National is doing it's best to show it can weasel as good as any other party in it's latest attempt to avoid prosecution for its gst breach of the Electoral Act. To pay back the $112,000 it owes to broadcasters without incurring Electoral Commission action, National plan to pay the broadcasters the money to provide free advertising for charity groups. This benevolent-appearing action means that National have spent over the legal limit on broadcasting and don't get penalised for it. Amazingly, the Electoral Commission already appears to have OKed the plan. And broadcasters such as CanWest have indicated they'll take the money but provide no more charity broadcasting than already attended. Other broadcasters who do provide extra charity broadcasting, will essentially be doing it out of their own pocket. It seems clear that National should be avoiding such weasel schemes and just pay the money back - as countless commentators and editorials have recommended - see here and here. National passed the law pertaining to broadcast spending limits and penalties - and now treats these with disdain. Once again, it's clearly not 'one law for all'.