Reflecting on the tragedy of the mass killing at Virginia Tech in Virginia USA should indicate that something very strange is going on. There's no doubt that in the US, 'The ability to kill one’s fellow students methodically in cold blood reveals a terrible level of social anomie'. The World Socialist Web Site reflects on life in the US and comments that 'Every effort has been made to atomize people, to render them callous and inured to the suffering of others. Human life has been devalued and often held in contempt'. Their analysis is that the Virginia killings should not be seen as a unique or isolated occurrence - psychopathic episodes are happening with disturbing regularity. The writer says that the ruling elite's 'proliferation of violence, the continuous appeals to fear, the incitement of paranoia—all of this has consequences, it creates a certain type of climate. American society has for so long tried to cover up or ignore its most pressing problems' which stem from the stark divide of society into 'winners' and 'losers'. In this bleak scenario, there's been a huge decay of social solidarity. Therefore it's unsurprising that in his farewell note, the killer 'reportedly ranted against “rich kids,” “debauchery” and “deceitful charlatans.” He also wrote, “You caused me to do this.”' Clearly a sick individual from a sick society.