John Pilger's latest column on The Return of People Power outlines some of the popular resistance movements in action around the world. In particular he points to the fast growing mass resistance movements throughout Latin America that are now overshadowing the traditional parties. Also in Lebanon he points to the fact that a strong part in seeing off the invasion by Israel was the fact that civilians acted in defiance of the land invasion and returned from refugee camps to their southern Lebanon towns as the Israeli army advanced. Pilger says that 'Here in the west, as people abandon the political parties they once thought were theirs, there is much to learn from resistance movements'. He also refers to recent polls that show the sea-change in public opinion is happening in places like Britain, especially in regard to Blair and the Labour Party: 'No less than 80 per cent regard him as a liar; 82 per cent believe his warmongering was a principal cause of the London bombings; 72 per cent believe he has made this country a target.' And 'More than three-quarters of the population believe Brown and Blair have merely made the rich richer'.
Pilger also corrects some un-truths in the reporting of the resistance in Iraq:
In Iraq, in contrast to the embedded lie that the killings are now almost entirely sectarian, 70 per cent of the 1,666 bombs exploded by the resistance in July were directed against the American occupiers and 20 per cent against the puppet police force. Civilian casualties amounted to 10 per cent. In other words, unlike the collective punishment meted out by the US, such as the killing of several thousand people in Fallujah, the resistance is fighting basically a military war and it is winning.