Act leadership. Check. John Banks as Epsom candidate. Check (just the formalities to complete). Next on the list – seize control of the Treasury. Don Brash is not one for wallowing in victory and has now publicly set his sights on being the next Minister of Finance. See: (TVNZ: Brash targets senior government role), Claire Trevett and Audrey Young: Brash aims for job as finance minister). John Key thinks Brash is getting a bit ahead of himself - Tracy Watkins and Andrea Vance (Key talks down Brash Cabinet role) - but he could hardly expect anything else and is, in any case, leaving his options open (RNZ: Key says he'd consider cabinet post for Don Brash and NZPA: Brash may be in line for minister’s portfolio). Whaleoil points to Bill English protecting his job (Whaleoil: Why rule anything in or out?) while Imperator Fish (What Next For Don Brash?) sees Brash take his winning tactics to their logical conclusion. Andrew Geddis’ blog post, It’s the sound of the New Man, running down your back, is also well worth a read.
There are eulogies for Rodney Hide (Adam Bennett: Hide leaves a colourful legacy in Parliament) and refreshers for those who might have forgotten Brash and Banks’ long political careers (John Hartevelt: Don Brash: From political punching bag to reborn leader) and Jeremy Elwood: Brash from the past). Apparently they now have their own collective nickname (Tracy Watkins: Triumph of the codgerati).
Dire warnings about the evil influence of Dr Brash on National continue to pour forth from all but the Maori Party, who probably have most to worry about. The Dom Post (Political briefs) point out, however, that in all of Peter Dunne’s huffing and puffing he ducks the issue of whether he would go into a coalition government that includes Brash.
The latest Parliamentary spending figures are out and it seems that transparency is forcing MPs to cut back a bit on travel (DomPost: Abstemious MPs lose taste for travel), except for Hone Harawira who, unsurprisingly, has been doing a lot of travel recently (NZPA: Independent MP Hone Harawira spent $43,000 on travel in three months). No Right Turn has a detailed breakdown of Murray McCully’s drinking while overseas (Paying for McCully’s drinking). What may be more damaging to the Government, given the skepticism around the millions being poured into the America’s Cup and Rugby World Cup is the revelation that anti-violence programmes are facing large cuts , including Women’s Refuge (Simon Collins: Move cuts help to anti-violence groups) and Emma Brannam: Women’s Refuge centres under threat).
[Continue reading below for a full list of the highlights of NZ Politics Daily]
Act leadership
Geoffrey Miller (liberation): Some potential winners and losers from Don Brash’s takeover of the Act Party
Dene Mackenzie (ODT): Hide made his own decision: Calvert
Dene Mackenzie (ODT): Brash returns to the game
TVNZ: Brash targets senior government role
Claire Trevett and Audrey Young: Brash aims for job as finance minister
NZPA: Brash may be in line for minister’s portfolio
Tracy Watkins and Andrea Vance (Stuff): Key talks down Brash Cabinet role
Whaleoil: Why rule anything in or out?
Claire Trevett (NZH): Toxic and damaged – but not yet history
Tracy Watkins (DomPost): Comment: Triumph of the codgerati
John Hartevelt (Stuff): Don Brash: From political punching bag to reborn leader
Jeremy Elwood (TV3): Brash from the past
Laura Frykberg (TV3): ACT takeover shows Brash’s political power (+ video)
Matthew Hooton on Don Brash – full interview - video
Dom Post: Brash’s new ACT: Anatomy of an unconventional coup
Adam Bennett (NZH): Hide leaves a colourful legacy in Parliament
Barry Soper (Newstalk ZB): Political Report for April 29
TV3: Nightline gets the lowdown on ACT coup – video
Dom Post: Political briefs – Friday, 29 April, 2011
Graeme Edgeler (Legal Beagle): …Why Don Brash wanted to lead ACT
Warwick Rasmussen: Manawatu Standard Editorial: Brash and Peters on comeback trail
Imperator Fish: What Next For Don Brash?
TVNZ: Banks seeks return to parliament under Act
Derek Cheng (NZH): John Banks ready to try Epsom comeback
Chris Trotter (Bowalley Road): Hostile Takeover
The Standard: ACT bought by the Nats for a song
David Farrar (Kiwiblog): Will Don be Finance Minister?
Eric Crampton (Offsetting behaviour): ...and on the Right
Tahu Potiki (Press): Weird scenes inside Epsom
Brook Sabin (TV3): Act president flip-flops on Brash
Audrey Young (NZH): Second coming a game changer
Andrew Geddis (Pundit): It’s the sound of the New Man, running down your back
Hone Harawira’s Mana Party
TVNZ: Harawira's party to counter Act
John Hartevelt (Stuff): Harawira party shapes as left wing foil to ACT
Felix Marwick (Newstalk ZB): Bradford undecided about joining Hone
Tumeke!: New left Maori Party to launch
Chris Trotter (Bowalley Road): Hone’s Mana Party – My Hat’s Not On The Menu Yet, Bomber
Mike Treen: An open letter to all unionists & fighters for equality & social justice in Aotearoa
John Pagani: Mana Party
Spending priorities
NZPA: Independent MP Hone Harawira spent $43,000 on travel in three months
Dom Post: Abstemious MPs lose taste for travel
No Right Turn: Paying for McCully’s drinking
No Right Turn: National cuts women’s refuges
Simon Collins (NZH): Move cuts help to anti-violence groups
Emma Brannam (TV3): Women’s Refuge centres under threat
Kate Newton (Dom Post): Quality of public service policy targeted
David Beatson (Pundit): Afghanistan: the war of words – and friendly fire
Chris Trotter (Dom Post): Grim truth about a journalist's first responsibility