The document is purely for research purposes only, and if you would like to be on the subscription list, please email: [email protected]
SAS in Afghanistan
Hayden Donnell and APNZ (NZH): Did NZ SAS soldier die 'needlessly'?
Amelia Romanos and Audrey Young (NZH): Govt: SAS now in 'substantial combat' role
RNZ: Combat component to SAS operations – Mapp
James Murray and Lloyd Burr (TV3): SAS in combat, but not in combat role - Key, Mapp
TV3: PM accused of sugar coating SAS role in Afghanistan
Vernon Small and Tracy Watkins (Dom Post): Expect more troop deaths, public warned
NZN: Key won't back down on SAS Afghan mission
Barry Soper (Newstalk ZB): Political Report: September 30
Dom Post: Editorial: Don't recall troops for wrong reasons
Press: Editorial: Doubts grow over Afghanistan
Dim-Post: Better lines needed
Kiwipolitico: About SAS “mentoring.”
Audio-visual coverage of SAS in Afghanistan
Danya Levy and Maria Slade (Stuff): New Zealand's credit rating lowered
NZN / 3 News: English brushes off Fitch downgrading NZ to AA
Tim Hunter (Stuff): Tell us something useful, Fitch
James Weir (Stuff): Why did Fitch cut our credit rating?
James Weir (Stuff): Poor skills behind Aussie pay gap
TVNZ: Low skills blamed for pay gap with Aussies
Waikato Times: Editorial: Unpopular ideas on table
John Pagani (Stuff): The muddle-through downgrade
Laird Harper (Taranaki Daily News): David Parker sells capital gains tax
Jon Morgan (Stuff): NZ well placed as food demand rises
Patrrick Smellie (Stuff): OIO inscrutable over Chinese bid
Video surveillance legislation
RNZ: Labour's bottom line on support for surveillance bill
RNZ: Human Rights Commission joins critics of surveillance bill
Taranaki Daily News: Editorial: Govt handling goes straight to video
Derek Cheng (NZH): Spy-cam ruling a hurdle for SIS
RNZ: Lawyer 'appalled' at progress of surveillance bill
No Right Turn: Submitters hate the video surveillance bill
Labour Party
Matthew Hooton (NBR): Labour’s Key Derangement Syndrome
Simon Collins: Labour says caregivers should get a better deal
Amelia Wade and Amelia Romanos (NZH): MP apologises for Butcher attack
TVNZ: Labour MP told to apologise for Mad Butcher comments
Darien Fenton (Red Alert): Beer and apology
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Fenton v Leitch
Whaleoil: Sir Peter Leitch – “I’m gutted, mate”
Ele Ludemann (Homepaddock): Apology won’t heal the harm
Keeping Stock: Explaining is losing...
Act Party
Derek Cheng and Claire Trevett (NZH): Brash rues blindsiding Banks
Michael Williams (Pundit): The truth behind the Don Brash strategy
Alex Fensome (Southland Times): Banks a 'twerp', says ACT Party backer
Garth George (ODT): Bread and circuses, and a jester to boot
Jim Hopkins (NZH): Dr Hash's wonders of mystic herbal revelation
Alex Walls (NBR): Media bias questioned as PM to host RadioLive show
Stuff: DJ Key talks cats, not tax on radio show
3 News / RadioLIVE: John Key to host RadioLIVE today
Andrea Vance and John Hartevelt (Stuff): Campaign countdown: 57 days to go
Tracy Watkins (Stuff): Voters not confident about outlook
David Farrar (NZH): Will cannabis propel Goff to power?
Tahu Potiki (Press): Maori policy, outcomes should be brought to fore
Canterbury earthquake rebuild
Ben Heather (Press): Widespread reaction over CBD rebuild
Liz McDonald (Press): When rating valuations aren't fair
Bernard Hickey (NZH): Biggest insurer of church and heritage sites ends earthquake cover
Chris Trotter (Bowalley Road): Resurrecting Student Activism
ODT: Editorial: Students lose their way
Nelson Mail: Editorial: Heather Roy's bill a good closing act
RNZ: Claim student union bill breaches Treaty of Waitangi
Valedictory speeches
Adam Bennett (NZH): Tears and anecdotes from veterans
Fairfax: Labour, ACT MPs farewell Parliament
TVNZ: Sir Roger Douglas bows out of Parliament
Newstalk ZB staff: Choudhary urges Govt to think about military commitments
Rugby World Cup
Manawatu Standard: Editorial: Fans pack stadium and defy the odds
Peter Bills (NZH): Prices of official Rugby World Cup products take breath away
Patrick Gower (Metro): The Master minder [not available online]
Jock Anderson (NBR): Secret Urewera academics sent packing
Dom Post: Today in Politics: Friday
Newstalk ZB staff : Doubts over parliamentary inquiry into milk prices