The latest WSWS article about NZ politics concerns the Wayne Mapp private members bill to 'create an entire layer of insecure, disposable employees, whose position will be used to undermine the wages and conditions of every worker.' The article correctly points out that the campaign by the CTU and Engineers union is rather 'limited and desultory' and that they 'are intent on confining the growing opposition to lobbying and petitions, while deflecting popular anger over attacks on working conditions, living standards and basic rights away from the Labour government.'
Corresponding with the CTU's reluctance to allow any mass popular mobilisation, the article points out that the CTU website boasts that of the more than 2,500 collective agreements in place, most were settled last year "without the need for industrial action”.' Furthermore, Statistics NZ data shows 'only 66 work stoppages in the year to March—a period that has seen booming private sector profits and a widening gap between rich and poor.'